Health promotion of School age children: 6-12yrs Flashcards
and stop when start getting adult teeth; start puberty
Begins when lose deciduous teeth
learners; brain growth a lot
Considered brain growers -
slows down lot
Physical growth
Slow growth
Physical development
Limbs grow fastest
Skeletal lengthening and fat diminution/loss - pretty much all gone by school age; spine growing - pay attention for scoliosis - curve present: make sure catch it before into growth spurt before puberty - brace does not correct curve - prevents from getting worse; bend over and go towards certain side when bent over
Increased muscle tissue
Decrease in head circumference related to height - not as top heavy; more coordination; not fall over as much
Change in facial proportions - face elongates and shifts; eustacian tube shifts down
The age of “loose teeth”
Slow growth
Increases by 2 inches/year
Total height 1-2 feet
Increases by 2-3 kg/year
Weight almost doubles - from 6-12 yrs; infant doubles weight in 6 months; lot slower growth
Key consideration- become body conscious - modest, bodies diff; solidifes now; not naked around people; cover themselves
Bones continue to ossify - getting harder; growing and getting longer; predisposed to breaking bones; more active; trying more things; highest rate of fractures; infants and toddlers not break bones easily
GI system maturing: fewer stomach upsets, better maintenance of blood glucose - lot longer period without snacking
Heart and respiratory rate decrease, blood pressure increases
Possible enuresis (lacking control of urination - accidents - concern if awake - sign: trauma, abuse, neurological issue)? Nocturia (wetting bed - not concerned as much - lots of kids do this and often grow out of it - meds give/devices wake when urge comes - not result of abuse/neurologic issue)?
Immune system is increasingly effective
Eustachian tubes
**Physical maturity is not necessarily correlated with emotional and social maturity
Maturation of systems
Large tonsils - even if not inflamed/sick; too big - snore lot - occlude airway; will remove if too big
Increase sore throats - strep throat common
Infants and toddlers - tonsils not visible
Sick less often
Immune system is increasingly effective
eustacian tubes - infants and toddlers - horizontal; infection/mucus/illness - clogged illness - get neg pressure and fluid in - huge risk for ear infection; as mature face shifts tubes slant down so drain easier - not ear infections all time
Eustachian tubes
Starts in school age
Usually begins around age 9
Rapid growth in height and weight
Tanner staging helps us predict the timing of puberty.
Uses thought processes to experience events and actions
CAUSE AND EFFECT - BIG; stop believing in magical thinking - reason and rationalize things - big growing phase and cognitive development
Develops understanding of relationships between things and ideas
Able to make judgments on the basis of reason (“conceptual thinking”)
Masters the concept of conservation
Develops classification skills - love collecting things and sort them; love collections
Major developmental tasks include achievement in school and acceptance by peers. - big age group - acceptance with peers - ERIKSON; want be successful in school and want make friends and accepted by fears
Concrete operations (Piaget) - Cognitive development
Understanding quantity of an object not change because shape changes
Impacts preschooler kids a lot - not have it; not understand until school age
Concept of conservation
Want to feel successful and have an impact
Real wins
Loves volunteering and helping; idea helping someone else
Sports great for this age
Participation trophies - preschool - love winning and feeling successful; NOT FOR THIS AGE
Industry vs inferiority
Achieve a sense of accomplishment through cooperating and competing with others
Psychosocial development
Developing social, physical, and learning skills
Unsuccessful= sense of inferiority, difficulty learning and working
Industry vs inferiority
Cooperating and competition key - sports very key
Inferiority - constantly losing; constantly talked down to by parents
Not want kids always win - need feelings of inferiority - need cope and react to feelings of losing - never expjerience this not be successful, well-adjusted adults - need to work out these feelings
Stage of accomplishment
Eagerness to develop skills and participate in meaningful and socially useful work
Growing sense of independence
Peer approval: a strong motivator
Start to separate from their parents around third grade
Normal to have fears
Preschool - full fears
Fears not all go away - can reason and rationalize this age; still have fears; want them not feel guilty about fears - want them to be able to talk through them
Want REAL accomplishments
*Need to face failure/inferiority. How they handle these feelings during childhood dictates how they handle failure as an adult.
Achieve a sense of accomplishment through cooperating and competing with others
The peer group starts becoming more and more important
Identification with peers is a strong influence in achieving independence
Sex roles are strongly influenced by peer relationships
Clubs and peer groups
Relationships with families
Social development
School all day now
Parents still imp - imp realize building friendships imp for age group
The peer group starts becoming more and more important
3rd-4th grade influence on parents less and friends more: enter elementary school parents everything; adolescent - friends everything and most imp; school age - come together: parents less and friends more and even out 3rd and 4th grade
Identification with peers is a strong influence in achieving independence
Girls friends with girls
Boys friends with boys
Sex roles are strongly influenced by peer relationships
Formation of formalized groups
When Bullying starts
When a bully - more going on at home; addressed or else not fixed; taken seriously; cont bullied will commit suicide
Clubs and peer groups
Parents are primary influence in shaping child’s personality, behavior, and value system
Increasing independence from parents is primary goal of middle childhood
Relationships with families
Children develop conscious awareness of a variety of self-perceptions (abilities, values, appearance)
Significant adults can help children experience success
Positive self-concept leads to feelings of self-respect, self-confidence, and happiness
Focused on face
Any issue all focus on
Focus on face - blemish on face - think that is all everyone is focused on
Children develop conscious awareness of a variety of self-perceptions (abilities, values, appearance)
Not good at something follows them - lot anxiety and depression; need + talk so + self-talk
Significant adults can help children experience success
In general, children like their physical selves less as they grow older
The head is the most important part of the body (hair and eye color)
Body image is influenced by significant others
Increased awareness of “differences” may influence feelings of inferiority (e.g., hearing or visual defects)
Body Image
More concerned about body
Preparing in how look
In general, children like their physical selves less as they grow older
They look cool
Want what other person has: glasses
Increased awareness of “differences” may influence feelings of inferiority (e.g., hearing or visual defects)
PLAY- cooperative
EX: tag, sports (soccer), working together for a common goal/outcome
Rules and rituals
Play becomes more competitive
Team play: peer interaction and rules that are often enforced by an authority figure
Good at Quiet games and activities
Card games and board games
Model airplanes
Magical thinking decreases
Memory skills and attention span increases - sit in classroom; need be active still - recess still imp
Play is a great way to communicate with kids - help express ideas going through their head
Age-related activities
Proper nutrition
Sleep and rest
Dental Hygiene
Sex education
***Understanding of cause and effect and desire for parental and peer approval, leads to an excellent opportunity to teach the school age child about the importance of healthy lifestyle choices
Get cavities if not brush teeth; build healthy habits before adolescents
Lose teeth in same order got them
Health promotion
Will Eat and eat good variety good
Ensure Nutritious food
Good snacks
Habits enstill in school age ones most likely carry on through adolescents (nutrition and dental)
Biggest factor on diet - parents
Proper nutrition
Done with naps by school age
6 yr olds - 10-11 hrs; no naps
12 yr - 9 hrs
Sleep and rest
Put some thought into this
Older age group - worry about more sedentary - sit in front video games - creative with activity
Twice a year - dentist
Braces - may get them twice
Dental Hygiene
Puberty - 4th grade - girls can start puberty then
What happens with bodies first - separate boys and girls - slowly get into safe sex after
Sex education
Annual influenza vaccine
11-12 years
Flu vaccine - better than mist
More effective
Mist - live vaccine; not work for a week - risk for giving to others
Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis)
Not worried about pertussis as much (whooping cough)
Tetanus - bigger proportion of vaccine - q10yrs; around babies
HPV (human papilloma virus)
2-3 dose series MALES AND FEMALES
Herpes huge cause cancer - many strains prevented via this vaccine
(+additional dose at 16-18 years prior to college or communal living)
11-12 years
Relatively safe age; know what can and cannot do; know how can end up getting hurt because of a result
Most common cause of severe injury and death in school-age children is motor vehicle crashes: pedestrian and passenger
Bicycle injuries: benefits of bike helmets
Appropriate safety equipment for all sports
Remind wear safety gear
Parents need to adjust to child’s increasing independence
Ride bikes by self
Not age when can be left alone by self
Parents provide support as unobtrusively as possible
Child moves from narrow family relationships to broader world of relationships
Include friends - very imp to us
Injury prevention