📜new deal's first 100 days Flashcards
Emergency banking act
4 Day bank holiday
Gave 12 federal reserve banks money to relieve people
9th March
Government economy act
Cut salaries of federal workers and reduced benefit payments to veterans to reduce federal deficit:
- Cut spending by $243M
20th March
Abandoned gold standard
Federal reserve bank of New York cannot honor commitment to convert money and gold
19th April
Securities act
Requires companies issuing stock to file detailed information about new securities to the federal trade commission, to avoid investor fraud and abuses
27th May
Aborgation of gold payment clause
Clauses in contracts demanding payment in gold removed
5th June
Home owners loan act
Provided mortgage assistant to those losing their homes
And created home owners loan corporation
13th June
Glass Steagall Act
Federal guarrantee of all bank deposits under $5000, speration of commercial and investment banking, strengthening federal reserve’s ability to stabilise economy
16th June
Creation of civilian conservation groups
Employs primarily young unemployed men into conservation work, a total of 3 million from 1933-42
31st March
Civilian conservation corps: impact
Planting over 2.5B trees
Constructing 120k miles of road and trains
Federal Emergency Relief Act
Creates federal emergency relieff administrration
- Grants funds to relief administrations
- Provided work to over 20 million people
- At cost of $3.1B
12th May
National Industrial Recovery Act
Government established code that helped set prices, wages, working hours, right to organise unions… ineffective due to poor administration
16th June
Emergency Railroad Transportation Act
Appointed a federal coordinator for transport
16th June
Agricultural Adjustment Act,
- Subsidies paid to farmers to not plant on parts of their land, limiting production to increase prices
12th May
Emergency farm Mortgage act
Refinances farm loans on lower interest rates and easier terms
12th May
Tennessee Valley Authority Act
Put thousands at work bulding dams and power plants in Tennessee River Valley leading to growth in the area
18th May
Farm Credit Act
Established loca credit institutions for farmers to improve access to capital
16th June
Beer-Wine revenue act
Legalises **sale **of beer and wine to start ending prohibition
March 22