NZIA Lectures - B Flashcards
Complex Building
- Single or multi-level construction requires highly specialised knowledge and skills. Demanding in its organisation, occupancy, user requirements in terms of people and vehicular circulation, complicated in its spatial articulation, difficult in the planning and co-ordination of sophisticated construction systems, structural solutions, services and fittings, changing in site confirmation and existing features
- Involve understanding of the impact of the building on the natural and built environment, require an informed response to the urban or rural context, and site context (climate and topographical).
- A small building can be complex in its organisation - ie a residence. Similarly, a large building can be simple for example an aeroplane hanger. The realisation of a complex architectural project generally requires specialist input, a collaboration of a professional team in preparation of project documentation and contract administration.
Concept, Preliminary and Developed Design Outcomes
- To create an architectural design through the exercise of knowledge, imagination, judgement and professional responsibility
- To formulate an architectural design in response to a project brief, sufficient to obtain the endorsement of overall objectives and design concept by a client and other interested parties
- To develop a design that is consistent with the design concept
- To resolve a developed design sufficient to obtain agreement and authorisation to proceed to documentation for its translation into built form.
Concept, Preliminary and Developed Design Performance Indicators
- Generate a design concept that can be realised as a building in response to design brief, user requirements, the physical location and the wider urban or rural context.
- The design concept and its development demonstrates the exercise of critical choice, aesthetic judgement, creative imagination and demonstrates the exercise a clear and coherent design approach
- The design concept and its development demonstrates an understanding of architectural history and buildings traditions and an understanding of relevant social, cultural and environmental issues including issues of sustainability
- The design concept and its development demonstrates compliance with the law and relevant codes, regulations and industry standards for development, design construction and services
- The development of the design concept demonstrates knowledge of the ethical basis, laws and statutes that regulate the practice of architecture
- Appropriate cost control and reporting process is established and followed
- A documentation process has been established, confirming timings, participants and procedures.
- The developed design demonstrates the implications of physical, technical, cost and regulatory constraints and demonstrates the process of collaboration and integrates sources of specialist information and expertise.
- The developed design investigates and analyses detailed requirements for the organisation of spaces, areas and circulation within and around a building.
- The developed design considers options for and decides on the structural system, construction elements, materials and building components and building service systems.
- The progressive development of the design is clearly communicated at each of its stages and the agreement of the client to proceed to the detailed design stage is obtained.
Concept - Create
- What is your design approach - some graduates may have experience in the concept phase but others might only be observing - write about this in the case study
- Make sure the AAS has been signed
- This is where architects can really add value - show our creativity and imaginations and critical thinking
- Everyone might have different approaches to this - bubble diagrams, sketches and models - there’s no right or wrong
- Make sure there is an inspiration ethos and strong point of view (write this in your case study)
- What is your office culture and what is your office design approach
- Important in your case study it is important to talk about how the office approach is relevant to your project
Concept - Formulate
- Often this is the role of a graduate - to get info on the site
- E.g Using GIS and other tools to get an idea of the site
- Understand the site!
- Things to consider:
- Location and Access
- Boundaries
- Survey info
- Topography, climate, orientation existing structure and services
- Protected items - trees
- Site Response:
- Site Analysis diagrams and bulk and location studies
- Orientation
- Rainfall
- Prevailing winds
- Then Regulatory Requirements
- District Plan Maps
Zones - residential, Industrial and Central city zone
- Special site
- Overlay
- Heritage building
- View shaft
- Notable trees
- It is a requirement of the RMA that every council has prepared a district plan
District plan
- Activity status - i.e H5 residential
- RMA issues that may affect your site
- Permitted/controlled/discretionary activities/notified/Non-notified - ie Permitted - what you without a Resource consent, or controlled activity where it is required but generally granted, or Discretionary - which are up to the discretion of the council. Notified and Non-notified (explore further), Now there is a deemed permitted - if only one boundary activity (daylighting, maximum lengths, side boundaries) (explore further).
- Pre-lodgement meetings - Pre App meetings!!! Good to call the council planner too - you did this for Oratia (called council and maybe sent email to them). Incase you have missed something
- Other bodies - body corporate DoC, Urban Design panel, Heritage Groups, Community groups, Tangata Whenua. - important to know who these people are early on!! Important to build these relationships
The Building Act
- The Building Act
- Difference between the Building Act and Building Code important to know! (explore further)
- In 2015 the Health and Safety in design (HSiD) act came inAs Designers:
- Duty to ensure that the health and safety of workers and others is not put at risk by the practises work
- Have a duty to ensure that any workplace they control or manage is without risks to the health and safety of any person
- Cannot contract out of these duties
- Refer to Practice Note 1.2.19
- How did you practice/project worked with HSiD
- What is the reporting structure - does your standard, template, performer, varying sizes project different reporting?
- The best time to eliminate hazards is in the design stage. Early design presentations how to mitigate hazards - might not know all hazard in early design state so this is an ongoing document.
- Important to undertake a H&S assessment and maintain a register. Important to involve all stakeholders (no conversations with Oratia clients?)
- Identity hazards
- Assess the risk of hazard
- Eliminate hazards and control risks
- Monitoring and reviewing risks
- Designing for safety - how did you do this
- The three C’s - Consultation, Cooperation and Coordination
Preliminary Design - Performance Indicators (most important to PD)
- An appropriate cost control and reporting procss is established and followed
- A documentation process has been established confirming timings, participants and procedures
- The developed design demonstrates the implications of physical, technical, cost and regulatory constraints and demonstrates the processes of collaboration and integrates sources of specialist information of expertise.
Before moving to PD
Before moving onto this stage, have you received approval to move from concept to preliminary- has to be written - in the form of email, concept document, design meeting (meeting minutes?). Importance of communication! Making sure the client understands the phase change
Preliminary Design - Other Consultants
- “Include and coordinate the input of other consultants - part of performance indicators
- Consultants/coordinate - be clear who is doing what and when
- Scope of service - full or partial documentation
- Sub or separate consultants (NZIA recommends against engaging with sub-consultants (not same as sub-contractors) - as the architect becomes responsible to the client for performance of subbies and there is historically no PI cover for performance of sub-consultants - although recently there are some now in the way of back to back agreements)
- With separate consultant (not sub), the architect is the intermediary, so the consultant is engaged directly by the client
- The Architectural practice invite consultants to submit proposals with services and fees. Then when reviewed and firm selected the architects send a letter of offer fir consultants engagement by the clients.
- Must get the clients approval - clients are the ones paying the consultants (not you!)
- Check Consultants PI insurance
- You go to them usually because you know their competency
- What are their resources - how familiar are you with this - low on staff, previous performance - how does this reflect on your project
- How and when to involve the client - does the client want to be involved?
Preliminary estimate of cost - recommended a QS is engaged
- Drawing and outline spec
- Once everyone is comfortable the project can progress
- Preliminary estimate - as accurate as the info you have in your drawings - just to get a feel
Developed Design - Performance Indicators (most important to DD)
- Performance indicators
- The developed design investigates and analysis detailed requirements for organisation of space, areas and circulation within and around building
- The developed design considers options for and decides of the structural system, construction elements, materials and building components and building service systems
- The progressive development of the design is clearly communicated at each of its stages and the agreement of client to the detailed design stage is obtained.
Developed Design
- Starting to develop drawings and outline specs
- Identifying and coordinate all elements
- Construction methodology
- Structural elements
- Building services/requirements
- Materials and finishes - have you done a risk matrix to see if these materials are appropriate
- Building areas (sqm), net/gross - scope creep. If any price changes how is this being communicated. Show in meeting minutes!
- Peer reviews - established at pre lodgement meeting
- Double check against RMA/NZBC requirements
- Review DD for compliance with brief
- Important in case study to have some visual prompts - some sketch details (can be CAD) - how are issues being resolved.
Checklists available for DD
- Use checklist:
- CIC(Construction industry Council)
- NZIA GAP (Good architecture practice)
- Office can have own checklist
Monitoring Budget and Cost Control
- Monitoring Budget and cost control
- QS independent cost estimate - from prelim costing to elemental estimate
- Contingencies - what is your client expecting? Are they pushing for you to get this stage done quickly so higher contingency or complete information (longer) and more accurate contingency.
- Design change record and manage scope creep - meeting minutes!! Sometimes going back 6-12 months to see those changes
Design Review - DD
- Design review
- How are you doing design reviews?
- Regularly project meetings with client?
- With office staff?
- What is the essence of the design idea and is it still evidence and relevant as the project evolves.