NMS Orthopedics Flashcards
50% flexion and extension of the neck occurs in
Occ and C1
50% rotation of the neck occurs in
C1 and C2
Patient seated and place affected palm on top of the head and elbow same level of head
+ Bakodys
Relief of pain
Bakody’s indicate
IVF encroachment
Patient seated rotates head from side to side, doc put pressure
Foraminal compression
+ Foraminal compression
Radicular or localized pain
Foraminal compression indicates
NR compression
Fact syndrome
+ Jackson, indicates
Radicular and localized pain
NR compression
Fact syndrome
Patient seated and actively rotates, laterally flex and hyperextend the neck to right. If no pain, patient asked to maximally laterally flex the neck. NO COMPRESSION APLIED
Maximum cervical compression
Maximum cervical compression + and indication
Radicular and localized pain
NR compression
Fact syndrome
DIstraction: +, indication
Positive= decreased pain, NR compression
Increased pain, Sprain strain
Shoulder depression + and indication
NR Adhesion
Soto Hall +, indication
Localized pain
Fracture (anterior pain), Ligament damage (Posterior pain)
Patient actively maximally rotates and laterally flexed head to the affected side. Doc delivers vertical blow to patient’s head
+Spurling, Indication
Pain in neck, shoulder, arm
Indicates SOL
Valsalva +, indication
Radicular pain indicates SOL
Patient sits erect while doc holds digital pressure bilaterally over jugular veins or put a blood pressure cuff around patients neck and pump to 40 mm/Hg hold for up to 30 seconds. If no pain instruct patient to cough.
COntraindicated with vascular compromised
Nefzinger positive, indication
TOS tests
- Allen
- Adson
- Modified Adson
- Costoclavicular (edens)
- Wrights (Hyperabduction)
- Reverse Bakody
- Bikele
Patient seated with elbow flexed and FA supinated, ask patient to pump hand and keep closed while doc occludes radial and ulnar arteries until hand is blanched. The patient slowly opens the hand while doctor opens one artery and records filling time
+ Allens
Delay of more than 10 seconds
Indicates occlusion of corresponding arteries
Patient seated, doc slightly abduct extend and externally rotate the arm. Patient rotates head towards tested side and extends the head. Patient takes deep breath
Adsons +, indication
Alteration of amplitude of radial pulse
Indicates cervical rib
Adsons AKA
Scalenus anticus test
Adson negative, patient rotates head towards opposide side, extend head and take deep breath
Modified adsons
Modified adsons AKA
Scalenus medius tes
Mod. Adson’s + indication
Alteration of amplitude of radial pulse
Indicates Subclavian artery, Scalenius medius syndrome
Dr palpates radial pulse while drawing patients shoulder downand back. Pt flex chin to chest
Costoclavicular / Edens
Eden’s + indication
Alteration of amplitude or radial pulse
Indicates compression between 1st rib and clavicle
Wright’s +, indication
+ if pulses are lost with more that 10 degree difference
Indicates Pec MINOR syndrome, Axillary artery
Reverse Bakody’s + and indication
Increased pain
Patient extends the head back, doc slightly abducts arm and applies downward traction on arm while taking pulse
Halstead + and indication
Alteration in amplitude of the radial pulse
Indicates cervical rib
Cervical rib ortho
Halstead, Adsons (scalenus anticus)
Patient actively abducts the shoulder to 90 degrees with elbow flexed to 90 degrees and then extend the shoulder. Now patient extend the elbow
+ Bikele and indication
+ is resistance and increase radicular pain
Indicates TOS, brachial plexus neuritis, and meningeal irritation
Patient is seated, both arms at 90 degrees and patient abduct and externally rotates the arm. Patient repeatedly opens and closes fist for 3-5 mins
+ Roos and indication
Reproduction of symptoms and unusual discomfort
Indicates TOS