Prince 2 - 2 Flashcards
Which statement about controls is CORRECT?
A. A highlight report is an event-driven control
B. An exception report is a time-driven control
C. A daily log is an event-driven control
D. A checkpoint report is a time-driven control
Correct. A team manager prepares a checkpoint report
for the project manager at a predefined frequency.
Therefore, checkpoint reports are a time-driven control.
Which document is used to identify interested parties that need to be informed of project
A. Change control approach
B. End project report
C. Communication management approach
D. Project brief
C. Correct. A communication management approach
contains a description of the means and frequency of
communication to parties both internal and external to
the project. R
Identify the missing words in the following sentence.
Any change to the products agreed at the start of a stage is monitored as part of the [ ? ]
process, on a day-to-day basis.
A. directing a project
B. controlling a stage
C. managing a stage boundary
D. closing a project
B. Correct. An objective of the ‘controlling a stage’
process is to ensure attention is focused on delivery of
the stage’s products. Any movement away from the
direction and products agreed at the start of the stage is
monitored to avoid uncontrolled change and loss of
focus. The ‘controlling a stage’ process describes the
work of the project manager in handling the day-to-day
management of the stage
Which two statements about the ‘continued business justification’ principle are CORRECT?
1. The business justification for a project should be documented.
2. The project manager should be responsible for the business justification.
3. A project must be stopped if the business justification changes.
4. Compulsory projects still require business justification.
A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3
C. 3 and 4
D. 1 and 4
D. Correct.
(1) PRINCE2 requires that, for all projects, the business
justification is recorded and approved. Ref 3.1
(4) Even compulsory projects should be supported by a
business justification that demonstrates value for
money. Ref
PRINCE2 mandates that the project board represents the primary stakeholder interests.
Which principle does this follow?
A. Manage by stages
B. Focus on products
C. Defined roles and responsibilities
D. Learn from experience
C. Correct. Application of the ‘defined roles and
responsibilities’ principle ensures that a PRINCE2 project
has defined and agreed roles and responsibilities within
an organization structure that engages the business, user
and supplier stakeholder interests. R
When is it confirmed whether a project’s objectives have been achieved?
A. During the ‘closing a project’ process
B. During the final end stage assessment
C. During the ‘controlling a stage’ process
D. During the ‘managing product delivery’ process
A. Correct. The purpose of the ‘closing a project’ process
is to provide a fixed point at which acceptance of the
project product is confirmed, and to recognize that
objectives set out in the original project initiation
documentation have been achieved, or that the project
has nothing more to contribute. R
Which statement correctly describes project assurance and quality assurance?
A. Project assurance provides assurance to the project’s stakeholders whereas quality
assurance provides assurance to the wider corporate, programme or customer
B. They are both the responsibility of the project board, but project assurance may be
C. They are both independent of the project management team
D. Project assurance and quality assurance are both the responsibility of corporate,
programme management or the customer
A. Correct. Quality assurance provides assurance to
corporate, programme management or customer on the
project’s compliance with relevant corporate,
programme management or customer standards and
policies. Project assurance provides assurance to the
project’s stakeholders that the project is being conducted
properly. R
. Identify the missing words in the following sentence.
If a baselined product requires modification, the recommended [ ? ] procedure, or equivalent
procedure should be used.
A. risk management
B. exception management
C. issue and change control
D. quality control
C. Correct. This procedure identifies and controls changes
to baselined products. The PRINCE2 recommended issue
and change control procedure can be used, or an
equivalent procedure.
According to the ‘manage by exception’ principle, what should be defined to establish limits
of delegated authority?
A. Scope of the project
B. Costs of the project
C. Timescales for the project
D. Tolerances for the project
D. Correct. A PRINCE2 project has defined tolerances for
each project objective to establish limits of delegated
Which two statements are CORRECT about the minimum requirements for applying the
change theme?
1. Identified issues must be assessed for their impact on the business justification for the
2. Project issues must be captured, examined and managed throughout the project
3. The actual status of products must be verified to ensure that this matches the
authorized state.
4. A budget must be established to pay for requests for change and their analysis.
A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3
C. 3 and 4
D. 1 and 4
A. Correct.
(1) To be following PRINCE2, a project must, as a
minimum, assess whether identified issues might have a
material impact on the business justification of the
project (PRINCE2’s continued business justification
principle). Ref 11.2
(2) To be following PRINCE2, a project must, as a
minimum, ensure that project issues are captured,
examined, managed and reviewed throughout the
project lifecycle.
Which is a purpose of the ‘controlling a stage’ process?
A. To agree, perform and deliver project work
B. To draft a plan for the next stage
C. To agree tolerances for the stage
D. To take action so that the stage remains within tolerance
D. Correct. The purpose of the ‘controlling a stage’
process is to assign work, monitor it, deal with issues,
report progress and take corrective action to ensure that
the stage remains within tolerance.
What is likely to be avoided by applying the ‘tailor to suit the project’ principle?
A. Unnecessary management effort
B. Project risks
C. Training
D. Procurement procedures
A. Correct. If PRINCE2 is not tailored, it is unlikely that
the project management effort and approach would be
appropriate for the needs of the project. Tailoring
ensures the project management method used is
appropriate to the project’s environment. R
Which is a responsibility of the team manager role?
A. To accept authorized work packages from the project manager
B. To review the highlight report for the previous reporting period
C. To review the tailoring approach and its implications for project controls
D. To examine and escalate issues, taking necessary corrective actions
A. Correct. The team manager’s primary responsibility is
to ensure production of those products allocated by the
project manager. PRINCE2 uses work packages to allocate
work to team managers.
In which situation might the ‘controlling a stage’ process be used?
A. To manage a long initiation stage of a complex project
B. To manage the activities of a complex programme
C. To organize support activities following the handover of products to operations
D. To create an exception plan to replace the current stage plan
A. Correct. For complex projects with a large initiation
stage, the ‘controlling a stage’ process can be used to
control the activities. R
Which is a step in PRINCE2’s recommended approach to planning?
A. Identify activities and dependencies
B. Describe the means of communication for the project
C. Implement responses for opportunities
D. Baseline the project deliverables
A. Correct. ‘Identifying activities and dependencies’ is a
step in PRINCE2’s recommended approach to planning.
The step identifies the activities required to deliver a
planned product. R
What is an advantage of applying the ‘learn from experience’ principle?
A. It allows the project board to delegate cost tolerances to the project manager
B. It allows the project team to fully understand their roles and responsibilities
C. It allows the project manager to delegate time tolerances to the team managers
D. It allows the project team to identify improvements to be made during the project
D. Correct. As the project progresses the project should
continue to learn. Lessons should be included in relevant
reports and reviews. The goal is to seek opportunities to
implement improvements during the life of the project.
Which is a responsibility of the business representative on the project board?
A. To set tolerance levels for the project
B. To ensure the project represents value for money
C. To confirm the project delivers the required functionality
D. To check the required quality levels are achieved by the project’s products
B. Correct. The executive (who represents the business
interest) is appointed to ensure that the project is
focused on achieving and delivering a product that will
achieve the forecast benefits and will deliver value for
What makes a project a PRINCE2 project?
A. It has project processes that satisfy the objectives of PRINCE2 processes
B. It has a permanent project organization to deliver a long-term result
C. It has established technology to improve business as usual
D. It applies some of the PRINCE2 principles
18 A 1.1d A. Correct. As one of the minimum requirements, a
PRINCE2 project must demonstrate that the project has
processes that satisfy the purpose and objectives of the
PRINCE2 processes.
What is risk probability?
A. The scale of the risk should it occur
B. The probable effect on the project being able to deliver its objectives
C. A probable timeframe within which the risk may occur
D. A measure of the likelihood of the risk occurring
D. Correct. Probability measures the likelihood of the risk
Which describes the ‘implement’ step within the recommended risk management procedure?
A. Project support allocates the risk budget to fund the selected risk responses
B. The risk owner decides the best response to control the risk
C. The risk owner and the risk actionee carry out activities to control and deal with the risk
D. The project manager formulates the risk management approach
C. Correct. The risk owner manages and controls all
aspects of a risk and the risk actionee implements
specific responses to a risk as part of the ‘implement’
Which is an objective of the ‘initiating a project’ process?
A. To ensure that there is authority to initiate the project
B. To prepare the plans for the subsequent delivery stages
C. To summarize how the organization’s project management method will be tailored for
the project
D. To request authority from programme, corporate management or the customer to
deliver the project
C. Correct. The project initiation documentation should
include or reference the project controls and summarize
how the project intends to tailor PRINCE2.
Which is a minimum requirement for applying the risk theme?
A. To assign risk actionees to undertake planned risk responses
B. To escalate identified threats to the project board
C. To record identified threats in a risk register
D. To establish a risk budget to fund responses to risks
C. Correct. As a minimum, the project should maintain
some form of risk register to record identified risks and
decisions relating to their analysis, management and
review. R
If a work package is forecast to exceed its tolerances, how should a team manager inform the
project manager?
A. By submitting an exception report
B. By submitting an exception plan
C. By raising an issu
C. Correct. If a work package is forecast to exceed
tolerances agreed in a work package, the team manager
should inform the project manager by raising an issue.
The project manager will then advise on corrective
actions required.
Who is responsible for documenting any tailoring of work packages?
A. Executive
B. Project manager
C. Team manager
D. Project support
B. Correct. The project manager is responsible for
identifying and documenting the level of tailoring for the
Which is a minimum requirement for applying the quality theme?
A. To define the use and format of quality records
B. To define the project’s approach to quality assurance
C. To define proxy measures that indicate achievable benefits
D. To define the project’s approach to project assurance
D. Correct. To be following PRINCE2, a project must, as a
minimum, define the project’s approach to project
Which is a purpose of the quality theme?
A. To establish the mechanisms to judge whether a project is desirable and achievable
B. To look for ways to improve the effectiveness of the management of the project
C. To control uncertainty to improve the ability of the project to succeed
D. To establish mechanisms to control any unacceptable deviation
B. Correct. A purpose of the quality theme is to use the
lessons identified during the project to introduce more
efficiency and effectiveness into the management of the
project and the project’s products. R
Which is a purpose of the business case theme?
A. To establish mechanisms for managing issues that may impact the baseline
B. To establish methods to judge whether the ongoing project is justified
C. To assess and control uncertain events or situations
D. To describe how products will be delivered that are fit for purpose
B. Correct. A purpose of the business case theme is to
allow decisions to be made regarding continued project
investment and benefit achievement
Which process provides the project board with the information it requires in order to commit
resources to the project?
A. Managing product delivery
B. Initiating a project
C. Controlling a stage
D. Directing a project
B. Correct. The ‘initiating a project’ process establishes
solid foundations for the project, enabling the
organization to understand the work that needs to be
done to deliver the project’s products before committing
to a significant spend
Which two statements describe a highlight report?
1. It provides a summary of the stage status.
2. It is used by the project board to monitor the progress of the stage and project.
3. It is produced by the project manager when a new risk is identified.
4. It is used by the project manager to escalate an exception.
A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3
C. 3 and 4
D. 1 and 4
A. Correct.
(1) A highlight report is used to provide the project board
(and possibly other stakeholders) with a summary of the
stage and project status at intervals defined by them. Ref
(2) The project board uses the highlight report to monitor
stage and project progress. R
Which product provides the version number of all products in a particular stage?
A. Issue register
B. Product status account
C. Product description
D. Configuration item record
B. Correct. The product status account should provide
details of all the products of a stage, including the
version numbers. R
Which two statements about the risk theme are CORRECT?
1. It identifies how to manage risks at the corporate programme management or customer
level of an organization.
2. It aims to support better decision-making through a good understanding of threats and
3. It explains the risk management activities to use to improve the chances of a project
delivering its objectives.
4. It identifies, assesses and controls approved changes to the baseline.
A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3
C. 3 and 4
D. 1 and 4
B. Correct.
(2) The risk theme aims to support better decision
making through a good understanding of risks. Ref 10.1
(3) Management of risk should be systematic and
proactive, and is implemented by the risk management
approach which defines activities that should be
implemented to control risks on a project. R
What must be recorded in the project initiation documentation to meet the minimum
requirements for applying the progress theme?
A. The overall approach to managing by exception
B. The tailoring required for progress reports
C. The tolerance areas that will not be controlled
D. The levels of management control that will be used
A. Correct. To be following PRINCE2, a project must, as a
minimum, define its approach to controlling progress in
the project initiation documentation. The ‘manage by
exception’ principle is particularly important when
controlling progress
Which theme establishes mechanisms to monitor and compare actual achievements against
those planned?
A. Plans
B. Change
C. Progress
D. Quality
C. Correct. The purpose of the progress theme is to
establish mechanisms to monitor and compare actual
achievements against those planned, provide a forecast
for the project objectives and the project’s continued
viability, and control any unacceptable deviations. Ref
. Which role is responsible for the management of a risk assigned to it?
A. Project support
B. Risk owner
C. Risk actionee
D. Project assurance
B. Correct. A risk owner is responsible for the
management, monitoring and control of all aspects of a
particular risk allocated to them
Which is a responsibility of the change authority?
A. To ensure an acceptable solution is being developed
B. To prepare a team plan and agree it with the project manager
C. To maintain project files according to document control procedures
D. To approve or reject requests for change within the delegated limits
D. Correct. It is the project board’s responsibility to agree
to each change before it’s implemented. The project
board may delegate some authority for approving or
rejecting requests for change to the change authority.
What does applying the ‘manage by stages’ principle ensure?
A. That the customer’s quality expectations and acceptance criteria are captured and
B. That the project is properly initiated before work begins on delivery of the project’s
C. That the project management team understands what they are accountable for
D. That the project is only started and continued if it is desirable, viable and achievable
B. Correct. The focus on managing by stages ensures that
the project is properly initiated before work starts on
delivery of the project’s outputs.
Identify the missing word in the following sentence.
A management stage can be longer when risk is [ ? ], typically in the middle of projects.
A. complex
B. understood
C. lower
D. higher
C. Correct. The length of management stages can be
longer when risk is lower, typically in the middle of
projects. R
What takes place during the ‘closing a project’ process?
A. The post-project benefits reviews are performed
B. Ownership of the project’s products is transferred to the customer
C. An end stage report is prepared for the final stage
D. The project closure notification is reviewed and approved
B. Correct. During the ‘closing a project’ process,
ownership of the products is transferred to the customer
and the responsibility of the project management team is
then terminated. R
Which is a purpose of the ‘starting up a project’ process?
A. To understand the resources and costs to deliver the project’s products
B. To ensure that there is authority to deliver the project’s products
C. To do the minimum to decide whether it is worthwhile initiating the project
D. To create the management product required to control the project
C. Correct. The ‘starting up a project’ process is a lighter
process compared to the more detailed and thorough
‘initiating a project’ process.
In a customer/supplier context, which is a responsibility of a supplier?
A. To deliver the benefits of the project
B. To provide the project mandate
C. To deliver the outputs of the project
D. To provide the requirements for the products
C. Correct. PRINCE2 refers to a supplier as the person,
group or groups responsible for the supply of the
project’s specialist products.
Which is a minimum requirement for applying the organization theme?
A. To ensure the senior user verifies user requirements
B. To ensure that the change authority is delegated
C. To ensure that all the responsibilities of the project board are fulfilled
D. To ensure that the supplier resources are available
C. Correct. To be following PRINCE2, a project must, as a
minimum, define its organization structure and roles.
This must minimally ensure that all of the responsibilities
in PRINCE2’s role descriptions are fulfilled.
When should the team manager produce a checkpoint report?
A. When a work package is being negotiated
B. At the frequency agreed in the work package
C. On completion of the quality-checking activities for each product
D. When reviewing how a stage is progressing
B. Correct. A team manager is required to provide
checkpoint reports at the frequency agreed with the
project manager in the relevant work package
. Which statement describes the ‘directing a project’ process?
A. It enables the project board to assure that there is continued business justification
B. It covers the day-to-day activities of the project manager
C. It ensures there are regular progress meetings
D. It begins on completion of the ‘initiating a project’ process
A. Correct. The ‘directing a project’ process provides a
mechanism for the project board to achieve such
assurance without being overburdened by project
Which is a purpose of the plans theme?
A. To identify, assess and control uncertainty within the project
B. To establish a coding system for all components of the project’s products
C. To define the means of delivering the products
D. To produce a benefits management approach
C. Correct. The purpose of the plans theme is to define
the means of delivering the products.
Which is a purpose of a quality management approach?
A. To define the customer’s quality expectations for the project
B. To define the quality standards to be applied to a project
C. To identify the level of quality required for each of the project’s products
D. To summarize the planned quality management activities
B. Correct. The quality management approach is used to
define the quality techniques and standards to be
applied during a project.
How does defining a product’s quality requirements support the ‘focus on products’
A. By providing the project’s tolerances so that authority can be delegated
B. By providing the responsibilities for the project management team
C. By providing the justification for the project to be initiated
D. By providing an explicit understanding of what the project must deliver
D. Correct. A PRINCE2 project uses product descriptions
to provide such clarity by defining each product’s
purpose, composition, derivation, format, quality criteria
and quality method
Which is a feature of PRINCE2?
A. It is a method specifically designed for technical projects
B. It promotes continual learning in organizations
C. It includes many motivational techniques
D. It is designed to manage both projects and programmes
B. Correct. PRINCE2 promotes learning from project
experience and continual improvement in organizations.
Which roles should NOT be combined?
A. Project board and change authority
B. Project manager and team manager
C. Executive and project manager
D. Project manager and project support
C. Correct. The executive and project manager roles
cannot be combined. The executive’s accountability for
project success cannot be delegated.
Which is a characteristic of a project?
A. It is considered low risk
B. It avoids stresses and strains between organizations
C. It maintains business as usual
D. It involves cross-functional teams
D. Correct. Projects involve a team of people with
different skills working together to introduce a change
that will impact others outside the team
Which is an objective of the ‘managing a stage boundary’ process?
A. To request authorization to start the next stage
B. To ensure that all threats and opportunities for the current stage have been closed
C. To ensure that work on products allocated to the team for the next stage is authorized
D. To implement actions to resolve tolerance deviations from the stage plan
A. Correct. An objective of the ‘managing a stage
boundary’ process is for the project manager to request
authorization from the project board to start the next
stage. R
In which process is authorization given to deliver the project’s products?
A. Starting up a project
B. Initiating a project
C. Managing a stage boundary
D. Directing a project
D. Correct. An objective of the ‘directing a project’
process is to ensure that there is authority to deliver the
project’s products.
Which is a minimum requirement for applying the business case theme?
A. To document the responsibility for defining the standards for the business case
B. To appoint a senior user from an area of the business impacted by the project
C. To have the benefits management approach approved by the participants of benefits
D. To delegate the development of the business justification to the project manager
A. Correct. It is a minimum requirement that the roles
and responsibilities for the business case and benefits
management are defined and documented. Therefore,
this includes responsibility for defining any standards to
which the business case needs to be developed. Ref 6.2,
tab 6
- How is the project initiation documentation used during the ‘closing a project’ process?
A. It is used as the basis for comparing the original aim of the project against what was
actually achieved
B. It provides the controls for the final stage of the project
C. It is updated to include relevant lessons from previous projects
D. It provides the project product description for approval by the project board
A. Correct. The project initiation documentation,
baselined in the ‘initiating a project’ process, is used
during the ‘closing a project’ process as the benchmark to
review how the project actually performed against its
planned targets and tolerances. R
Which process aims to ensure that during the project all parties understand the project
A. Starting up a project
B. Directing a project
C. Initiating a project
D. Managing product delivery
C. Correct. It Is the ‘initiating a project’ process that aims
to ensure that all parties are be clear on what the project
is intended to achieve, why it is needed and how the
outcome is to be achieved.
When should the ‘managing a stage boundary’ process be undertaken?
A. Close to the end of each management stage
B. Close to the start of each management stage
C. At the end of the final stage
D. At the end of the ‘starting up a project’ process
A. Correct. The ‘managing a stage boundary’ process
should be executed at, or close to the end of, each
management stage. The process is used to enable the
project board to receive sufficient information to review
the current stage before starting the next.
What is a project outcome?
A. A measurable improvement that is perceived as an advantage by one or more
B. The reason for the project
C. The result of the change derived from using the project’s outputs
D. The project’s specialist products
C. Correct. A project outcome is the result of a change
derived from using the project’s outputs.
Identify the missing words in the following sentence.
The six aspects of project performance to be managed are [ ? ], costs, timescales and scope.
A. benefits, change, risk
B. benefits, quality, risk
C. change, quality, risk
D. benefits, change, quality
B. Correct. The six aspects of project performance to be
managed are costs, timescales, scope, quality, risk and
Which management stages must a PRINCE2 project consist of, as a minimum?
A. Starting up, initiation, and at least one other stage for the rest of the project
B. At least one stage for developing products, and a closing stage
C. Initiation, and at least one other stage for the rest of the project
D. Initiation, at least one stage for developing products, and a closing stage
C. Correct. To be following PRINCE2, a project must, as a
minimum, have an initiation stage and at least one
further management stage
Which statement about project stakeholders is CORRECT?
A. All stakeholders must be identified at the start of the project
B. All stakeholders are members of the project board
C. All stakeholders are external to the corporate organization
D. All three principle categories of stakeholder have their interests represented by the
project board
D. Correct. The three principle categories of stakeholders:
business, user and supplier, are represented by the
executive, senior user(s) and senior supplier(s
What should be provided by a project mandate?
A. Terms of reference for a project
B. A detailed business case
C. Tolerances for each management stage
D. A plan for the initiation stage
A. Correct. The project mandate should provide the terms
of reference for a project.