Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies Flashcards
mechanisms of change
making the unconscious conscious
emotional insight
creating meaning and historical reconstruction
increasing and appreciating limits of agency
appropriate candidates
openly disclosing
willing to self-scrutinize
not in need of immediate crisis intervention
“problems in living” reflected in stress
personality disorders
short term dynamic psychotherapy
less than 40 sessions
often uncontrolled or lack rigorous active control groups; many limited by small sample sizes
long term psychoanalytic therapy
not rigorously studied
cultural considerations
developed for educated, middle-class western europeans
therapists must:
- be aware of their own bias, society attitudes, more judgement
- utilize a range of techniques
psychoanalytic pluralism
no types/just one psychoanalytic theory
order of freud developments:
1) develops structural model of id, ego, and superego
2) coins term “psychoanalyse”
3) works with patient anna o.
order: 3, 2, 1
Anna O.
young women doing well in life but develops odd symptoms while aiding sick father
- paralysis of extremities
- weak neck
- suddenly cannot hear or speak
diagnosed with hysteria
tried talk therapy (release trauma psychologically rather than physically)
used experimental approach
freud concluded that hysteria resulted from _____
freud leans away from ______ and more towards _____ ____________ to help achieve catharsis (release of negative emotion and experiences)
hypnosis; free association
freud emphasized _______ ______ (carefully observing what’s taking place without influencing)
scientific rigor
free association
patient says “whatever comes to mind”
therapist interprets manifest and latent content
manifest vs. latent content
m - surface material, exactly what person said
l - deeper level, underlying meaning of manifest content
drive theory
libido produces state of tension that needs to be released!
pleasure principle
shows pattern of how we as people repeat our experiences over and over
pleasure principle
we are driven to repeat experiences that release tension
stages of psychosexual development
how to achieve release of libido
1) oral phase
- younger age
- everything goes in the mouth to achieve oral gratification
2) anal phase
- toddler
- control of bowels/choice of retaining or passing feces
- important to not instill shame in child for this
3) phallic phase
- shifting to genitals
4) latency period
- socializing through and into puberty
- what is or isn’t accepted in society
- disconnect b/t mentally vs. societal acceptions
5) genital phase
- adult
- through sexuality
instinctual/entirely unconscious
where drive lives
primal wishes, fantasies, desires, etc.
gradually emerge as we develop
concerns of reality/navigating conflicts b/t id + superego
- ex) delaying gratification
look for ways to channel expressions
apart of both unconscious and conscious
develops as we internalize norms of society
- “right things to do”
- can become overly harsh and demanding
will change as societal norms do
some conscious (expectations of society), some unconscious
ego psychology
fixed structure of personality with 3 components: id, ego, superego
primary and secondary processes (ego’s job to satisfy them)
primary process of ego psychology
begin at birth and operate unconsciously
raw/primitive functioning
cannot distinguish b/t past, present, future, just is
look for latent content to understand these processes