🧠 psychology - bandura et al 🟢 Flashcards
What were the 4 hypotheses in Bandura et al?
- Observed aggressive behaviour will be imitated
- Observed non-aggressive behaviour will be imitated
- Children are more likely to copy a same-sex model
- Boys will be more likely to copy aggression than girls
What was the aim of Bandura et al?
To investigate whether a child would learn aggression by observing a model and would reproduce the behaviour in the absence of the model, and whether the sex of the role model was important
What were the three IVs in Bandura et al?
- Model type (aggressive / non aggressive / no model)
- Model sex (same or different)
- Learner sex (child is a boy or girl)
How many boys and girls respectively were participants in Bandura et al?
36 boys and 36 girls
Where were the participants of Bandura et al enrolled at?
Stanford University Nursery School
What were the age range of Bandura et al participants?
37-69 months
What was the mean age of Bandura et al participants?
52 months
Describe the models in Bandura et al
1 male model
1 female model
Describe the experimental groups in Bandura et al
Eight experimental groups with 6 subjects each
A control group with 24 subjects
Aggressive / Nonaggressive > Male / Female subjects > Same / Opposite sex models
Describe the scale used by the experimenter and nursery school teacher for matched-pair sampling
4 scales, the scales measuring…
1. The extent to which subjects displayed physical aggression
2. The extent to which subjects displayed verbal aggression
3. The extent to which subjects displayed aggression towards inanimate objects
4. The extent to which subjects displayed aggressive inhibition (subject tendency to inhibit aggressive reactions in the face of high instigation)
How many subjects were rater for matched pair sampling?
51 subjects
In the first experimental room, describe what play toys were present
- Tinker toy set
- Mallet
- 5 foot inflated Bobo doll
Describe the sequence of aggressive acts done by the model in the first experimental room.
- Laying Bobo doll on side
- Sitting on Bobo doll
- Punching Bobo doll repeatedly on nose
- Raising Bobo doll, picking up mallet, striking on head
- Tossing doll up in the air aggressively and kicking it about the room
- Repeated 3 times
What were the verbally aggressive responses by the model?
- “Sock him in the nose”
- “Hit him down”
- “Throw him in the air”
- “Kick him”
- “Pow”
What were the nonaggressive verbal comments by the model?
- “He keeps coming back for more”
- “He sure is a tough fella”
In the room for aggression arousal, what were the toys present?
- Fire engine
- Locomotive
- Jet fighter plane
- Cable car
- Colorful spinning top
- Doll set complete with wardrobe
- Doll carriage
- Baby crib
What were the aggressive toys present in the room for the test for delayed imitation?
- 3 foot Bobo doll
- Mallet and peg board
- Two dart guns
- Tether ball with a face painted on it
What were the nonaggressive toys present in the room for the test for delayed imitation?
- Tea set
- Crayons
- Coloring paper
- Ball
- Two dolls
- Three bears
- Cars and trucks
- Plastic farm animals
How many response units were there for subjects in the test for delayed imitation?
What were the three measures of imitation?
- Imitation of physical aggression (does not include punching bobo doll – only includes other physically aggressive acts to doll)
- Imitation of verbal aggression (repeating the aggressive phrases said by model)
- Imitative nonaggressive verbal responses
What were the measures of partially imitative behaviour?
- Mallet aggression (not to the Bobo doll)
- Sitting on Bobo doll (but not aggressively)
What were the measures of nonimitative aggressive behavior?
- Punching Bobo doll
- Nonimitative verbal and physical aggression
- Aggressive gun play
For imitative physical aggression, recall the data in the aggressive group
Aggressive group
Female model
Female participants: 5.5
Male participants: 12.4
Male model
Female participants: 7.2
Male participants: 25.8
For imitative physical aggression, recall the data in the nonaggressive group
Nonaggressive group
Female model
Female participants: 2.5
Male participants: 0.2
Male model
Female participants: 0.0
Male participants: 1.5
For imitative physical aggression, recall the data in the control group
Control group
Female participants: 1.2
Male participants: 2.0
For imitative verbal aggression, recall the data in the aggressive condition
Aggressive group
Female model
Female participants: 13.7
Male participants: 4.3
Male model
Female participants: 2.0
Male participants: 12.7
For mallet aggression, recall the data for female subjects
Female subjects
Aggressive condition: 18.0
Nonaggressive condition: 0.5
Control group: 13.1
(These are all means including the male and female model)