General diagnosis (tongue, nose, nail, ear, lung, heart) Flashcards
Inflammation of connection between sternum and ribs, worsen with physical activity and increased pain while taking a deep breath.
Palpable tenderness with constochondritis located at…
3rd, 4th, 5th costosternal articulation
Costonchondritis is similar to what condition and what is the difference?
Tietze Syndrome which affects only one articulation and radiates path.
Painful rash following the course of dermatome which is usually a single nerve.
Herpes zoster
Herpes zoster primarily involves…
DRG and CN V
Is a disiease which is abnormal collections of inflammatory cells (granulomas) form as a nodules and most often appears in lungs or lymph nodes
Sarcoidosis most often seen in what population?
African American
Cancer of the lymphatic system that can spread to the spleen, presents with fever, night sweats, weight loss, INTENSE pruritis, release IgE, enlarged spleen
Hodgkin Lymphoma
Hodgkin is best diagnosed with
tissue biopsy
Hodgkin is MC in
young caucasian male
Chronic, progressive and frequently fatal genetic disease of the body’s mucous glands. The glands produce or secrete body’s mucous glands. Thick accumulation of mucous in the intestines and lungs.
Cystic Fibrosis
Loss of excessive amount of salt and cause PANCREATIC Insuffieciency
Cystic fibrosis
Destruction of elastic pulmonary connective tissue causing permanent dilation of alveoli sac.
Deficiency in Alpha 1 Antitrypsin
Emphysema fremitus etc
Decrease fremitus
Hyper resonant
Primary malignant lung tumor starting in BRONCHUS
Bronchogenic carcinoma
Consolidation of the lung, rusty brown color sputum, cough for around 10 days and fever
Lobar Pneumonia
Silouette Sign & Air Bronchogram
Lobar Pneumonia
Ghon’s lesion
Most definitive test for TB
Sputum culture
Mantoux/ Tine Test, Purified protein derivative
Decrease Fremitus
Air - Emphysema, Pneumothorax
Atelectasis, Pleurisy
Increase Fremitus
Air - Emphysema, pneumothorax
Red jelly sputum, immuno compromised or old age
Klabsiella, Friedlander’s Pneumonia
Caused by yeast or fungus, AIDS
Pneumocystis carinii
CMV is also in AIDS
Inflmmation of the pleura producing an exudative pleural effusion
Patient presents with stabbing chest pain WORSENED with respiration. DRY COUGH
Worsen with physical activity and pain increase while taking deep breath
Positive Schepelmann
Decreased chest expansion and can occur in young previously healthy individual. Ruptured lung causing air to be trapped in pleural space
Collapsed lung d/t BRONCHIAL OBSTRUCTION due to mucous plug
Irreversible focal bronchial dilation that presents with chronic productive cough
Bronchospasm constricting airways, Type I Hyper sensitivity,
Increased IgE and Eosinophils
Charcot laden crystals
Labs: Curshman spirals
Quick, shallow inspiration followed by irregular period of apnea (no pattern)
Alternating period of Apnea and Hyperpnea. Respiratory acidosis
Cheyne Stoke
AKA Air hunger breathing
First breathing is quick and shallow but as METABOLIC ACIDOSIS worsen in becomes slow, deep, and labored
Spoon nail
Iron deficiency anemia
Nail base angle more than 180 degree. Early hypoxia, late COPD
Inflammation of nails near cuticle
Transverse ridging, ACUTE SEVERE DISEASE
Beau’s line
Subacute bacterial endocarditis, strep organism (NAIL)
Splinter hemorrhage
Nail associated with unguinal and psoriasis
Pitted nail
Tounge condition associated with deficiency of Iron and B12
Atrophic Glossitits
Periorbital edema
Loss of lateral 1/3 eyebrows
Myxedema/ Hypothyroidism
Decreased TSH, Increase T3 and T4
Disorder characterized by prostating vertigo, sensory hearing loss, tinnitus, feeling fullness in the ear
Noemal hearing Rinne air conduction vs bone conduction
AC > BC + Rinne
Conduction hearing loss Weber and Rinne
Weber lateralized to side involved
Rine AC
Sensory hearing loss Weber Rinne
Webter lateralized to side UNinvolved
Rinne AC> BC with less time in bad ear
Result from unresolved otitis media, effusion in the ear, and ruptured E. tube. It is chronic and fluid is amber with bubbles
Serous otitis media
Jugular venous pulsation measures which sides of the heart?
Jugular venous pulsation can be made more pronounded when CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE is present, by….
Applying pressure in the liver (hepatojugular reflex)
“bounding” pulse, increased cardiac output, exercise, anxiety, fever, HYPERthyroidism
Pulsus magnus
Weak thready pulse, decreased stroke volume, HYPOovelemia, AORTIC STENOSIS, CHF
Pulsus Parvus
Pulse that alternates in amplitudes, LEFT VENTRICULAR FAILURE
Pulsus Alternans
Two strong systolic peaks separated by mid systolic dip. Best felt at carotid artery)
Pulsus Bisferiens
Pulsus Bisferiens indicates what condition
Aortic regurgitation and aortic stenosis
Pulse with Decreased amplitude on inspiration, increased on expiration (>10 mmHg amplitude change)
Pulsus Paradoxus
Pulsus paradoxus is present on what condition
Bronchial asthma
Pericardial effusion
A jerky pulse that is rapidly increasing and then collapsing because of aortic insuffiency
Water hammer pulse
When ventricles contract
Ventricles rest and they are filling
Closure of AV (mitral and tricuspid) valves
AV valves
Closure of semilunar valves
Semilunar valves
Ventricular gallop
Normal in children, young adults, and athletes. In more than 40 years old, it is an early sign of CHF
S3 (ventricular gallop)
Similar to S3 and is related to stiffness or the ventricular myocardium to rapid filling
Atrial gallop or S4
Right sternal border at 2nd intercostal space. Best auscultated with patient leaning forward and exhaling
Aortic valve
Left sternal border and 2nd intercostal space
Pulmonic Valve
2nd intercostal space auscultation
Right: Aortic
Left: Pumonic
(semilunar valves)
Left sternal border at 3rd intercostal space
Erb’s Point
LEFT sternal border at 4th or 5th intercostal space
MID-CLAVICULAR line at 5th intercostal space.
Mitral valve
5th intercostal auscultation
Left: Tricuspid (between 4th and 5th)
middle: Mitral
(AV Valves)
Mitral valve best auscultated in what position?
Left lateral decubitus
Valve has trouble opening and blood swirls through a narrow opening. This murmur has a LOW PITCH and is best heard with the bell of stethoscope
Valve is insufficient and blood seeps or squirts back into the chamber. This murmur is HIGH PITCH and best heard with diaphragm of stethoscope
Mnemonic for heart murmurs is ARMS&PRTS which occurs in DIASTOLE
Aortic Regurgitation
Mitral Stenosis
Pulmonic Regurgitation
Tricuspid Stenosis
Congenital heart defect with failure of shunt to close between aorta and left pulmonary artery creating a continuous machinery like murmur than can be heard in both phases of heart cycle
Patent ductus arteriosus
Congenital heart defect with
- dextraposition or overriding or the aorta
- right ventricular hypertrophy
- interventricular septal defect
- pulmonic stenosis
Which creates a loud ejection murmur during systole and severe cyanosis
Tetralogy of Fallot
Congenital heart defect with proximal stenosis of subclavian artery. Seen in younger females who faint (syncope/ drop attacks) while exercising
Subclavian steal Syndrome
Subclavian steal syndrome is associated with what low pitched sound