Rebecca Balon
“To represent the perversity of Sethe’s enthrallment to the trauma of past kinlessness, all nature of nonnormative sexualities are associated with Beloved’s influence on other characters, including homoeroticism, incest, prostitution, bestiality, and necrophilia”
Also the “social death” of the slave
Marsha Jean Darling
“Sethe’s mother love does and undoes itself; it is nurturing and destructive, empowered and tragically unjust.”
Trudier Harris
“Paul D’s arrival at Sethe’s house brings with it the ancient fear of women. When he enters the house haunted by Beloved’s ghost, it becomes the enveloping enclosure of the vagina; the vagina dentata myth operates as Paul D feels the physical threat of the house.”
Deborah Hortvitz
“She is the haunting symbol of the many Beloveds – generations of mothers and daughters – hunted down and stolen from Africa.”
Walter Clemons
“Memory is so oppressive for the novel’s characters that stifling it is a means of survival”
Doris V Falk
The tragedy of Tyrone is that he has sold his soul for the illusion of success
Harold Clurman
Every character speaks in two voices, two moods - one of rage, the other of apology. This produces a kind of moral schizophrenia.
Marc Mafaut
A ‘fin-de-siecle’ poet at war with God and society
Lorin Porter
As memory lures these characters back to the past in an effort to return to their beginnings, to reexperience paradise lost, time turns on itself and becomes cyclic
“To represent the perversity of Sethe’s enthrallment to the trauma of past kinlessness, all nature of nonnormative sexualities are associated with Beloved’s influence on other characters, including homoeroticism, incest, prostitution, bestiality, and necrophilia”
Rebecca Balon
“Sethe’s mother love does and undoes itself; it is nurturing and destructive, empowered and tragically unjust.”
Marsha Jean Darling
“Paul D’s arrival at Sethe’s house brings with it the ancient fear of women. When he enters the house haunted by Beloved’s ghost, it becomes the enveloping enclosure of the vagina; the vagina dentata myth operates as Paul D feels the physical threat of the house.”
Trudier Harris
“She is the haunting symbol of the many Beloveds – generations of mothers and daughters – hunted down and stolen from Africa.”
Deborah Hortvitz
“Memory is so oppressive for the novel’s characters that stifling it is a means of survival”
Walter Clemons
The tragedy of Tyrone is that he has sold his soul for the illusion of success
Doris V Falk
Every character speaks in two voices, two moods - one of rage, the other of apology. This produces a kind of moral schizophrenia.
Harold Clurman
A ‘fin-de-siecle’ poet at war with God and society
Marc Mafaut
As memory lures these characters back to the past in an effort to return to their beginnings, to reexperience paradise lost, time turns on itself and becomes cyclic
Lorin Porter