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Décrire la matrice d’Hadon
Décrire la formule de la force G dans un accident de voiture
Décrire les 2 types de fibres qui transmettent la douleur
A-δ and C fibers fibers are responsible for the transmission of pain. A-δ fibers transmit sharp, initial pain; C fibers, in contrast, transmit dull, aching, or burning pain
Décrire les réactions à la douleur
Increased Sympathetic Tone
Vasoconstriction producing increased peripheral resistance
Increased cardiac output from increased stroke volume and heart rate
Increased blood pressure
Increased metabolic rate and oxygen consumption
Decreased gastric tone and gastric emptying (may progress to ileus)
Decreased urinary tract tone (may lead to urinary retention)
Endocrine Responses
Decreased insulin production
Increased cortisol levels
Increased antidiuretic hormone levels
Increased growth hormone levels
Increased renin, angiotensin II, aldosterone levels
Increased glucagon levels
Increased catecholamine levels
Respiratory Responses
Cortical Responses
Anxiety and fear
Nommer 5 récepteurs d’opiacés
Nommer les différents sites de traitement de la douleur et des agents associés
Nommer des comportements spécifiques et un peu moins spécifiques associés à la dépendance
Nommer 6 techniques pour réduire la douleur liée aux anesthésiques locaux
Buffering of local anesthetic agents
Slower rate of injection
Use of topical anesthetics
Warming of solution
Distraction techniques
Décrire les 5 niveaux de sédation
Décrire la courbe de dissociation de l’oxygène et ses modificateurs
Nomemr 15 causes de méthémobloginémie
Hemoglobin M
NADH methemoglobin reductase deficiency (homozygote and heterozygote)
G6PD deficiency
Amyl nitrite
Antineoplastics (eg, cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide, flutamide)
Local anesthetics (eg, benzocaine, lidocaine, prilocaine)
Phenazopyridine (Pyridium)
Quinones (eg, chloroquine, primaquine)
Sulfonamides (eg, sulfanilamide, sulfathiazide, sulfapyridine, sulfamethoxazole)
Chemical Agents
Aniline dye derivatives (eg, shoe dyes, marking inks)
Butyl nitrite
Fire (heat-induced denaturation)
Food adulterated with nitrites
Food high in nitrates
Isobutyl nitrite
Naphthalene (mothballs)
Nitrous gases (seen in arc welders)
Silver nitrate
Well water (nitrates)
Pediatric Cases
Reduced NADH methemoglobin reductase activity in infants (<4 mo)
Seen in association with low birth weight, prematurity, dehydration, acidosis, diarrhea, and hyperchloremia
Nommer les principales causes de cyanose centrale
Central cyanosis
A.Decreased arterial oxygen saturation
- High altitude (>8000 ft)
- Impaired pulmonary function
a. Hypoventilation
b. Impaired oxygen diffusion
c. Ventilation-perfusion mismatching
(1) Pulmonary embolism
(2) Acute respiratory distress syndrome
(3) Pulmonary hypertension
d. Respiratory compromise
(1) Upper airway obstruction
(2) Pneumonia
(3) Diaphragmatic hernia
(4) Tension pneumothorax
(5) Polycythemia
B.Anatomic shunts
1Pulmonary arteriovenous fistulae and intrapulmonary shunts
- Cerebral, hepatic, peripheral arteriovenous fistulae
- Cyanotic congenital heart disease
a. Endocardial cushion defects
b. Ventricular septal defects
c. Coarctation of aorta
d. Tetralogy of Fallot
e. Total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage
f. Hypoplastic left ventricle
g. Pulmonary vein stenosis
h. Tricuspid atresia and anomalies
i. Premature closure of foramen ovale
j. Dextrocardia
Indications de traitement de méthémoglobinémie
MetHb > 30% ou > 15% avec sx (angine, détresse respi, syncope, arythmies…)
Bleu de méthylène 1-2mg/kg
Si pas amélioration avec bleu de méthylène, considérer sulhemoglobinémie
Nommer 4 grandes classes de complications en greffe
Transplant organ complications can generally be classified into one of four categories: anatomy, rejection, infection, and drug toxicity.
nommer les 3 types de rejet en greffe
Rejection typically occurs in three phases: hyperacute, acute, and chronic.
Hyperacute rejection occurs with preformed antibodies against major histocompatibility complex or ABO blood type antigens. Typically occurs in the immediate perioperative period.
Acute rejection occurs over days to weeks after transplantation. The patient presents with constitutional symptoms and signs of transplant organ insufficiency.
Chronic rejection, now referred to as chronic graft dysfunction, has a time course of months to years and results in the gradual failure of the transplanted organ over time.