Pre Test Flashcards
The combining formcervic/orefers to the:
neck.; Rationale:Cervic/omeansneck; cervix uteri (neck of the uterus), as incervical, which refers to the vertebrae in the neck region.
2.The combining formmy/orefers to:
muscle.; Rationale:My/omeansmuscle, as inmyorrhexis, which is a rupture of muscle(s).
3.A partial or complete dislocation is called a:
subluxation; Rationale:Subluxation indicates a partial or complete dislocation.
4.What skeletal disease affects elderly patients, causes inflammation of bones, and is also calledosteitis deformans?
Paget disease; Rationale:Osteitis deformans is synonymous with Paget disease in which there is chronic inflammation of bones resulting in thickening, softening, and bowing of long bones.
5.Drugs that relieve mild to moderate pain and reduce inflammation in treatment of musculoskeletal conditions, including osteoarthritis, are called:
NSAIDs.; Rationale:Many NSAIDs are sold over the counter without a prescription and used to treat acute musculoskeletal conditions of the bones, muscles, and joints.
6.The suffix-dipsiameans:
thirst .Rationale:The suffix-dipsiameansthirst, as inpolydipsia, which is an excessive thirst and a common symptom of diabetes.
8.Hemiplegia, paralysis of one half of the body, is synonymous with:
hemiparesis. Rationale:Hemiparesis, also calledhemiplegia, is a paralysis involving half of the body. It most commonly results from a stroke.
9.Facial paralysis on one side of the face due to inflammation of a facial nerve is known as:
Bell palsy. Rationale:Bell palsy is usually caused by a viral infection that results in facial paralysis and eventually resolves on its own.
10.A cluster of symptoms caused by excessive cortisol circulating in the blood is a disorder called:
Cushing syndrome. Rationale:Excessive cortisol is released by the adrenal cortex in Cushing syndrome.
11.Hyster/ois a combining form that means:
uterus. Rationale:Hyster/omeansuterus, as inhysterectomy, which is an excision or removal of the uterus.
12.Orchid/ois a combining form that means:
testis. Rationale:Orchid/omeanstestis, as inorchidopexy, which is the surgical fixation of a testis.
13.The blood test that detects prostatic cancer is:
PSA. Rationale:PSAis the abbreviation forprostate-specific antigen, which is a blood test to screen for prostate cancer.
14.A visual examination of the abdominal cavity is called:
laparoscopy. Rationale:Lapar/omeansabdomen;-scopymeansvisual examination.Laparoscopyis a noninvasive procedure used to inspect and perform surgical procedures on organs in the abdominal cavity.
15.Surgical removal of the foreskin, usually performed on the male as an infant, is known as:
circumcision. Rationale:Circumcision is performed routinely on male infants in the United States. In some cases, it is done for religious reasons or medical benefits (many of which are controversial).
Rationale:Circumcision is performed routinely on male infants in the United States. In some cases, it is done for religious reasons or medical benefits (many of which are controversial).
visual examination of the bladder. Rationale:Cyst/omeansbladder; -scopymeansvisual examination.
17.The primary organs of the urinary system are the:
kidneys. Rationale:The kidneys are the primary structures for urine formation, the main function of the urinary system.
18.The filtering process of removing excess fluids and toxins to cleanse the blood is called:
hemodialysis. Rationale:Hemodialysis is used to perform the functions of the kidney by mechanical filtration to remove excess fluids and toxins from the blood.
19.Which drugs are prescribed to block reabsorption of sodium by the kidneys, thereby increasing the amount of salt excreted in the urine?
Diuretics Rationale:Diuretics block reabsorption of sodium by the kidneys, thereby increasing excretion of salt and water in urine.
20.What is an involuntary discharge of urine after the age at which bladder control is established?
Enuresis Rationale:Enuresis is an involuntary discharge or leakage of urine.