Préhos Flashcards
Nommer ce qui est inclus dans le BLS
BLS describes the provision of emergency care without the use of advanced therapeutic interventions. Skills include airway management (oral and nasal airways, bag-mask ventilation), cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), hemorrhage control, fracture and spine immobilization, and childbirth assistance. Defibrillation with an automated external defibrillator (AED) is often included by many BLS systems
Décrire les gestes de ALS
Provider skills include advanced airway interventions, intravenous line placement, medication administration, cardiac monitoring and manual defibrillation, and certain invasive procedures
Décrire les différents niveaux de formation de EMS et leurs tâches autorisées
Décrire la chaîne de survie en arrêt cardiaque
Reconnaissance rapide de l’ACR
Appel rapide 911
Initier RCR
Défibrillation rapide
Soins avancés rapides
Hôpital/réadaptation rapide
Nommer des éléments de contrôle direct et indirect du directeur médical
Indirect: Patient care guidelines and protocol development for EMTs and EMDs, formation des EMT, continuing medical education, medical-legal policies, and quality and performance improvement processes are important elements
Direct: This may be in the form of radio or telephone communications or by direct scene observation and may be considered centralized or decentralized. In a centralized system, a selected hospital is designated the lead facility (base station hospital, resource hospital, or sponsor hospital) and is responsible for providing all direct medical control orders and notification regardless of the receiving facility. In a decentralized system, each hospital functions as a base station, providing direction to EMTs transporting patients to its facility.
Nommer les requis pour un transfert inter-hospitalier
Complete certification (risks and benefits) of transfer
Informed consent obtained from the patient or family
Appropriate transportation (equipment and personnel) arranged
Treatment and stabilization performed
Acceptance from receiving facility ensured
Appropriate patient care data sent (fax or with patient)
Nommer les 4 lois des gaz et leur implication en transport aérien
Loi Boyle: le volume d’un gaz est inversement proportionnel à sa pression. (barotrauma, PTX, air a/n matériel de transports, ballonnets)
Loi Charles: Lorsque le volume d’une unité de gaz augmente, la température diminue
Loi Dalton: La pression totale d’un gaz est la somme des pressions partielles de chacun des gaz.
Loi Henry: La qte de gaz dissoute dans un liquide est proportionnelle à la pression de ce gaz au dessus du liquide. (accidents de décompression)
Nommer les désavantages rotor / fixed
Rotor: noise, vibration, thermal variances, and other stressors on patients and crew exaggerated by rotor-wing flight. Weather considerations may at times significantly limit the availability of helicopter transport. In smaller helicopters, cramped spaces and weight limitations may limit the number of patients, transport personnel, or equipment that can be carried.
Fixed: Fixed-wing operations are limited, however, to areas that have airports with runways of appropriate length and airports with refueling facilities. During fixed-wing transports, patient transfers require multiple vehicles for each leg of the transport (ie, hospital to ground ambulance to airplane
Nommer des règles de sécurité associées aux zones d’atterrissages
Vehicles and personnel should be kept at least 100 ft from the landing zone.
Spectators should be kept at least 200 ft from the landing zone.
No smoking or running is permitted within 50 ft of the helicopter.
All items (eg, intravenous lines, poles) should be kept below shoulder height.
The flight crew opens and closes aircraft doors.
The flight crew directs and supervises the loading and unloading of the patient and equipment.
Ground personnel should use eye and ear protection.
Approach the helicopter only when signaled to do so by the pilot or an onboard crew member.
Approach and depart the helicopter only forward of the rear cabin door and in a crouched position with your head down.
Never approach or depart from the rear of the helicopter.
Stay clear of the tail rotor; it is virtually invisible and extremely dangerous.
If the aircraft is parked on a slope, approach and depart on the downhill side (greatest clearance under the blades).
Keep the landing zone clear of (or hold on to) all loose articles (eg, hats, scarves, sheets, pillows).
Protect patient from the dust and debris.
Follow the flight crew’s instructions at all times.
In disaster situations and mass casualty incidents, victims, witnesses, and spectators may become hysterical or exhibit signs of an acute situational reaction. These individuals must be kept clear of the landing zone and helicopter at all times. Injured victims who exhibit this behavior should not be triaged for helicopter transport, or they should be transported only with adequate physical or chemical restraints in use.
If you do not know, ask.
Nommer les éléments de sécurité requis sur les zones d’aterrissages
Landing Area
Landing zone should be as close as possible to the scene or hospital entrance but not so close that it may interfere with ground operations or patient care.
Landing zone should be at least 100 × 100 ft.
Landing zone should be as flat and level as possible.
Landing zone must be clear of debris.
Hazards and Obstructions
Identify all potential hazards that may be on the ground or near the approach/departure path of landing zone.
Landing zone should be clear of wires, poles, trees, buildings, vehicles, and spectators.
Road cones, ropes, tape, and barricades are not recommended for use near landing zone.
Perimeter of landing zone should be at least 50 ft away from potential obstructions and hazards.
Landing zone should be located upwind from any hazardous material incident.
Approach and Departure Path
Path should point into the wind and be free of obstruction to an altitude of 500 ft above the surface.
Path should not pass over command posts, treatment areas, or operationally congested areas on the ground.
Day Operations
Use radio communications and hand signals.
Stand with your back to the wind.
Night Operations
Use radio communications and lighting to designate landing zone.
Spotlights should be directed at the top of possible hazards, not toward the approaching or departing aircraft.
Position a portable light, vehicle headlights, emergency vehicle flashing lights, flare, or chemical stick at each corner, with a fifth light upwind.
Nonessential lights should be turned off.
Light Sources
Lights must be clear of landing zone.
If portable, lights must be well secured.
Never point lights toward an approaching or departing helicopter.
Wind Indicator
Indicator may be a wind sock, flag, flare, or smoke.
Indicator must be clear of landing zone.
If portable, indicator must be well secured.
Situations nécessitant un transport aérien
Distance to the closest appropriate facility is too great for safe and timely transport by ground ambulance.
Patient’s clinical condition requires that the time spent in transport be as short as possible.
Patient’s condition is time critical, requiring specific or timely treatment not available at the referring hospital.
Potential for transport delay associated with ground transport is likely to worsen the patient’s clinical condition.
Patient requires critical care life support during transport that was not available from the local ground ambulance service.
Patient is located in an area inaccessible to regular ground traffic, impeding ambulance egress or access.
Local ground units are not available for long-distance transport.
Use of local ground transport services would leave the local area without adequate EMS coverage.
For interfacility medical transport, the requesting physician based on his/her best medical judgment and information available at that time of transport determined the need for AMT.
For scene medical transport, the requesting authorized out-of-hospital provider based on applicable policy, his/her best medical judgment and information available at that time of transport determined the need for AMT.
Nommer les 3 composantes nécessaires lors d’une demande importante de service (surge capacity)
3 S
3T : treatement, triage, transport
3D: decant, deflect, defer
préciser le vocabulaire relié au désastre
Désastre: événement besoins nécessaires surpassent les ressources disponibles.
Interne vs externe: événement se produisant à l’intérieur de l’hôpital versus extérieur. Certains peuvent être mixtes. (Ex tremblement de terre)
Nomenclature PICE, potential injury-creating event
Donner des exemples de désastres paralytiques destructifs et non destructifs
Bomb explosion
Civil unrest
Employee strike
Power failure
Water supply cutoff
Décrire le triage START
Décrire le incident command system
At the most basic level, there are five functional elements in the organizational structure: incident command, operations, planning, logistics, and finance. The principles of an incident command system can also be applied to the hospital setting through implementation of a Hospital Incident Command System
Incident commander: The incident commander has overall management responsibility for the incident.
Operations section: The operations section has a chief who is responsible for the management of all incident tactical activities.The operations section also manages the resources assigned to staging areas. It is under the operations section that all medical triage and care is provided.
Planning: The planning section collects, evaluates, and disseminates information about incident operations and the status of resources. This section also develops incident action plans and conducts planning meetings.
Logistic: The logistics section’s chief is responsible for providing facilities, services, and material in support of the incident. This includes procuring equipment and supplies, providing food and medical support, and meeting transportation needs
Finance: The finance section is responsible for maintaining records on personnel and equipment, providing payments to vendors for supplies and use of equipment, and determining the cost of various alternatives for strategic planning
Décrire les 4 phases du emergency management plan
Comprehensive emergency management consists of four phases: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. Mitigation involves taking actions to reduce the impact of identified hazards. Enhancing the seismic structural design of hospitals is one strategy to mitigate the impact of large earthquakes on the health care system. Training, drills, and cataloging of resources are examples of preparedness activities. Responseincludes assessment of the situation and coordination of resources. Finally, recoveryconsists of a return to normal operations and debriefing to critique the response and to provide long-term psychological support to the victims and rescuers.