Psych Assessment Flashcards
Spearman’s (1927) two-factor theory was derived from _____ and distinguishes between a ______ and numerous ____.
factor analysis; general intellectual factor (g); specific factors (s)
Horn and Cattell’s theory of intelligence
describes intelligence as consisting of two major factors that are distinct but not entirely independent: Crystallized intelligence (Gc) depends on prior learning and experience and is important for tasks that require the application of acquired knowledge and skills . Fluid intelligence (Gf) is the inherent aspect of intelligence. It represents the basic capacity to learn and does not depend on prior learning or experience.
Carroll’s Three-Stratum Theory
Stratum III is general intelligence (g) which contributes to all other cognitive abilities; stratum II consists of eight broad abilities [e.g., crystallized intelligence (Gc), fluid intelligence (Gf), short-term memory (Gsm)]; and stratum I consists of numerous specific abilities that are each linked to one of the stratum II abilities.
Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory of Cognitive Abilities
distinguishes between 16 broad cognitive abilities and over 80 narrow cognitive abilities that are each linked to one of the broad abilities.
Das, Naglieri, and Kirby’s PASS Theory of Intelligence
It’s based on the assumption that intelligence is composed of four interdependent functions that interact with a person’s knowledge: planning, attention, simultaneous processing, and sequential processing.
Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences
based on the assumption that all people possess at least nine intelligences that are mediated by different areas of the brain, are relatively independent, and vary from person to person in terms of strength: linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, and existential.
Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Successful Intelligence
Analytical intelligence is comparable to general intelligence (g) and consists of knowledge-acquisition and information-processing skills that are used to analyze, evaluate, and critique information.
Creative intelligence is the ability to apply knowledge and information-processing skills to novel problems and unfamiliar situations.
practical intelligence is the ability to apply knowledge and information-processing skills to everyday tasks and situations
Flynn Effect
IQ scores increased by about 3 points per decade throughout the 20th century in both developed and developing countries, with the increase being most robust for measures of fluid intelligence.
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test, 5th Edition (SB5):
Based on what theory
2-85 yo
measure of intelligence
Cattell-Horn- Carroll (CHC) theory
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, 4th Edition (WAIS-IV)
Based on what
16-90 yo
Measure of intelligence
hierarchical model of intelligence
WAIS- IV’s General Ability index derived from:
Verbal Comprehension and Perceptual Reasoning Index scores
characteristic of nonverbal learning disability (NVLD) is a ___ score on the WAIS-IV that is significantly higher than the __ score
WAIS-IV : Lowest and Highest index scores for
- probable alzheimers dementia
WAIS-IV : lowest and highest index score for autistic disorder
WAIS-IV : lowest and highest index score for mild cognitive impairment
WAIS-IV: the ___ and __ scores begin to decline at about 30 years of age with the ___ having the greatest age-related decline
classic aging pattern
This difference in age-related changes in Verbal and Performance IQ in adulthood i
measure of intellectual ability
WISC-V: lowest and highest index scores for ADHD and without autism
WISC-V: lowest and highest index scores for reading disorder
WISC-V: lowest and highest index scores for autism with language impairment
Wechsler Primary and Preschool Scale of Intelligence, 4th Edition (WPPSI-IV)
measure of cognitive development for children ages 2: 6 to 7:7.
A 10-year-old child who has received a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder with language impairment will most likely receive the highest score on the WISC-V’s ________ Index and lowest score on the ________ Index.
fluid reasoning; processing speed
The administration of the SB5 begins with two routing subtests, which are:
object series/matrices and vocabulary
The ____________ provides scores on five factors derived from that model: knowledge, fluid reasoning, quantitative reasoning, visual-spatial processing, and working memory.
The SB5 provides scores on the following five factors:
Fluid Reasoning,
Quantitative Reasoning,
Visual-Spatial Processing, and
Working Memory.
A 20-year-old who has received a diagnosis of ADHD would likely obtain the highest score on which of the following WAIS-IV Indexes?
verbal comprehension
research conducted by S. M. Jaeggi, M. Buschkuchi, J. Jonides, and W. J. Perrig, found that training on a demanding working memory task produced ___ in fluid intelligence when___
increases; even though the working memory task was entirely different from the fluid intelligence task [Improving intelligence with training on working memory
Cognitive Assessment System, Second Edition (CAS2)
measure of cognitive processing abilities for individuals five to 18 years of age.
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Fifth Edition (PPVT-5)
measure of receptive vocabulary for words in Standard English for individuals 2:6 to 90+ years of age.
Because the test does not require reading or writing, it is useful for examinees who have speech or motor impairments.
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Fifth Edition (PPVT-5)
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition (KABC-II)
measure of cognitive ability for children ages 3:0 through 18:11 and was designed to be a culturally fair test by minimizing cultural content and verbal instructions and responses.
Columbia Mental Maturity Scale-Third Edition (CMMS)
The CMMS is a measure of general reasoning ability for children ages 3:6 through 9:11
_____ does not require verbal responses or fine motor skills and was originally developed for children with cerebral palsy, but it is also useful for children with sensory, speech, or other motor impairments or limited English proficiency.
Columbia Mental Maturity Scale-Third Edition (CMMS)
Leiter International Performance Scale-Third Edition (Leiter-3)
The Leiter-3 is a nonverbal measure of cognitive abilities for individuals 3 to 75+ years of age who have cognitive delays, speech or hearing impairments, autism spectrum disorder, or limited English proficiency.
Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM)
Raven’s SPM is a nonverbal measure of abstract reasoning that provides an estimate of fluid intelligence
ages 6:0 and older
The____ is a 12-minute test of general intelligence for adults and consists of 50 verbal, numerical, and spatial items. It’s used primarily to assist with hiring decisions.
Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test
____ assesses cognitive abilities in three domains – verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal. It’s appropriate for students in grades 2 through 12 and is used to predict academic performance and identify gifted/talented and at-risk students.
Cognitive Abilities Test, Form 7 (CogAT7)
Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence (FTII)
The test is appropriate for infants three to 12 months of age and evaluates an infant’s selective attention and recognition memory.
Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Fourth Edition (Bayley-4)
The Bayley-4 is used to assess the current developmental status of children ages 16 days to 42 months.
Which of the following includes subtests that evaluate attention, memory, visualization, and reasoning?
Which of the following tests is useful for assessing children 3 to 10 years of age who have sensory, motor, or speech deficits and was originally developed for children with cerebral palsy?
Columbia Mental Maturity Scale
___ is a measure of cognitive ability for children ages 3:0 through 18:11 and was designed to be a culture fair test by minimizing cultural content and verbal instructions and responses.
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition
___ is a nonverbal measure of cognitive abilities for individuals 3 to 75+ years of age who have cognitive delays, speech or hearing impairments, autism spectrum disorder, or limited English proficiency.
The Leiter International Performance Scale
___ assesses cognitive abilities in verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal domains and is appropriate for students in grades K through 12.
cognitive abilities test
Development of which of the following was based on the assumption that planning, attention, simultaneous processing, and sequential processing are the essential elements of intellectual functioning?
Cognitive Assessment System
The Wonderlic Personnel Test-Revised is a measure of:
general mental ability.
You would use which of the following tests to evaluate the receptive vocabulary of a 10-year-old child who has received a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder?
The __________ is a measure of receptive vocabulary that can be used with children, adolescents, and adults who have motor or speech impairments.
The manifest needs identified by Henry Murray are assessed by which of the following?
The items included in the EPPS (Edwards Personal Preference Schedule) assess the 15 manifest needs identified in Murray’s theory of needs (e.g., achievement, autonomy, affiliation, dominance).
In the _____, the court prohibited schools from using IQ tests to place African American children in special education classes.
Larry P. case
You would use which of the following to assess the cognitive abilities of a non-English speaking 21-year-old?
Leiter 3
The items selected for inclusion in the __________ assess 15 manifest needs that were identified by Henry Murray.
MMPI 4(Pd) and 9(Ma)
Psychopathic Deviate and Hypomania scales.
Which of the following personality tests provides scores on the “Big Five” personality traits?
On MMPI, high S scale score indicates
denial or defensiveness
The lexical strategy was used in the development of which of the following tests?
16 PF and NEO-PI-3
MMPI scale 8