Health promotions of Preschools: 3-6yrs Flashcards
The preschool period: ages 3-5 yrs
Bridge between toddler and school age
Prep for most sig lifestyle change: going to school
Cooperative interaction with other children
Experience of brief and prolonged separation
Use of langauge and mental symbolization
Increased attention span
The preschool years
it’s during this phase these couple years that they really prepare this age group for school it’s a big lifestyle change and there’s a lot that has to happen from a toddler going into this school age
Bridge between toddler and school age
lots of Cooperative interaction with other children is important meaning their age
Cooperative interaction with other children
they also begin to understand prolonged separation the longer time you know they have longer period away from their parents which is fine they are understanding this they don’t have that separation anxiety they did
Experience of brief and prolonged separation
through language skills have improved a lot they love to ask questions you want to tell their head there was a lot of that no no no that negativism that we hear a lot of and then the preschool years the switches to why all the why questions why this why that you spend a lot of time answering questions that we explain things to them at their level that they understand
Use of langauge and mental symbolization
additionally at this age have a increase attention span so that an in-memory so they can listen to you tell them these responses when you’re teaching them something they begin to understand you know they need that repetition though because they’re still learning but they can pay attention to things longer
Increased attention span
Slow physical growth
Average height increases 2.5-3.5 inches/year
Average weight gain remains 3-5lbs/ year
No longer pot-bellied toddler
Slender, sturdy, more agile
Body systems mature and STABILIZE, can adjust to moderate stress and change
Physical development
Limbs grow fastest
Physically this is really a time of slow physical growth most of their growth is going to occur in their limbs
Slow physical growth
they’re no longer that pot-bellied toddler that were used to seeing they really become more slender this also leads to them being more sturdy and more agile you know you think of that big heavy head now the head doesn’t hurt to do activities
No longer pot-bellied toddler
such as jumping on one foot and skipping they’re going to be able to do those things easier because they have this more sturdy body is the body systems are more mature they become stabilized you know every system that we talk about is getting closer and closer to that adulthood
Body systems mature and STABILIZE, can adjust to moderate stress and change
Build a tower of 9-10 blocks
Copy a circle and a cross
Use a fork well
increased eye hand coordination and they have increased muscle development so they are able to do a lot more things
Fine motor skills: 3-yr-old
Rides a tricycle
Jumps off bottom step
Stands on one foot for a few seconds
Climb stair with alternating feet
Kick a ball
Dance (with some poor balance)
have a lot more muscle development and hand-eye coordination that occurs during this age group so a lot happens between the three and five
can jump in place they can dance they have poor balance and it’s kind of a lot just rocking back and forth there’s not a lot of beat yet
Gross motor skills: 3-yr-old
Copy a square
Use scissors to cut out a picture following an outline
Draw a person or stick figure with 3-4 parts
very early in the preschool stage where they’re just beginning to write these shapes and letters they can do this second picture which is drawing of face they can draw your mouth and eyes and the older they get the more they’re able to draw intricate things you add ears and stuff like that but the beginning it’s very basic it’s almost always stick figures to start out with
Fine: 4 and 5-yr-old
Skips, jumps, and hops on one foot
Throws ball overhead
Ride a bicycle with training wheels
Catches ball reliably
they’re growing on these skills they have as a 3-year-old
Gross motor skills: 4 yr old
Jumps rope
Skips using alternating feet
Balance on each foot for 4-5 seconds
Walks backwards
Throws and catches ball well - still kind of hard and the bigger the ball and the closer you are the easier is for them
a lot of these things such as writing a tricycler bike also comes with exposure; it’s a progression and something they have to be exposed to and they need these experience
they love playing with objects they love climbing and jump rope anything that keeps them active is how they learn best
Gross motor skills: 5-yr-old
Preoperational phase (Piaget)
Language continues to develop
Concept of causality begins to develop
Concept time incompletely understood
“Magical thinking” used frequently
language is still developing the beginning to use a lot more words they do sometimes use words they don’t fully understand so if they hear mom cuss they do it too not understanding it is bad
Cognitive development
Spans 2-7 years
Preconceptual phase: 2-4 years
Intuitive thought phase: 4-7 years
Shifting from egocentric thought to social awareness
Ability to consider others viewpoints
From egocentrism to social awareness
Concept of causality begins to develop
Concept of time in incompletely understood
“magical thinking” is used frequently
Preoperational phase (Piaget)
In Piaget’s pre-operational phase: if you remember back to Childhood it kind of started there and this spans all the way to the school age so it’s two to seven begins to shift from that ecocentric thought to social awareness so they begin to understand other people’s viewpoints it’s just a very beginning grasp they don’t totally understand like they understand simple things
Shifting from egocentric thought to social awareness
that egocentric thought of toddlerhood is slowly kind of fading away during this time they also begin to understand Concepts they like to make simple classifications; they like to organize things together
From egocentrism to social awareness
also begin to understand causality this is that cause and effect they understand the other have a full understanding that when they do something it causes something else to happen
Concept of causality begins to develop
they’ve kind of begin to understand time but not completely this is that age; they understand a countdown; understand kind of how this time begins to work this is also a big time of magical thinking this is very big at this age - this is an important cognitive development for the preschool age child
Concept time incompletely understood
Initiative versus guilt
Child has mastered sense of autonomy and now facing task of initiative versus guilt
Psychosocial development
preschool has mastered the sense of autonomy that was seen you on toddlerhood and now that they are preschoolers they are faced with the task of initiative versus guilt
Feelings of guilt, anxiety, and fear: May result from thoughts that differ from expected behavior
Development of superego (conscience)
Learning right from wrong/moral development
Simple reasoning
Play is interactive (What type?)
Delayed gratification (Stanford marshmallow experiment)
Initiative versus guilt
during this time the child still sees their family as their significant others they begin to form a conscious and they’re dealing with the concept of right and wrong this is a major task for them you know as a toddler they write on the wall and they get in trouble but they don’t really feel guilty about it they know it’s wrong but they don’t understand why and they don’t feel guilty about it but the preschool age you know they come on the wall and they know wasn’t right and they begin to feel guilty about it that’s that conscious starting to set in
Feelings of guilt, anxiety, and fear: May result from thoughts that differ from expected behavior
Feelings of guilt, anxiety, and fear: may result from thoughts that differ from expected behavior
Development of superego (conscience)
Learning right from wrong/moral development
Simple reasoning
Delayed gratification (Stanford marshmallow experiment)
Child has mastered sense of autonomy and now facing task of initiative versus guilt
learn the right from wrong they begin to understand moral development they also begin to use Simple reasoning and they can tolerate longer periods of delayed gratification: I don’t know if you guys have heard of the Stanford marshmallow experiment this test was done a long time ago this is kind of a big experiment (leave room and say not eat it)
during these preschool years that they understand that they can wait you know they can wait for something they don’t have to have that gratification right away like they did in toddlerhood
Delayed gratification (Stanford marshmallow experiment)
Stranger anxiety and fear of separation from parents are overcome
Parental security and guidance are still needed
Security is derived from familiar objects
Play therapy is beneficial for working through fears, anxieties, and fantasies
Ritualism and negativism of toddlerhood diminish
Child is willing to please
Child has internalized values and standards of family and culture
Social development
Social Development in the preschool age so stranger anxiety and fear of separation from parents are overcome
Stranger anxiety and fear of separation from parents are overcome
where they become we worry more about objections because they aren’t afraid to talk to people if someone loses their dog they want to go help them find the dog that’s why parental security and guidance are still very much needed even though they are becoming more independent and we want them to have that we still need to keep a close eye on them because they don’t understand a lot of things they have a lot of security from objects
Parental security and guidance are still needed
this is not something that we should discourage especially if their hospitalized you know remember regressions are common so if they have like a love year blanket or something and they aren’t as into it as they weren’t tolerhood like they don’t need it as bad as they didn’t tolerhood remember when they’re in the hospital they may regression maybe what they need to really have security and feel comfortable so telling parents to bring that Comfort object or something like that if they’re going to be hospitalized is important and they shouldn’t be made fun for that they should be guilty that they still have some kind of security object play therapy is very beneficial to work through fears anxieties and fantasies
Security is derived from familiar objects
if you have a child that is being abused or a child’s parent is being abused they’re not going to just come straight out and tell you oh my mom’s hitting me or my dad is hitting my moments you know child services
They’re not going to come out and straight and you’ll tell you that but if you give them dolls they may reenact things or a GI Joe doll you’ll give them this doll and if the kid starts punching it or hitting at you know this is a red flag you know this is something that needs to be talked to through with the parents you know Child Services may need to get involved but this play therapies very important for this age can be helpful with you additionally as a nurse if you have to do a procedure on a kid bring in a stuffed animal or a doll or something and show them on the doll show them what you’re going to do to them on the doll they can see this job they can see that that gives out that image and it helps them it helps ease their fears a little bit
Play therapy is beneficial for working through fears, anxieties, and fantasies
ritualism and negativism from todlerhood is gone you remember I said that no no no is gone and it has turned into the wild why
Ritualism and negativism of toddlerhood diminish
the child is willing to please again this is when you feel that abduction because the child wants to help the child has internalized values and standards of the family and culture they understand kind of how rules and religion have applied to their family and what it’s important to their family and to their culture as this comes into the hospital if the child is hospitalized we need to Value these are comfort for them as much as we can bring their family and their culture and their beliefs into the care that we provide them the more comfortable they’re going to be
Child is willing to please
Increasing comprehension of “desirable” appearances
Aware of racial identity, differences in appearances, and biases
Begin having concerns about modesty
Poorly defined body boundaries
Body image
During these years the preschool starts to have an increase understanding and desirable appearances or what is desirable to them
Increasing comprehension of “desirable” appearances
they also become aware of racial identity differences in appearances and biases one example of this is if you go to the store and there is a man with long hair you might have that preschool and say hey why is why is that woman doing that over there or you know the opposite if you have a woman with short hair they may say why is that boy over there it’s important that we are careful what we say how we ask because again we need to be positive role models for this age group they learn a lot a lot from what we do
Aware of racial identity, differences in appearances, and biases
Children fear that if skin is “broken,” all blood and “insides” can leak out
Intrusive experiences are frightening
say they also have poorly defined body boundaries at this age if they kiddo scrapes their leg and there’s blood coming out they fear that their skin is broken and that all their insides is going all their insides are going to come out this is a very real fear for them that’s why they want to Band-Aid you know if they scrape themselves they want abandoned they don’t have an understanding of germs and being clean that’s not why they wanted to cover that up you know to keep the insides from coming out at this age when a children
Poorly defined body boundaries
Language becomes more sophisticated
Vocabulary increases dramatically between ages 2 and 5 years
‘chatter box’: speaks 11,000 words
May speak more words without completely grasping the meaning, thus, nonverbal behavior is still indicative of their feelings
Speech problems
Language development and speech
3-4 word sentences by 3 years
5-6 word sentences by 5 years
Chatterboxes they love to talk in their language is a lot more sophisticated they are beginning to understand so many words they can speak 11,000 or more that’s a lot of words and a lot of wise a lot of what to go with why does this happen why is the sky blue why this why is that again chatterboxes they want to know everything they’re curious by about three years they’re speaking three to four word sentences and five they’re speaking about five to six words sentences
‘chatter box’: speaks 11,000 words
they do speak words that they don’t completely understand the meaning this is why as a nurse they’re nonverbal behavior is still very indictive of their feelings and their pain we really need to be able to read their body language at this point cuz they may say they’re fine that might not be completely forthcoming with their feelings or if something hurts so we really need to still pay attention to their body language
May speak more words without completely grasping the meaning, thus, nonverbal behavior is still indicative of their feelings
Most critical period is between 2 and 4 years of age
Prevention and early detection crucial
speech problems this is an age where there is we start to identify speech problems you know delays in speech and things like that and it’s very important that we detect these early
really important to get them into speech therapy if there’s a problem
Speech problems
Associative play
Imaginative play - imaginary playmates, pretend
Dramatic play
Riding bikes
Playing ball
Reading books
Playing dress-up - dramatic play
they need to have interaction with other kids their age this is how they learn to share this is how I learn to take turns; learn appropriate social behaviors and again when it comes to this play they love activities they love going on walks and climbing things and exploring you know going into water stuff like that is very important to them they love that kind of learning but we also have to set up boundaries and make sure that these areas at
Age-related activities - PLAY
Cooperation is present but lack of rules
Group play in sim/identical activitives
Lack rigid organizaiton or rules
love play and this is how they learn a lot it switches it’s no longer that parallel play but it turns into the associative play which is more interactive and more Cooperative they are really playing together a lot more of similar or identical activities they’re still not a lot of organization you know a lot of not very many rigid rules that will come later on and the school age together they begin to understand sharing they can begin to take turns it’s a slow process
Associative play
imaginative play a lot of you see them imitating parents a lot of times you’ll have them
Imaginative play - imaginary playmates, pretend
dramatic play is also a big thing they want to dress up they want to be the princess or they want to you know pretend
Playing dress-up - dramatic play
Dental health
Health promotion
More social!
1200-1400 calories per day
Usually outgrow pickiness by 5
Caloric requirements approximately, 1400-1600 calories/day
Fluid requirements approximately 100 mL/kig, depending on the activity and climate
Food fads, strong tastes: common
Amount of food: varies greatly from day to day
Obesity in young children: has increased dramatically
meals become a little more different they’re a little more social the preschoolers very social and they learn to associate meals with conversation and stuff like that so it’s really important at that this point we introduce those family meals if the family has not already this is also a good way to get kids we are not stuck with their mouth full use their Forks you at this age they can use a fort successfully so they really need to be encouraged to use one they can also clean up they can clear their own plates and clear their own drinks it’s important that we start teaching them some responsibilities at this age
preschooler likes to help they like to make their parents happy so this is an easy way to get them involved and praise them for being helpful food and water and take time depends on their activity if you have a very active preschooler always going around not a lot of time kind of relaxed and they’ll need more food but they are still picky it’s not near as bad as the toddler age and they will try more Foods when we’re teaching parents is important that we focus on telling them it’s quality of food over quantity so we want them eating healthier foods they also get into fast food at this point so it’s important really to get healthy foods they start you know watching TV a little more and seeing those commercials
it’s important really to teach them healthy habits obesity is getting higher and higher in this age group and it’s really important cooking and help make dinners and stuff like that
Eruption of deciduous teeth: complete
Professional care and prophilyaxis
Fluoride supplements
Assistance and supervision of brushing
Flossing by parents
Limiting cariogenic foods
Able to brush their own teeth with assistance
Dental appointments every 6 months
better teeth so at this point all the baby teeth are all the baby teeth are in they still need a little help with flossing and brushing but by the end of preschool years they really should be able to maneuver the toothbrush and the Foster well enough that they can brush their teeth successfully you still need to watch though you need to make sure they’re getting all those teeth properly
Continue to go to the dentist
limit sugary Foods
Dental health
12 hours per night
Infrequent naps
Waking during the night: common
ritual that routine at night is not as heavy on the ritualism as it is the toddler but this preschool age is still very active and that routine will help them bring them down will help calm them down and prepare them for a good night’s sleep I need about 12 hours at night 10 to 12 hours they are not taking naps very rarely do they take naps again they’re going to school now all day or most of the day so they don’t have time for naps it is common for this age group to wake up have a nightmares or night terrors
Motor activity levels: remain high
Emphasis on fun and safety
Readiness to participate in sports
Sedentary activity such as TV and computer time: should be limited
so much of their world is changing and they’re starting to understand things they’re watching TV a little more they may see scary things so it’s important to talk to them and don’t belittle their fears activity wise their activity remains very high we don’t have to necessarily put them in sports to keep them active they will stay active on their own but they are ready to prepare already they don’t fully understand the rules okay so they this is when you see those preschoolers playing soccer and they’re all running together all around the soccer
Motor activity levels: remain high
learn some more about social the social aspects of sports and everything like that it’s important not to be that parent though that gets frustrated and yells at their kid cuz they’re not doing it right they don’t understand yet this needs to be a positive experience for them similar to toddlerhood
Readiness to participate in sports
TV really needs to be restricted
Sedentary activity such as TV and computer time: should be limited
Being left alone
Animals (large dogs)
Objects or people associated with pain
Is a very big part of the preschool years
Can’t logically persuade them to not be afraid so we have to work with them and help them overcome their fears again actively involving them and finding a practical solution to deal with their fears
we can also work to desensitize the child
now have cause and effect
this fear that can really overtake them and really have the long-term effect on them
Annual influenza vaccine
Kindergarten vaccines! Between 4-6 years
Kindergarten vaccines! Between 4-6 years
Child forms strong attachment to opposite-sex parent while identifying with same-sex parent
Modesty becomes a concern
Sexual exploration is more pronounced
Questions about sexual reproduction arise
Development of sexuality
About their gender and kind of understanding what role that means for them you know during toddler they are aware of their gender you know they understand what a penis is and what a vagina is they understand there’s the difference in the boy and the girl but now that they are preschoolers it goes beyond that and they begin sexual invitation
Child forms strong attachment to opposite-sex parent while identifying with same-sex parent
they become more modest typically they begin to attach to the opposite gender parent while imitating the same sex parent
Modesty becomes a concern
they’ll imitate parents it’s also important for us to understand that how we respond to how they ask can condition the child and this can be either positive or negative
what we do because you know later on this is just kind of beginning but later on this can affect the child when they get into that teenage stage and they’re thinking about role confusion and you know identity versus role confusion that can have a long-term impact also becomes a concern sexual exploration is more pronounced they’re curious about themselves and you know the friends at school that they may see going to the bathroom at the same time you have circumcisions are different some boys aren’t circumcised so they’re going to have questions about that
Sexual exploration is more pronounced
they also begin to have questions about sexual reproduction it’s not necessarily and they ask questions about like oh where does a baby come from
Questions about sexual reproduction arise
Safety education for the child
Anticipatory guidance
Safety promotion and injury prevention
we can explain things to them they begin to understand fear you have that fear they understand danger they understand when things hurt and they don’t want to get hurt so having simple explanations in teaching them educating them is really starts to be effective in this age group
Increase in pedestrian-motor vehicle accidents
Edu concerning safety and potential hazards
Appropriate protection
Bicycle helmets
Protective equipment
Preschool age is a relatively safe period of growth and development.
Safety education for the child
motor vehicle accidents with the child you know a child behind a car or running into the street to get a ball we need to educate on those be very strict about looking both ways before you cross the street
Increase in pedestrian-motor vehicle accidents
we need to keep our medicine cabinets locked up a lot of times they don’t have issues getting in with that kind of stuff so if guns are in a house they need to be locked up and not accessible to
stranger fear that stranger anxiety they begin to trust people a lot more and this can be bad at this age you know this is where we worry about
Edu concerning safety and potential hazards
protective equipment if they’re in sports
make sure that they are properly educated and that they have a lot of adult supervision we really need to supervise this age groups it’s just from protection to education
Appropriate protection
relatively safe period of dangerous they can understand these things and they just don’t have they don’t get into dangerous situations as often as toddlerhood
Preschool age is a relatively safe period of growth and development.
Child care focus shifts from protection to education
Verbal explanations of how to avoid danger
Children begin questioning previous teachings of parents
Children begin to prefer companionship of peers
They love being with their peers at this age group they want to hang out with their friends they relate to their friends you know it starts to they start to understand that there are kids their age and that they really enjoy playing with these kiddos
Anticipatory guidance