PSYCH 102 Exam 3 Flashcards
Scientific study of how people think, feel, & behave in social contexts
Social Psychology
Assigning causes to explain others’ behaviors
2 Types of casual attributions
Dispositional and Situational
Explanations based on person’s disposition
Explanations based on current situation
the tendency, when evaluating others’ behavior, to underestimate the impact of the situation & to overestimate the impact of their personal disposition
fundamental attribution error
Moderated by cultural factors & familiarity with the other person
fundamental attribution error
We tend to use dispositional attributions to explain our wins & situational attributions to explain our losses.
self-serving bias
first impressions (based on attributions) affect observer’s behavior, & as a result, the first impression comes true.
self-fulfilling prophecy
feelings, often influenced by our beliefs, that predispose us to respond in a particular way to objects, people, & events
people like their attitudes & actions to be consistent with one another
consistency principle
state of tension that occurs when your attitudes are inconsistent with your actions.
cognitive dissonance
occurs when people are influenced by incidental cues, such as a speaker’s attractiveness.
Peripheral route persuasion
occurs when interested people focus on the arguments and respond with favorable thoughts.
Central route persuasion
tendency for people who’ve first agreed to a small request to comply later with a larger request.
foot-in-the-door phenomenon
adjusting behavior or thinking to go along with a group standard (no direct request)
social contagion
changing behavior in response to direct order from an authority figure
Other factors that influence behavior in the presence of others, or within a group, include:
- Social facilitation
- Social loafing
- Deindividuation
- group polarization
- When others observe us, we perform well-learned tasks more quickly and accurately.
- On new and difficult tasks, performance is slower and less accurate.
Home-team advantage
Tendency for people in a group to exert less effort when pooling their efforts toward attaining a common goal than when individually accountable
Social loafing
loss of self-awareness & self-restraint occurring in group situations that foster arousal & anonymity
discuss with like-minded others cause initial attitudes to become more extreme
group polarization
desire for harmony in decision-making group overrides realistic appraisal of alternatives
behavior intended to harm another person
________ Influences of Aggression:
- heredity
- biochemical factors, such as testosterone and alcohol
- neural factors, such as severe head injury
_______ Influences of Aggression:
- dominating behavior
- Believing that alcohol has been ingested
- frustration
- aggressive role models
- rewards for aggressive behavior
- low self-control
________ influences of Aggression:
- deindividuation
- Challenging environmental factors, such as crowding, heat, and direct provocations
-Parental models of aggression
- Minimal father involvement
- Rejection from a group
- Exposure to violent media
What is the #1 predictor of whether two people will fall in love or become friends?
What is this an example of?
Ex.- People who lived next door to one another were four times more likely to become friends than people at opposite ends of the hallway.
Proximity being the number one factor to people becoming friends.
What predicts whether two people will fall in love or become friends?
familiarity | the mere exposure effect
tendency for repeated exposure to novel stimuli to increase our liking of them
familiarity | the mere exposure effect
True or False:
Opposites attract.
Romantic partners more alike than would be predicted by chance on:
- education level
- religious background
- ethnicity
- socioeconomic status
- personality
- physical appearance
True or False:
Like attracts like.
_______ involves three types of love:
- Passion
- Intimacy
- Commitment
Sternberg’s Triangle of Love
______ measures how three types of love apply to:
- Infatuation
- Affectionate love
- Fatuous love
- Consummate love
Sternberg’s Triangle of Love
Behavior that exclusively benefits another (not oneself as well)
true altruism
Suggests people feel obligated to return favors or kindness that they receive
Reciprocity norm
What is this an example of?
Ex.- A soccer player puts his coat on a child, when his teammates see him do this, they do the same thing.
Reciprocity norm
Consider costs & benefits of helping before acting.
Social-exchange theory
As costs associated with helping increases, the probability that we’ll help decreases
Social-exchange theory
What is this an example of?
Ex.- A man passes out. However, when people noticed that blood was coming out of his mouth they were less likely to help.
Social-exchange theory
Expectation that people should help those who
a.) depend on them
b.) can’t take care of themselves
social-responsibility norm
Phenomenon where people fail to intervene or offer help in emergency situations.
Bystander effect
Less likely to help when others are present because we assume someone else will take responsibility.
Diffusion of responsibility
What is this an example of?
Ex.- During a study a girl is working as an operator. During a call she is informed that the person she is speaking with is prone to seizures. Whenever she hears choking & the person calling for help she was less likely to help when 4 other people were in the room. However, when someone in the group told her to help she was more likely to help.
Diffusion of responsibility
We tend to _____ when we:
- Notice the incident
- Interpret the incident as an emergency
- Assume responsibility for helping
Unjustifiable & usually negative attitude (but can be +) toward a group & its members
- Explicit & implicit
- 3 parts
Aware of feelings
unaware of feelings
Generalized (sometimes accurate) beliefs (+ or - ) about members of a group
Unjustifiable, negative behaviors directed toward people based on group membership
What is this an example of?
Ex.- Whites only no blacks allowed
Belief that good things tend to happen to good people & bad things to bad people
Just world phenomenon
a social psychological phenomenon in which individuals or groups attempt to cope with the bad things that have happened to others by assigning blame to the victim of the trauma or tragedy
Blame-the-victim dynamic
tendency to favor one’s own group, its members, its characteristics, and its products, particularly in reference to other groups.
Ingroup bias
Roots of ______:
- Scapegoat theory
- Antidote
an analysis of violence and aggression in which people who have undergone or who are undergoing negative experiences — such as failure or abuse by others — blame an innocent individual or group for the experience
Scapegoat theory
What is this an example of?
Ex.- “I’m feeling left out of our talk tonight and I need to vent. Can we please talk about my day?” Notice that it starts with “I feel,” leads into “I need,” and then respectfully asks to fulfill that need. There’s no blame or criticism, which prevents the discussion from escalating into an argument.
Many claim that modern-day prejudice is increasingly _________.
Measures strength of associations between concepts via reaction time
Implicit Association Task (IAT)
Scores are commonly interpreted as a measure of implicit bias/prejudice
Implicit Association Task (IAT)
An individual’s characteristic pattern of thinking, interacting, & reacting
_______ perspectives on personality:
- Psychodynamic
- Humanistic
- Trait
- Social cognitive
Views personality as arising from the unconscious mind.
- Emphasis on childhood experiences
Psychodynamic perspective
Patient encouraged to relax & say whatever comes to mind.
free association
Use Free Association to access the _______.
unconscious (mind)
Believed in/created the unconscious and conscious mind.
Sigmund Freud
_______ view on personality structure:
- ego
- superego
- id
reality principle
moral conscious
pleasure principle
_____ mind:
- id
______ mind:
- ego
- superego
partly conscious
Stages of development; id’s pleasure-seeking energies focus on erogenous zones (conflicts in each stage)
- fixation
Psychosexual stages
_____ stage:
- mouth (e.g., sucking, biting, chewing)
______ stage:
- bowel/bladder elimination; coping with demands for control
_____ stage:
- genitals; coping with incestuous sexual feelings
_______ stage:
- phase of dormant sexual feelings
______ stage:
- maturation of sexual interests
The oral stage is from ______
0 - 18 months
The anal stage is from ______
18 - 36 months
The phallic stage is from ______
3 - 6 years old
The latency stage is from _______
6 years old - puberty
The genital stage is from ______
puberty +
a Freudian term where unresolved conflicts lead to a lingering focus of pleasure-seeking energies in earlier psychosexual stages
Boy’s sexual desire towards mother & feelings of jealousy & hatred towards father.
Oedipus Complex
Kids identify with same-sex parent; incorporate parents’ values into developing superegos.
Unconscious strategies the ego uses to reduce or avoid anxiety, guilt, shame, & other unpleasant feelings.
Defense mechanisms
Banishing anxiety-arousing thoughts, feelings, & memories from consciousness
refusing to believe/perceive painful realities
What is this an example of?
Ex.- Jailynn tells Destiny that she is in denial about losing bingo. Destiny immediately replies that she is NOT in denial.
Switching unacceptable impulses/feelings into their opposites
Reaction formation
Offering self-justifying explanation instead of real, more threatening, unconscious reasons for one’s actions
shifting unacceptable impulses toward a more acceptable or less threatening object/person
Retreating to earlier development stage
Attributing one’s own undesirable impulses to others.
Are forms of ______:
- Projection
- Regression
- Displacement
- Rationalization
- Reaction formation
coping mechanisms
Freud’s ideas _____ considered valid by most psychologists today.
What two exceptions of Freud’s ideas are considered about the unconscious mind?
reaction formation and projection
Personality test that uses ambiguous stimuli
Projective test
A type of projective test that involves describing ambiguous scenes to learn more about a person’s emotions, motivations, and personality.
- Popularly known as the "picture interpretation technique."
Thematic Apperception Test
- A projective psychological assessment with 10 inkblots on cards, designed to probe the unconscious mind.
- By analyzing responses to the inkblots, insights into an individual’s social behavior, thoughts, and emotions emerge, often unveiling deeper, unconscious aspects of their psyche.
Rorschach Inkblot test
Collection of shared, inherited memories that can be traced to our ancestral past
Collective unconsciousness
____ believed these shared memories take the form of archetypes.
Carl Jung believed that the collective unconscious contains _______ derived from our species’ universal experiences.
Emphasis on potential for growth
Humanistic perspective
Thoughts & feelings about self
Motivated by hierarchy of needs; striving for:
- self-actualization & self transcendence
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
People basically good, with self-actualizing tendencies
person-centered perspective
Genuineness, acceptance, & empathy
Growth-promoting climate
caring, nonjudgmental attitude increases self-awareness/acceptance
unconditional positive regard
Vague & subjective concepts; promote individualism & self-centeredness; naively optimistic assumptions
Humanistic perspective critiques
Personality = stable & enduring pattern of behavior.
- describe individual differences
- genetic predisposition
Trait theories
______ basic personality dimensions:
- extraversion & introversion
Questionnaire with items designed to measure selected personality traits.
- items empirically derived; objectively scored
personality inventory
Pros and cons of ______:
- pros: easy to standardize, score, & (if done right) replicate
- cons: people can lie
personality inventory
tendency to answer questions incorrectly based on what one thinks people want to hear
Social desirability bias
most widely accepted view of personality
The big 5 (OCEAN)
What are the big 5.
(Hint: OCEAN)
- Openness
- Conscientiousness
- Extraversion
- Agreeableness
- Neuroticism
Sometimes referred to as emotional stability
High _______:
- Imaginative
- prefers variety
- independent
Low _____:
- Practical
- prefers routine
- conforming
___ Openness is related to:
- creativity
- sensation
- IQ
- some drug use
positive (+)
___ Openness is related to:
- religious fundamentalism
- prejudice
negative (-)
___ Conscientiousness is related to:
- life satisfaction
- conservatism
- success in school & work
positive (+)
___ Conscientiousness is related to:
- substance abuse
- antisocial behaviors
- unemployment
negative (-)
High _______:
- organized
- disciplined
Low _______:
- disorganized
- impulsive
High _______:
- sociable
- outgoing
Low _______:
- shy
- reserved
___ Extraversion is related to:
- life satisfaction
- social desirability
positive (+)
___ Extraversion is related to:
- academic performance
- neurological reactivity to environmental stimuli (sensitivity)
negative (-)
___ Agreeableness is related to:
- higher paying jobs
negative (-)
___ Agreeableness is related to:
- lower paying jobs
positive (+)
High _______:
- soft-hearted
- trusting
Low _______:
- suspicious
- uncooperative
High _______:
- anxious
- insecure
Low _______:
- calm
- secure
___ Neuroticism is related to:
- anger
- anxiety
- depression
- loss of brain matter with aging
- threat detection
positive (+)
___ Neuroticism is related to:
- life satisfaction
negative (-)
What was added to the The Big 5/Hexaco
True or False:
The Myer-Briggs Typology Indicator (MBTI) is not a valid test for personality.
behavior = interaction between personality & environment.
Person-situation controversy
Consistency of specific behaviors from one situation to another is weak.
- immediate situation
- personality traits predict average behaviors across situations
Person-situation controversy
powerful influence on beahvior
immediate situation
views behavior as influenced by the interaction between traits & the social context
Social-cognitive perspective
(All influence each other)
- Personal Factors
- Environment
- Behavior
Reciprocal determinism
The _____ is the center of personality
We overestimate how much we’re noticed by others
Spotlight Effect
What is this an example of?
Ex.- Jailynn stuttered during her speech. After, she feels like everyone heard it. In reality nobody remembered hearing Jailynn stutter.
Spotlight Effect
feeling of self-worth
sense of competence at a given task
Is related to more persistence at difficult tasks & happiness.
fragile, threatened by failure & criticism
- more vulnerable to perceived threats: anger & vulnerability
defensive self-esteem
Less fragile, less contingent on external evaluations.
- More likely to achieve a higher quality of life.
secure self-esteem
Emily is typically quiet, thoughtful, and reserved. In terms of Eysenck’s basic factors, she would most likely be classified as a ______.