Ch. 4 - Reproductive Sys Concerns Flashcards
Reasons why some women seek care - periods not norm (expect be like clockwork - infection or something wrong)
Hypogonadotropic amenorrhea
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)
Alterations in cyclic bleeding
Menstrual disorders
No period/bleeding; a - absence of
Not disease but sign of disease
Look at whole body when reproductive organs goes wrong - something way outside causing issues
Anatomic - born that way; something going on with reproductive internal issues - biconate uterus - two horns - septum through uterus - two separate uterine cavities; something with cervix - nothing come out
Endocrine - T1DM; thyroid gland - ary screw up period
Chronic diseases
Eating disorders - females tend have more than males; be anorexic or bulemic; not eating enough calories: estrogen loves fat and if no fat - low levels estrogen - no period; WELL below body weight average - not high enough estrogen to have periods - delay starting periods
Never started
Apply to teenagers
Menarche: 13
Never had period; still not started period
Had period and all sudden stopped - not had anymore
Pathological thing happened; something wrong with body
Most often result of pregnancy (#1)
A clinical sign of a variety of disorders
PCOS - common occurence - start off having norm periods; PCOS more issue as age - then skip periods; very irregular
Problem in central hypothalamic-pituitary axis - something thrown off; number one 1 way thrown off - suppress hypothalamus
Results from hypothalamic suppression - extreme exercise
Hypogonadotropic amenorrhea
Counseling and education regarding stress, exercise, and weight loss - why having no periods and how help it - back off exercise or eat more calories; has eating disorder later on in life - suppress hypothalamus but extreme exercise number 1 thing that suppresses hypo
Calcium, vitamin D
Management - Hypogonadotropic amenorrhea
Dys - painful
Pain during or shortly before menstruation
Primary dysmenorrhea
Secondary dysmenorrhea
Most have some sort of this
Late adolescent - ovulatory cycles and more regular more of this
Biochemical basis - prostaglandins act on endometrium causing it to cramp - sloughing line; making it uncomfy
Referred Pain down back, knees, inside thighs, migraines; affecting QOL
Arises from the release of prostaglandins
Abnormally increased uterine activity
Alleviating discomfort
Primary dysmenorrhea
Medications - birth control - dictate when have period; OTC: ibuprofen, aleve, NSAIDs, myodil, pamprin, naproxen, caffeine, red wine, chocolate, fast food
Thermo patches
Alternative modalities
Alleviating discomfort - Primary dysmenorrhea
Acquired menstrual pain associated with pelvic pathology - ie: ascending infection
Not norm; need fix it; often have STIs
Affect if have in periods
Diagnosis and treatment
Secondary dysmenorrhea
Pathologic cause of pain
Pelvic examination - offending agent causing it
Endometriosis - extremely painful periods and when not on period, or during intercourse or defectation
Provider do investigation
Not biochem basis - something else going on
Ultrasound examination, dilation and curettage, endometrial biopsy, laparoscopy
Treatment directed to removal of underlying pathology
Diagnosis and treatment - Secondary dysmenorrhea
Cyclic symptoms occurring in luteal phase (before start new cycle; after ovulation; second part of it - last two weeks; follicular phase - no symp - building up endometrium and start period - hormones start taking dive in ischemic phase and end menstrual cycles get mad - hormone changes affect women sig) of menstrual cycle
Cluster of physical, psychologic, and behavioral symptoms
30% to 80% of women experience symptoms - huge range women; not every month; sometimes worse than others
Multiple treatment modalities - NSAIDs help with bloating and cramping but not with PMS; just some patience
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Cyclic symptoms occurring in the last 7 to 10 days of the menstrual cycle
DSM-5 diagnosis
Mental health diangosis
Most luteal phase - ½-⅔ luteal phase; week+ luteal phase
Huge mood changes
Delusions, hallucinations, SI, homicidal ideations; severe variant PMS; everything sets her off - isolate her off - angry, not sleeping well, seeing things off, horrible intrusive thoughts; soon as on period totally fine
Severe variant of PMS with emphasis on mood affectation
Affects 3% to 8% of women
Treatment similar to that for PMS; plus may warrant counseling, medications, and alternative therapies, such as hypnosis and acupuncture - behavioral variant; SSRIs - 7-10 days - low dose Prozac (10 mg qday - take right before period then stop); talk therapy; holistic therapy
Can be situational; not forever
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)
Alterations in cyclic bleeding
(infrequent menstruation) - birth control, IUDs, PCOS
(scant) - birth control
(excessive menstruation) - leiomyomas/uterine fibroids - irritate uterus; toward end childbearing age - hormones go through changes
(bleeding between periods) - spot when ovulating, all over place with oral contraceptives, breakthrough period
Presence and growth of endometrial tissue outside of uterus - on intestines, vagina, abdonimal cavity (periotoneal space); every month when endometrium bigger because estrogen - all lesions outside getting bigger, period - all spots also irritated and trying lose lining - causes scar tissue like crazy; adhesions cause pain and in wrong place
Centered around and just outside uterus - gets outside via fallopian tubes - lesions and scar tissue - not get pregnant - blocked fallopian tubes - fertilized zygote not get through - ectopic pregnancies
Major symptoms
Secondary Dysmenorrhea
Even not on period - Deep pelvic dyspareunia (painful intercourse) - hurts really bad; deep penetration hurts bad
Laparoscopy - see where lesions - easily identify them - laser and zap them to kill it - can still come back; hard get pregnant if not want have sex identify where lesions, now try get pregnant because come back soon; until goes through menopause endometriosis is an issue
Major symptoms - Endometriosis
Drug therapy - Lupron (#1) - med not have periods - not get pregnant - not hurting at all
Surgical intervention - remove adhesions
Treatment - Endometriosis
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
Gonorrhea – Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Syphilis - Treponema pallidum
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
Sexually transmitted viral infections
Herpes simplex virus (HSV)
Hepatitis A (HAV)
Hepatitis B (HBV)
Hepatitis C virus
Geriatrics getting more often
Women get STIs more often - sometimes asymptomatic; moist, dark - bacteria love that; men have business in one hole and on outside; women on inside; wreaking havoc on reproductive organs - asymptomatic; some already know within day or two
Includes more than 25 infectious organisms transmitted sexually
19 million people are affected annually in the U.S.
Prevention strategies
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
Safer sex practices
Knowledge of partner, reducing partners
Low-risk sex
Condom use
Safe sex in any position
Prevention strategies - Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)