Psychology Flashcards
Persistent disorder characterized by a relatively inflexible reaction to stress
Personality disorder
Psycho/ sociopath that acts out conflict without remorse or guilt and has difficulty following rules
Descriptive of thoughts or behavior that are automatic response to anxiety or stress. A common example is compulsive hand washing caused by obsession with cleanliness
Attention seeking, aggressive, seductive person who is unable to be deeply involved emotionally
Hysterical/ Histrionic
Attention seeking, regards no one else as important, strong admiration for self exhibition
Preoccupation with delusions. Sensitive, defensive, suspicion leading to aggression, unfounded beliefs that others want to harm him
Taking aggressive actions in an indirect manner, argumentative
Passive aggressive
Ungluing of “reason” and emotion. Introverted, withdrawn, emotionally cold and distant, avoid social interaction. Delusion and hallucinations
Unconscious strategies utilized to cope with reality
Defense mechanism
Refusal to perceive unpleasant realities. Painful subjects stems from external sources such as impulses or fantasies. Most commonly seen in alcoholics
Act of resigning a feeling or belief to another person, group, or to the outside world
Attributing one’s own unacceptable desires and impulse to someone else
Depressed, unacceptable behavior expressed in exaggerated form of an opposite behavior
Reaction formation
A response to stress in which an individual reverts to a less developmentally mature stage
Redirecting one’s feelings (aggression and affection) from one person to another
Channeling unacceptable impulses or energy into socially acceptable activity
Patients with anxiety disorders usually present with physical symptoms to physicians. Physical symptoms include: heart palpitations, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, sweating, tingling, diziness
Anxiety disorder
A state of intensive apprehension of worry often accompanied by physical symptoms such as shaking, intense feeling in gut, etc. Common in mental illness or after distressing experience
Repeated attacks of severe anxiety. Attacks last from 5-30 mins
Panic disorder
Reoccurring, intrusive thought or image that seems senseless or unpleasant
Activity designed to reduce anxiety that a person feels compelled to repeat with no conscious desire to do so
Inflexible, uncontrollably entangled with details and highly repetitive activities
Persistent thoughts are obsessive, while persistent actions are….
OCD most often begins in….
adolescence but can begin in childhood
Irrational unrealistic fear of a situation, animal, person or activity
Fear of public space
Fear of heights
Fear of thunder and lighting
Fear of stars and celestial space
Psychological conflicts take on physical form and no organic evidence exist to explain symptoms
Somatoform disorder
Pervasive belief that a body part is misshapen or malformed. Patient able to admit that he/she is exaggerating. May avoid mirrors or social contact
Body dysmorphic disorder
Loss or change of physical function caused by a psychosocial conflict. Conversion symptoms are not supported by medical evidence but NOT FAKED. Often appears rapidly after trauma. Involuntary response.
Conversion hysteria AKA Conversion reaction
MC disability with conversion hysteria
Paralysis Blindness Mutism Deafness Seizures
An exaggerated pre-occupation with bodily functions and fear that one is suffering from a serious disease. Patient believes that they have disease or one is soon going to occur. Disease is thought to be imminent, Patient presents with having diagnosed himself in a very detailed way hoping for a dreaded diagnosis
Chronic,, cyclic, multiple somatic complaints not due to a physical illness. Symptoms cannot be explained by physical syndrome. Patient seeks treatment and changes life as a result of symptoms. Patient presents with symptoms in a VAGUE and exaggerated way. More concerned with discomfort than disease
Somatization disorder
Severe fluctuation of mood or personality
Affective disorder
Severe restriction of calories, fear of fat and body image distortion, amenorrhea; excessive exercise; unreasonable fear of gaining weight
Anorexia Nervosa
Behavior alternates between mania and melancholia; high and low. First occurs between childhood and age 50. Avg manic episodes last for 3 months depressive episodes last 6-9 months
Bipolar Affective Disorder AKA MANIC depressive
Preoccupation with food. Binge eating with subsequent purging, body image distortion
Bulimia nervosa