High Risk Perinatal Care Flashcards
Diabetes mellitus
Cardiovascular disorders - adaptations in pregnancy; happens in labor
Respiratory - asthma
Substance abuse
Have these conditions and get pregnant
Pre-existing conditions
Classification of diabetes
Metabolic changes associated with pregnancy
Pregestational diabetes mellitus
Diabetes may be caused by either or both:
Impaired insulin secretion
Inadequate insulin action in target tissues
Pancreas is not working - need insulin - drives glucose into target tissues
Pathogenesis - DM
type 1 diabetes - prior to pregnancy
type 2 diabetes - prior to pregnancy
Other specific types (caused by infection or drug-induced)
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is any degree of glucose intolerance with onset or recognition during pregnancy
Classification of diabetes - DM
Placenta - creates a resistance
2nd and 3rd trimesters: pregnancy exerts a diabetogenic effect on the maternal metabolic status - pseudo diabetic effect on woman’s body - someone already diabetic need more insulin in these trimesters; need less in end first and beginning 2nd trimester; by time viability until delivery need lot more inulin because of placenta - high levels of progesterone and estrogen making harder to control those BG
Already diabetic: Edu: diet (collab with endocrinologist or PCP on management of DM), on go up continually on insulin - BG going up
Metabolic changes associated with pregnancy - DM
Occurs in women who have pre-existing disease
After birth: Dive - no more placenta; estrogen and progesterone tanks; very conservative managing her - become hypoglycemic easily; often have insulin drips
Almost all of these patients are insulin-dependent - will be in pregnancy
Pregestational diabetes mellitus - DM
Require Preconception counseling
Maternal risks and complications
Fetal and neonatal risks
Care management
Metabolic disorders: pregestational DM
Fetal development first trimester - everything is forming; all organ sys; 13th week - have everything
When find out pregnant - halfway through first trimester - maybe 4-6 weeks
Not had well controlled BG - affect development of fetus - high BG - affects fetal development - potential congenital anomalies - imp maintain norm BG esp first trimester (risk for: heart issues, cleft palate)
Require Preconception counseling
Maternal risks and complications
Means Big body - fetus is this
Risk to mom - if came out vaginally - lot pelvic floor damage - repetitive damage - things falling out
Too much amniotic fluid - any anomalies in baby - affect amniotic fluid in baby - GI/renal issues
BG has to get to go into this 200-250; DKA - happens quickly
Margin of error more narrow with prengnacy
Regular adult BG: 400-500
Sudden and unexplained stillbirth/fetal death
Congenital malformations
Other problems that cause significant neonatal morbidity
Fetal and neonatal risks
Most concerned about
Not keep same set of prenatal appts - comes more often - in 3rd trimester - risk increases; BG harder control, baby bigger, NSTs, contraction stress test, biophys profiles, US
This can happen and not want this
Sudden and unexplained stillbirth/fetal death
Happen before found out pregnant - sugars high during development
Congenital malformations
Antepartum evaluation
Intrapartum care
Postpartum care
Care management
Deep dive: Fam hx, med hx, OB hx, same labs as reg woman
Physical examination
Laboratory tests - diabetic 2 more
Baseline renal function - diabetes screws up kidneys; pee more because GFR higher; kidney damage - lots issues - extra strain on kidneys - make sure kidneys not destroyed by diabetes
Glycosylated hemoglobin A1C - check q3months - check first come in
Check BG every time
Check urine - spilling glucose and ketones
Patient needs much more frequent monitoring
Diet and exercise - careful about this
Management more careful
Strict records of what eating; glucose log and food diary - reviewing - see if need increase insulin/change diet
Insulin therapy/Monitoring blood glucose levels
Urine testing
Determination of birth date and mode of birth - hopefully vaginal but sometimes not; tend not go to 40 weeks; happy get to 36 weeks; gestational related conditions: pre-eclampsia - DM affects CV sys - watch them and fetal development closely to see how are; want vaginal and close to term
Complications requiring hospitalization
Fetal surveillance
Antepartum evaluation
High risk
Insulin one on side and D5 or LR one on side - titrating all day - BG every hour; change based on BG
Often turn off insulin because burning off glucose as in labor
Monitor patient closely
Intrapartum care
Make sure not go hypoglycemic once delivers placenta
Insulin requirements decrease substantially
Encourage breastfeeding - burning glucose; less insulin after delivery; best for baby; requirements half as much as someone bottle feed - lactate have burn calories
Careful giving extra estrogen - no cardiac involvement - can have estrogen in contraceptives but not if breastfeeding
DM rough on body and if pregnant - hard on body, kidneys, and heart - couple years to recover
Space pregnancies
Postpartum care
DM end 2nd almost into 3rd trimester; body work harder to move glucose - more resistance to insulin because higher levels progesterone and estrogen; all women tested 24-26 weeks - seeing rise in BG
Maternal-fetal risks
Screening for gestational diabetes mellitus
Care management: Gestational diabetes
Same as pre-gestational DM; not as huge risk congenital issues - later in pregnancy; not in formation of fetus
Biggest issue: Really big babies - macrosomia happens often - having learn manage BG; cannot manage BG well
Huge kid: Everything in baby is still 37 weeks - baby get tons fat with all sugar; babies not DM - pancreas killing it - concerned when cord clamped BG is going to tank: <40; 45 is normal in neonate - concern hypoglycemia - managed by NICU to keep BG up = hypoglycemia - brain screwed up
Maternal-fetal risks
Antepartum care
Intrapartum and postpartum care
Screening for gestational diabetes mellitus
Diet and exercise
Monitoring blood glucose levels
Insulin therapy
Fetal surveillance
1 hr oral glucose changes - easiest and most tolerated; 50 g glucose - drink whole thing - suck in 10-15 min - 1 hr after finish - draw labs; do not have to fast; <140 is standard - if pancreas working against placenta; bring something with protein after - feel like going to pass out after
3 hr glucose challenge test if 1 hr >140 = comes in another day; draw fasting - should be <95; then 100g of carb in 10 min - 1 hr later draw lab, 2 hr draw another, 3 hr draw another; feel like crud; any 2 abnormal - then gestational DM: typ about 25 weeks
Pregnancy in 3rd trimester - harder on body - baby packing weight - she will gain little bit weight - she having take BG all day; change way eats: salads, lean meats, no sugar, no sweet tea, lifestyle change in hardest part of pregnancy - huge adjustment; never had take BG - managing BG when babies getting big hard manage - baby getting bigger not usually through vagina
Oral hypoglycoemic agent
SQ insulin
Stop once deliver baby
Fetal surveillance regularly
Antepartum care
Major cardiovascular changes during pregnancy that affect women with cardiac disease are:
Lot happens to heart with heart - issues with heart lot manage
Increased incidence of miscarriage
Preterm labor and birth more prevalent
Intrauterine growth restriction is more common
Incidence of congenital heart lesions increased in children of mothers with congenital heart disease
Issue is: cannot perfuse body: preterm labor, miscarriage risk high, little baby, cannot perfuse well, worry about kidney
Antepartum assessment
Plan of care and implementation
CV disorders