PRM SEM 01 - 01. Land Information and Law Flashcards
What are the four types of land ownership?
Types of land ownership (title): freehold, leasehold, subdivision, cross-lease.
What is the most common type of land in NZ (apart from Maori and Crown Land)
Most commonly freehold (owned outright) but may be leasehold (leased for a term that
can be up to 999 years, eg some church owned land in Auckland’s eastern suburbs).
What is a Title?
Title is the word used for ownership: you have title.
How is land divided in subdivision?
In a subdivision, each parcel of land (title) is separately owned with clear boundaries.
How is land divided in a cross-lease?
In a cross-lease, two parties, typically a house at the front and one at the back, share the
whole title but have rights and a lease over their particular part of the land, often labelled
“Flat A” and “Flat B”. Common land, “C” is also possible such as a shared driveway.
Unit titles and strata titles are similar for blocks of flats and apartments. (explore what strata titles means)
TA’s Cross-Lease or Subdivision rules
Some Territorial Authorities (TAs / Councils) apply planning rules differently depending
on whether your site is a cross-lease or subdivision eg you may find the site coverage is
not apportioned evenly and the front house has used it all up. Or that a height-toboundary
control may apply to the internal boundary
What is a reservation contribution?
A reserve contribution is generally land set aside during subdivision as a public reserve
or park. In town this can now be required for cross-leasing and may be a substantial sum
of money (eg $30,000) instead of land.
What is Riparian Rights?
Riparian rights mean land abuts a river, lake or sea and your boundary may be the
middle of the river or the high tide line (MHWMS Mean High Water Mark Springs).
What is the Queens Chain?
The Queens Chain is a strip of public land in front of the sea, lake or river. A chain is an
old form of land measurement, literally a chain 20m long. Most suburban roads are a
chain, 20m, wide.
TAs are keen to replace riparian rights with the Queens Chain, and will usually take a
strip of land if you cross-lease or subdivide waterfront land. There is generally also a
20m waterfront yard planning rule to stop building closer to water
What is Limited as to Parcels?
Limited as to Parcels may be noted at the top of a CT and means the plot of land has
never been adequately surveyed, often the case in old suburbs such as Ponsonby and
Parnell, therefore the exact boundaries and area are approximate.
If your design is close to the boundary or maximum height (eg 1m) or close to maximum
site coverage (eg within 5%) the TA may require you to survey the site and re-register
the title, a time consuming process (3 months, $several thousand). Consult a land
surveyor for advice.
What is Metes and bounds?
Metes and bounds is a way some rural properties have their boundaries described using
geographical features (eg along the ridge to the river, then 25 chains north-east).
How to establish land boundaries?
To establish where boundaries are, consult a land surveyor.
To establish where boundaries are, consult a land surveyor.
Staking and Pegging
“Staking” a boundary is often cheaper then “pegging” it because it is less precise, but often
good enough for design purposes. Surveyors can also locate contours and objects.
A cadastral map shows boundaries and a topographical map shows contours, trees,
objects, buildings etc.
Explore Staking and Pegging definitions
Council GIS
Beware of contours on Council GIS plans, they are often old and inaccurate!