Immunizations Flashcards
natural/innate immunity
Naturally acquired active immunity
Naturally acquired passive immunity
Artificially acquired active immunity
Live attenuated/inactived vaccines
Herd immunity
The basics
body’s natural way of protecting the body from pathogens or foreign agents
natural/innate immunity
this is obtained when the body’s immune system response to a specific pathogen: so you are exposed to a virus
Naturally acquired active immunity
that mother to fetus
maternal antibodies: newborn comes out they’re able to fight things off so quickly okay they don’t get that sick because they are still getting antibodies from Mom
Naturally acquired passive immunity
acquired by administration of vaccines
stimulate the immune system’s production of antibodies against a specific antigen
giving just enough that the body can be exposed to it and build antibodies to it so if later on this child is exposed the body will be able to fight off quick enough that the child does not get it and they’re no symptoms of it okay we’ll get a little more into that the next couple slides
Artificially acquired active immunity
Are created from a live organism that’s grown under suboptimal conditions to produce a live vaccine with reduced fergulence contain weakened microorganisms and they stimulate an immune response and production antivirus
are effective and protection for more than 20 years
Leads to a weaker response
assess the kid if they’re sick if they just have a regular cold and they’re not too sick then it’s okay to give these vaccines however if the kid is very sick and we’re giving all these vaccines okay are these kids immuno compromised
are they getting chemo radiation any of that kind of thing we’re going to have to question whether or not it’s appropriate to give them a vaccine especially live vaccines we’re not going to give those if the kid is immunocompromised
Live attenuated/inactived vaccines
we don’t need this going around this isn’t easy way to prevent this diseases from getting out you and hurting kids and everything so when the net when the community chooses not to you have vaccinated child they’re hurting other student or hurting other kids okay
Herd immunity
Hep B
Birth - Vaccine schedule: birth-6yrs
Hep B
2mo - Vaccine schedule: birth-6yrs
4mo - Vaccine schedule: birth-6yrs
Flu yearly
6mo - Vaccine schedule: birth-6yrs
Hep B
Flu yearly
12mo - Vaccine schedule: birth-6yrs
Flu yearly
15mo; 24mo; 2-3yr - Vaccine schedule: birth-6yrs
Flu yearly
18mo - Vaccine schedule: birth-6yrs
Flu yearly
4-6yr - Vaccine schedule: birth-6yrs
Agent: Hepatitis B
Spread: Blood/body fluids
Symptoms: varies
Vaccine: Hep B
Agent: rotavirus
Spread: mouth
Symptoms: severe diarrhea - causes dehydration in kids
Vaccine: RV
Agent: diphtheria
Spread: air, direct contact
Symptoms: rash, HA fever
Agent: clostridium tetani
Spread: skin cuts; cutting umbilical cord with dirty scissors
Symptoms: stiff neck, muscles - painful muscle rigidity; lock jaw - so tight;
Agent: Pertussis - whooping cough
Spread: air, direct contact
Symptoms: cough, runny nose
Vaccine: DTap
Agent: Haemophilus - bacteria
Spread: air, direct contact
Very virulent
Cause multiple infections: menigitis, cellulitis, epiglotitis, pneumonia, sepsis, ear infections (otitis media), sinusitis, conjuctivitis (pink eye)
Symptoms: may be none
Vaccine: Hib
Agent: pneumococcal
Spread: air, direct contact
Symptoms: may be none
Vaccine: PCV13
Agent: Polio
Spread: air, direct contact
Hurts CNS; causes paralysis
Lifelong injuries can result
Symptoms: muscle weakness
Vaccine: IPV
Does not cause autism
Agent: paramyxovirus (mumps)
Spread: air, direct contact
If bad - can cause deafness and can affect testes - sterility - not common
Symptoms: swllen glands; inflamed lymph nodes
Agent: rubeola
Spread: air, direct contact
Sick fast; stays long time
Symptoms: rash fever
Agent: rubella
3 day measles - self limiting
In utero: blindness, development issues, term deaths, miscarriages, give to moms prevent spread to fetus
Spread: air, direct contact
Spots inside mouth
Symptoms: rash, lymph nodes
Vaccine: MMR
Agent: varicella-zoster
Spread: air, direct contact
Symptoms: Rash HA
Highly contagious
Papule - blister (itchy - not itch because scars) - ulcer - scabs over - no longer contagious after scabbed over
Vaccine: Varicella
Flu every year
7-8 yrs; 11-12yrs; 13-15yrs - Vaccines 7-18 yrs
Flu every year
Tdap - most booster now - full strength tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis booster and lower dose
HPV - started
9-10yrs - Vaccines 7-18 yrs
Flu every year
16-18yrs - Vaccines 7-18 yrs
Agent: Human papillomavirus: 150 strains: 80 affect genital areas - leading to cancer; 12 high risk - covered in high risk - 16 and 18 cause most cancers; can have HPV and not know - spreading and not know; want to treat it
Frequency: most common STI; around 80 mill cases in US
Spread: sexual contact
Symptoms: warts; long term: cervical, vaginal, vulvar, penile, anal, oropharyngeal cancers
Vaccine: HPV
Agent: meningococcal A, C, W, and Y
Frequency: <1000/yr; 10% mortality rate - HIGH; if get this meningitis high risk of death
Spread: saliva
Symptoms: sudden fever; stiff neck
Vaccine: MenACWY
“The WHO has declared the anti-vax attitude as one of the 10 most important threats to human health in the world today.” Ofer Levy, 2019
Vaccines do not cause autism
Let’s talk about autism all right so we all know people are worried that they’re going to get autism that their child is going to get autism if they’re vaccinated how did this start how did this mess start: 1998 doctor published a study in the Lancet it’s which is an English medical journal saying that there was a link between Autism and then MMR vaccine - his peer review false information - time proven that he lied this information was out so easily spread and still to this day what 20 years - 25 years later we’re still and people still have a fear of vaccines fear
The vaccine injury this is a little different than the autism topic but this is also kind of what fuel some of that that movement that that anti-vax movement is vaccine injury a thing do people get hurt after vaccines; are minimal: shoulder injuries one of the biggest ones and usually that’s Administration but there’s absolutely injury yet there is such a thing as vaccine injury as nurses you know we support this you know we support evidence-based medicine and this is what that is this all of the education all the research supports vaccines and as nurses that’s what we support we’re all free to have our own opinion
Can be compensated because of vaccine injuries it’s a very minimal because it’s not that common this is very strict guidelines on following it you know when was the injury when was the vaccine have you had a previous one there’s all this stuff to go through but we do recognize
Vaccine injury