Pregnancy physiology I Flashcards
all organs working together to support growth and development of fetus - make sure mom’s body not sacrificing own needs to support pregnancy
Every organ sys undergoes sig amt change
Every single organ to make a baby -
Needs more blood to carry oxygen and nutrients to fetus
Blood volume increases 40-50% in pregnancy
More blood; heart working harder to more efficiently supply blood to fetus
Heart beats more quickly - 10-15 bpm more; SV increases; CO increases - more blood pumped out to meet demands of fetus
Blood pressure - decreases: progesterone floating around - relaxes smooth muscle - dilation blood vessels; placenta - new blood vessel circut to circ sys - low resistance circut
Supine postural hypotensive syndrome - something goes wrong due to norm pregnancy physiology - late course pregnancy and uterus larger - compressing IVC means less blood pushed back to heart and less blood pushed out each heart beat leading to hypotension; feel light-headed, esp when on back (uterus exerting most pressure on IVC - quick way resolve turn on left side)
Shifts heart to left
Oxygen consumption increases
Increasing RR - take deeper breathes; progesterone in blood - on central resp centers in brain to instruct lungs to take in more air with each breath so take in more air with each breath; more air inhaled with each breath more CO2 exhaled with each breath; keep pH balanced - respond to decreased CO2 increasing secretion bicarb from kidneys; normal/slightly basic pH
Diaphragm up - 4cm; diff to breathe
Chest wall more mobile and flexible - circumference larger
Resp sys
Increase blood volume and all arteries dilated including ones in kidney: having more blood flow to kidney - increased GFR
Urinate more frequently; increased urine production and pressure bladder on uterus - leads to dilation of ureters - uterus acts as roadblock - build up of stagnant urine medium for bacterial growth
Suscpetible to pyleonephritis: infection kidney