NZIA Documents Flashcards
What are the GAP guidelines?
Good Architectural Practice guidelines - provides template documetns and checklists to ensure good practice through out the different stages of practice/project.
Useful for when starting as a Sole Trader
What are the NZIA Design Guidelines?
Created by the Construction Liason Group
Checklists to define responsibilities of all parties involved in a project
Good for architects to check through to see what consultant responisbilties are
Good for quality assurancce
What are the NZIA Guide Letters?
Guides to contnets of letters to write to your client and contractor and other parties in various situations.
From requewsting information from consultants, to thanking the contractor
What are NZIA Pratice Alterts?
Advise to practices of various topics.
from topinc from CRCs to Claims against emplyoyees
What are the key precautions architects should take to avoid extended liability in client-generated contracts?
- Common Law Period: Do not agree to extend the common law liability period beyond 6 years.
- Performance Standards: Refuse terms requiring performance beyond reasonable skill, care, and diligence.
- Indemnification: Avoid indemnifying the client or agreeing to liabilities beyond NZIA AAS wording.
What does the Limitation Act 2010 dictate regarding civil proceedings related to breach of contract?
All civil proceedings alleging a breach of contract must commence within 6 years of the breach.
What is the timeframe for commencing claims in tort, and what relevance does the Building Act (s91) have?
- Timeframe: Claims in tort must commence within 6 years of discovering or reasonably discovering the damage caused by the negligent act.
- Building Act: The Building Act (s91) provides a 10-year longstop from the date of the negligent act for all claims but is irrelevant to breach of contract.
Why has the use of treated timber become a critical concern for architects?
The “Leaky Buildings” crisis has led to increased scrutiny and criticism of architects’ contribution to the problem, causing confusion among professionals, merchants, and buyers
What advice does the New Zealand Institute of Architects (NZIA) provide regarding treated timber?
The NZIA advises architects to be cautious when specifying untreated framing, emphasizing the importance of treated framing, especially in cladding systems without proper drainage.
Why is treated framing crucial in certain cladding systems?
Major cladding system manufacturers recommend treated framing (H1 Boric minimum, or equivalent, and H3 treatment for vulnerable areas) to prevent issues like water retention and rot.
What caution does the NZIA express regarding H1 Boric treated framing?
Architects should be aware that unless kiln-dried H1 Boric treated framing is specially ordered, H1 treated framing on the market, sold as “dry,” is likely to be Light Organic Solvent Preservative (LOSP) treated.
What challenges and considerations do architects face when dealing with treated timber?
Challenges include difficulties in visually identifying treatment, the need for spot testing or off-site testing, and the consideration of drying times and costs for kiln-dried framing.
What are some common provisions found in non-standard Conditions of Engagement?
Non-standard conditions often include extensive indemnity and liability provisions that go beyond common law obligations, putting architects at risk.
How do provisions found in non-standard Conditions of Engagement impact professional indemnity insurance?
Indemnity and liability clauses broader than common law obligations can void professional indemnity insurance, exposing architects and their practices to uninsured losses.
How do the non-standard Conditions of Engagement differ from common law obligations?
The clauses impose extensive obligations without referencing reasonably foreseeable damage, allowing the client to recover for any damage, whether foreseeable or not.
Which standard agreements reflect common law liabilities for architects?
NZIA AAS, ACENZ, and Conditions of Contract for Consultancy Services (CCCS) contain clauses reflecting common law liabilities for architects.
What key phrases should architects look for in liability or indemnity clauses in non-standard agreements?
rchitects should be cautious of phrases such as “any claims,” “arising out of,” and “of whatsoever nature,” and insist on redrafting to reflect common law obligations.
What advice is given regarding non-standard Conditions of Engagement?
Architects should weigh commercial issues with the risks involved and seek independent advice if unsure about the appropriateness of liability/indemnity clauses.
What advice does the NZIA provide for architects in response to the challenges regarding BCAs?
- Consult with the relevant BCA and understand their specific requirements for building consent applications.
- Re-evaluate fee structures, considering a separate fee for the consent process without increasing the total fee.
- If re-allocation is not possible, identify and communicate a separate fee for the entire consent process to the client.
- Discuss the reasons for additional fees with clients early, emphasizing the current instability in the building industry.
- Involve the client in every stage of the building consent process and keep them well-informed to manage expectations.
Can employees be personally liable for work carried out for their employers?
Yes, claims can be brought against employees just like claims against Partners or Directors.
But PI insurance covers employees
Who is responsible for signing Practical Completion Certificates according to the Practice Alert?
Partners or Directors of Architectural Practices.
Why is it unwise for employees to sign off on drawings and specifications?
It exposes them to risks, and such responsibility should be with Partners and Directors.
When are Cost Reimbursement Contracts (CRC) typically appropriate, and why?
CRC, often referred to as a Charge-Up Contract, is appropriate when it is difficult to be precise about a total contract price at the Tender Stage, especially in situations like remediation work after events such as the Christchurch Earthquake.
Why is it important for the Contractor to provide an estimate of costs at the Tender Stage in a CRC?
It is crucial for establishing a notional Contract Price, especially for insurance purposes. This estimate can be revised as the project progresses.
What increased duty does the CRC place on the Architect administering the Contract?
The CRC puts an increased duty on the Architect to monitor costs regularly and keep the Principal informed throughout the project.
What is the The Resource Legislation
Amendment Act 2017
Amendments to achieve greater national consistency and direction,
This amendment Act contained close to 40 amendments. It amended five different Acts. the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA), Conservation Act 1986, Reserves Act 1977, Public Works Act 1981, and Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects) Act 2013. Consequential changes were also made to other Acts and the Resource Management (Forms, Fees and Procedure) Regulations 2003
What is the NZIA Guide to Architects Services?
A doucment, primarily for clients, to understnad the architectural process and working with an architect
What advice does NZIA provide regarding architects’ consideration of potential clients?
Architects should carefully evaluate potential clients, identifying those with whom there might be an unhappy relationship leading to financial losses, and assess whether the risks are manageable.
Why does the NZIA suggest taking negative signals from clients into account when negotiating fees?
To cover the increased risks associated with potential problems in the client relationship, architects may need higher fees.
Why is it crucial to ensure that the same entity negotiating the fee agreement is the one instructing the project and signing the building contract?
This ensures clarity about who is responsible for paying the fees and maintains consistency throughout the contractual process.
What advice is given about changes in client identity during a project?
Architects should avoid agreeing to changes in client identity unless they are sure it won’t weaken their position in the project.
Why is it essential to check the financial resources of clients before deep commitment?
It ensures that the client has the capability to carry out the project and fulfill financial obligations, preventing potential issues.
What resources or methods does the content suggest for checking a company’s financial status?
The Companies Office, credit companies, ‘off the record views’ from business associates, and credit references from the client can provide insights.
What potential risks are highlighted if a client goes into liquidation?
Bankruptcies can have a cascading effect, affecting others and creating a collapsing financial situation
Why is overexposure to a single client’s unpaid fees cautioned against?
To prevent potential financial risks, it is recommended to maintain a balanced workload rather than relying too heavily on a single, enormous project.
Why does the NZIA emphasize the importance of making written notes for orally agreed-upon decisions?
Oral instructions are challenging to prove, and having written notes helps in avoiding later misunderstandings or disputes.
What precaution is suggested when clients wish to change instructions during a project?
Ensure clear understanding of the implications, get clients’ agreement in writing, and assess if changes justify asking for additional fees.