Conditions Flashcards
Scraping, / rubbing away of surface, (Ex: skin, by friction. Cause - trauma (skinned knee); Tx: dermabrasion of skin - remove scar tissue; wearing down tooth - mastication.
Localized collection of pus infection site (usually - staphylococcal); any body part. Tx: /al antibiotics; incision and drainage (I&D) to drain
Congenital deficiency in col/ perception; AKA: col/ blindness.Most common - men.
↑ acidity of blood (accumulation of acids / ↑loss of bicarbonate); Respirat/y acidosis - high levels of CO2 body.
Inflammatory dis. of sebaceous follicles, (comedos (blackheads)/papules/pustules; common in pubert/adolescence. affects face/chest/back/shoulders.
acoustic neuroma
Benign tumor develops from 8th cranial (vestibulocochlear) nerve, grows within auditory canal. Depending on location/size - progressive hearing loss, headache, facial numbness, dizziness, unsteady gait may result.
acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
Deficiency of cellular immunitydue to HIV; characc - ↑ susceptibility - infections/malignancies/neurological diseases. Transmitted in (blood / semen , sexual contact, sharing needles (IV drug abusers), accidental needlesticks among health care w/kers).
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
Respiratory insufficiency - progressive hypoxia; Caused by severe inflammatory damage - causes abnormal permeability of alveolar–capillary membrane. Alveoli fill w/ fluid (interferes w/gas exchange).
Addison disease
Hyposecretion of cortisol - adrenal cortex damaged/atrophied (AKA corticoadrenal insufficiency). Life-threatening autoimmune disorder - body produces antibodies - destroy adrenal cortex. Symptoms - low level blood glucose/fatigue/weight loss/↓d ability to tolerate stress/disease/surgery. Tx: replacement corticosteroids to control symptoms. Meds usually for life.
Band of scarlike tissue - f/ms between two surfaces inside body (stick toger). Bodies response to tissue disturbance, (surgery/infection/trauma/radiation. Most common in abdomen after abdominal surgery, inflammation, injury
adventitious breath sounds
Abn/mal breath sounds heard during respiration (breathing in/out) w/use ofstethoscope (auscultation). Identifying type of sound important in diagnosis.
Absence / loss of hair, especially of head; also known as baldness
Alzheimer disease
Chronic//ganic mental dis/der - progressive f/m of presenile dementia. cause - atrophy of frontal/occipital lobes; AKA: cerebral degeneration. Onset of Alzheimer usually occurs between 40/60 years. Progressive irreversible loss of mem/y/deteri/ation of intellectual functions/apathy/speech/gait disturbances/dis/ientation. May take fa few months to 4 / 5 years to complete loss of intellectual function.
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
Degenerative dis/der- progressive loss of mot/ neurons in spinal c/d/brainstem leads to muscle weakness/paralysis; AKA: Lou Gehrig disease. Manifests in adulthood, symptoms - weakness/atrophy of muscles in hands/f/earms/legs; difficulty in swallowing/talking, dyspnea ( throat/respirat/y muscles affected. Unknown cause no cure.
heearing loss - anacusis
Total deafness (complete hearing loss)
angina pectoris
Mild - severe pain/pressure in chest caused by ischemia; AKA: angina; Results from arosclerosis - c/onary arteries. Can occur while resting/during exercise. Warning sign of impending myocardial infarction
ankylosing spondylitis
Chronic inflammat/y disease of unknown /igin that first affects spine and is characterized by fusion and loss of mobility of two / m/e vertebrae; AKA: rheumatoid spondylitis. Treatment includes nonsteroidal anti-inflammat/y drugs (NSAIDs) and, in advanced cases of a badly def/med spine, surgery.
Congenital absence of one / both testes; AKA: an/chidism / an/chia
Absence O2 in body tissues; Caused by a lack of O2 in inhaled air / obstruction that prevents O2 from reaching lungs.
Abn/mal accumulation of serous fluid in peritoneal cavity. may be symptom of inflammat/y dis/ders in abdomen, venous hypertension caused by liver disease, heart failure (HF).
astigmatism (Ast)
Defective curvature of c/nea and lens, which causes light rays to focus unevenly over retina, rar than being focused on a single point, resulting in a dist/ted image (See Figure 11-3.)
Collapse of lung tissue, preventing respirat/y exchange of O2 and CO2; cause- obstruction of f/eign bodies, excessive secretions, pressure on lung from tum/. In fetal atelectasis, lungs fail to expand n/mally at birth.
↑ of nitrogenous substances, especially urea, in urine
Inflammation of skin covering glans penis.Caused by irritation/invasion of micro/ganisms. Associated w/inadequate hygiene of prepuce/phimosis.
Bone and Joint Disorders
Def/mity characterized by lateral deviation of great toe as it turns in toward second toe (angulation), which may cause tissues surrounding metatarsophalangeal joint to become swollen and tender; AKA: hallux valgus (See Figure 10-11.). Bunion is associated w/rheumatoid arthritis, chronic irritation and pressure from tight-fitting shoes, / heredity. Treatment includes proper footwear, wearing padding around toes to ↓ pressure, medication f/ pain and swelling, / bunionectomy and arthroplasty.
Gurgling / rumbling sound heard over large intestine caused by gas moving through intestines
Abn/mal blowing sound heard on auscultation and caused by turbulent blood flow through an artery
Def/mity characterized by lateral deviation of great toe as it turns in toward second toe (angulation), which may cause tissues surrounding metatarsophalangeal joint to become swollen and tender; AKA: hallux valgus (See Figure 10-11.). Bunion is associated w/rheumatoid arthritis, chronic irritation and pressure from tight-fitting shoes, / heredity. Treatment includes proper footwear, wearing padding around toes to ↓ pressure, medication f/ pain and swelling, / bunionectomy and arthroplasty.
Vaginal fungal infection caused by Candida albicans and characterized by a curdy, / cheeselike, discharge and extreme itching
Cluster of furuncles in subcutaneous tissue; Large furuncles w/connecting channels to skin surface f/m a carbuncle.
carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)
Pain / numbness resulting from compression of median nerve within carpal tunnel (wrist canal through which flex/ tendons and median nerve pass)
Degenerative disease in which lens of eye becomes progressively cloudy, causing ↓d vision (See Figure 11-9.). Cataracts are usually a result of aging process and are caused by protein deposits on surface of lens that slowly build up until vision is lost. Treatment includes surgical intervention to remove cataract.
celiac disease
Damages lining of small intestine in response to gluten (protein found in barley, oats, and wheat) ingestion, results in malabs/ption of nutrients. Tx: - adoption of gluten-free diet. Generally recover by adhering to strict dietary guidelines.
cervical cancer
Malignancy lower part of uterus - strongly associated w/human papillomavirus (HPV) infection (STD); / risk fact/s - early onset sexual activity, multiple sexual partners, having / STIs, weak immune system, and smoking. Early-stage cervical cancer usually no signs/symptoms, late-stage symptoms - vaginal bleeding/pelvic pain. Tx depends on stage of CA and includes: hysterectomy/radiation/chem/apy/combination of all
Chrons Disease
Chronic IBD; affects ileum / any p/tion of intestinal tract; AKA; regional enteritis. Distinguished from / bowel dis/ders by inflammat/y pattern (patchy/segmented).
Chronic , Charac: - destruction of liver cells, eventually leads to ineffective liver function and jaundice. Most commonly cause - chronic alcoholism. May also be caused by hepatitis/toxins/infectious agents/circulat/y dis/ders.
glaucoma - closed-angle
Type of glaucoma caused by an anatomically narrow angle between iris and c/nea, which prevents outflow of aqueous hum/ from eye into lymphatic system, causing a sudden ↑ in IOP. Closed-angle glaucoma constitutes an emergency situation. Symptoms include severe pain, blurred vision, and photophobia.
hearing loss - conductive
Hearing loss resulting from any condition that prevents sound waves from being transmitted to audit/y recept/s. Conductive hearing loss may result from wax obstructing external audit/y canal, inflammation of middle ear, ankylosis of ear bones, / fixation of footplate of stirrup.
Fibrosis of connective tissue in skin, fascia, muscle, / joint capsule preventing n/mal mobility of related tissue / joint
Acute inflammation of nasal passages accompanied by profuse nasal discharge; AKA: a cold
Grating sound made by movement of bone ends rubbing toger, indicating a fracture / joint destruction
Acute respirat/y syndrome that occurs primarily in children and infants and is characterized by laryngeal obstruction and spasm, barking cough, and stridor
Failure one/both testicles to descend into scrotum; (crypt/chidism). Associated w/high risk of sterility/low sperm count/male infertility. If do not descend on own at early age, /chiopexy perf/med - bring testicles into scrotum.
Closed sac/pouch in/under skin; definite wall; contains fluid/semifluid/solid material; may enlarge and become infected.
cyst - sebaceous
A cyst filled w/sebum (fatty material) from a sebaceous gland
cystic fibrosis (CF)
Genetic disease of exocrine glands characterized by excessive secretions of thick mucus that does not drain n/mally, causing obstruction of passageways (including pancreatic and bile ducts and bronchi); CF leads to chronic airway obstruction, recurrent respirat/y infection, bronchiectasis, respirat/y failure.
deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
F/mation of a blood clot in a deep vein of body, occurring most commonly in legs / thighs. Anticoagulants- dissolve clot f/mations / prevent furr clotting.
diabetes - type 1 diabetes
F/m of DM abrupt in onset, caused by failure of pancreas to produce insulin, making difficult to regulate. Type 1 diabetes - usually dx’d in children/young adults. Tx: insulin injections to maintain a n/mal level of glucose in blood.
diabetes - type 2 diabetes
F/m of DM gradual in onset- results from body’s deficiency in producing enough insulin / resistance to insulin by body’s cells. Most common f/m of diabetes. Usually dx’d - adults >40 years. Management less problematic than type 1. Tx: - diet/weight loss/exercise. May also include insulin//al antidiabetic agents - activate release of pancreatic insulin and improve body’s sensitivity to insulin.
diabetes mellitus (DM)
Chronic metabolic dis/der of impaired carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism caused by insufficient production of insulin / body’s inability to use insulin properly. When used alone, term diabetes refers to diabetes mellitus. Hyperglycemia and ketosis are responsible f/ its host of troubling and commonly life-threatening symptoms. Diabetes mellitus occurs in two primary f/ms: type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.
diabetic retinopathy
Retinal damage marked by aneurysmal dilation and bleeding of blood vessels / f/mation of new blood vessels, causing visual changes. Diabetic retinopathy occurs in people w/diabetes, manifested by small hem/rhages, edema, and f/mation of new vessels leading to scarring and eventual loss of vision.
↑d f/mation and secretion of urine
diverticular disease
Condition in which bulging pouches (diverticula) in gastrointestinal (GI) tract push mucosal lining through surrounding muscle. When feces become trapped inside a diverticular sac, it causes inflammation, infection, abdominal pain, and fever, a condition known as diverticulitis. (See Figure 6-13.)
Inflammation of intestine, especially of colon, which may be caused by chemical irritants, bacteria, protozoa, / parasites. Dysentery is common in underdeveloped areas of w/ld and in times of disaster and social dis/ganization when sanitary living conditions, clean food, and safe water are not available. It is characterized by diarrhea, colitis, and abdominal cramps.
ectopic pregnancy
Implantation of fertilized ovum outside of uterine cavity, such as a fallopian tube, an ovary, abdomen, / cervix uteri (See Figure 8-15.). Ectopic pregnancy occurs in approximately 1% of pregnancies, most commonly in oviducts (tubal pregnancy). Some types of ectopic pregnancies include ovarian, interstitial, and isthmic.
Redness of skin caused by swelling of capillaries; result from various causes - allergies/irritating chemicals/drugs/scratching/rubbing/sun exposure. Acute / chronic.
Swelling caused by an abn/mal accumulation of fluid in cells, tissues, / cavities of body; Body parts swell from injury / inflammation. Edema can affect a small area / entire body.
edema - pitting
Edema caused by fluid accumulation that may be demonstrated by applying pressure to swollen area (e.g., by depressing skin w/a finger)
Mass of undissolved matter—commonly a blood clot, fatty plaque, air bubble—that travels through bloodstream - becomes lodged in blood vessel. May be solid, liquid, gaseous. Occlusion of vessels from embolus usually results in development of infarct.
Pus in a body cavity, especially in pleural cavity (pyoth/ax); result of primary infection in lungs.
Painful dis/der in which tissue that n/mally lines inside of uterus (endometrium) grows outside uterine cavity (See Figure 8-16.). Endometriosis most commonly involves ovaries, fallopian tubes, and tissue lining pelvis.
end-stage renal disease (ESRD)
Kidney disease that has advanced to point that kidneys can no longer adequately filter blood, and ultimately, patient requires dialysis / renal transplantation f/ survival; AKA: chronic renal failure (CRF) (See Figure 7-12.). Common diseases leading to ESRD include malignant hypertension, infections, diabetes mellitus, and glomerulonephritis. Diabetes is most common cause of kidney transplantation.
Involuntary discharge of urine after age at which bladder control should be established; AKA: bed-wetting at night / nocturnal enuresis. In children, voluntary control of urination is usually present by age 5 years.
acute f/m - severe, life-threatening infection of epiglottis and surrounding area, occurs most children between ages 2 - 12; sudden onset of fever, dysphagia, inspirat/y strid/, severe respirat/y distress; Tx: establishing an open airway - breathing tube (intubation) and moistened (humidified) O2. (IV) rapy w/ antibiotics to help treat infection by bacteria.
Neurological dis/der in which nerve cell activity in brain is disturbed, causing a seizure, including loss of consciousness. Epilepsy has many possible causes, including illness, brain injury, and abn/mal brain development. Seizure symptoms vary. Some people w/epilepsy simply stare blankly f/ a few seconds during a seizure, whereas in /s, epilepsy causes repeated twitching of arms / legs.
Congenital defect in which urethra opens on upper side of penis near glans penis instead of tip
Hem/rhage from nose; AKA: nosebleed
Strabismus - esotropia
Strabismus in which re is deviation of visual axis of one eye toward that of / eye, resulting in diplopia; AKA: cross-eye and convergent strabismus
Ewing sarcoma
Malignant tum/ that develops from bone marrow, usually in long bones / pelvis; AKA: malignant neoplasm of bone by site. Ewing sarcoma occurs most commonly in adolescent boys.
strabismus - ecotropia
Strabismus in which re is deviation of visual axis of one eye away from that of / eye, resulting in diplopia; AKA: wall-eye and divergent strabismus
Benign neoplasm in uterus that is composed largely of fibrous tissue; AKA: leiomyoma. Uterine fibroids are most common tum/s in women. If fibroids grow too large and cause symptoms, such as pelvic pain / men/rhagia, hysterectomy may be indicated.
Abn/mal passage from one /gan to an/ / from a hollow /gan to surface. An anal fistula is located near anus and may open into rectum.
Abscess that /iginates in a hair follicle; AKA: boil
ganglion cyst
Fluid-filled tum/ that most commonly develops along tendons / joint of wrists / hands but may also occur in ankles and feet. In most instances, ganglion cysts cause no pain, require no treatment, and go away on ir own. Reasons f/ treatment are cosmetic / when cyst causes pain (presses on a nearby nerve) / interferes w/joint movement. Treatment involves removing fluid / excising cyst. (See Figure 10-12.)
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Backflow (reflux) of gastric contents into esophagus caused by malfunction of lower esophageal sphincter (LES). Symptoms of GERD include heartburn, belching, and regurgitation of food. Treatment includes elevating head of bed while sleeping, avoiding alcohol and foods that ↑ acid secretion, and taking drugs to ↓ production of acid.
gestational hypertension
Potentially life-threatening dis/der that usually develops after 20th week of pregnancy and is characterized by edema and proteinuria. Gestational hypertension may occur in nonconvulsive / convulsive f/ms.
gestational hypertension - eclampsia
Convulsive f/m of gestational hypertension that is a medical emergency and life-threatening to m/ and baby. Treatment includes bedrest, blood pressure monit/ing, and antiseizure drugs.
gestational hypertension - preeclampsia
Nonconvulsive f/m of gestational hypertension, which, if left untreated, may progress to eclampsia. Treatment includes bedrest and blood pressure monit/ing.
Condition in which aqueous hum/ fails to drain properly and accumulates in anteri/ chamber of eye, causing elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) (See Figure 11-10.). Glaucoma eventually leads to loss of vision and, commonly, blindness. Treatment f/ glaucoma includes miotics (eye drops), which cause pupils to constrict, permitting aqueous hum/ to escape from eye, reby relieving pressure. If miotics are ineffective, surgery may be necessary.
glaucoma - open-angle
Most common f/m of glaucoma that results from degenerative changes that cause congestion and ↓ flow of aqueous hum/ through canal of Schlemm. Open-angle glaucoma is painless but destroys peripheral vision, causing tunnel vision.
Hereditary metabolic disease that is a f/m of acute arthritis, characterized by excessive uric acid in blood and around joints
hearing loss
↓d ability to perceive sounds compared w/what individual / examiner would regard as n/mal
heart block
Interference w/n/mal conduction of electrical impulses that control activity of heart muscle. Heart blockusually specified bylocation of block and type.
heart block - first-degree
Atrial electrical impulses are delayed- fraction of a second bef/e conducting to ventricles.Recognized on ECG - prolonged PR interval. No specific treatment, condition is monit/ed as may precede higher degrees of block.
heart block - third-degree
Electrical impulses from atria fail to reach ventricles; AKA: complete heart block (CHB). TX: - atropine (↑ heart rate) / pacemaker insertion.
heart block second-degree
Occasional electrical impulses from SA node fail to conduct to ventricles. Because ofdropped beats - QRS complexes are dropped periodically, usually 2nd/3rd/4th beat.
heart failure
Inability of heart to pump sufficient blood to meet metabolic needs of body
heart failure - congestive heart failure (CHF)
Blood returning to heart backs up into lungs// parts of body, causing congestion. Symptoms- fluid retention of lower extremities w/ pulmonary edema, sh/tness of breath, activity intolerance
heart failure (HF)
Inability of heart to pump sufficient blood to meet metabolic needs of body
Passage of stools containing bright red blood
Elevated, localized collection of blood trapped under skin that usually results from trauma
Loss of a large amount of blood in a sh/t period, externally / internally; arterial/venous/capillary; Hem/rhage under skin in which skin is not broken; also known as a bruise
hemorrhage - contusion
Skin discol/ation - large, irregularly f/med hem/rhagic area, Col/s change from blue-black/greenish brown/yellow; AKA: a bruise
hemorrhage - ecchymosis
Minute, pinpoint hem/rhagic spot on skin
hemorrhage - petechia
A petechia is a smaller version of an ecchymosis.
Mass of enlarged, twisted varicose veins in mucous membrane inside (internal) / just outside (external) rectum; also known as piles
hemorrhoid (AKA Piles)
Mass of enlarged, twisted varicose veins in mucous membrane inside (internal) / just outside (external) rectum; also known as piles
Protrusion / projection of an /gan / a part of an /gan through wall of cavity that n/mally contains it
herniated disk
Herniation / rupture of nucleus pulposus (center gelatinous material within an intervertebral disk) between two vertebrae; AKA: prolapsed disk (See Figure 10-13.). A herniated disk places pressure on a spinal root nerve / spinal c/d. Displacement of disk irritates spinal nerves, causing muscle spasms and pain. It occurs most commonly in lower spine.
Condition characterized by excessive growth of hair / presence of hair in unusual places, especially in women; causes -hypersecretion testosterone/adrenal neoplasm
Small, purulent inflammat/y infection of a sebaceous gland of eyelid; AKA: sty
Huntington chorea
Hereditary nervous dis/der caused by progressive loss of brain cells, leading to bizarre, involuntary, dancelike movements; AKA: neurodegenerative genetic dis/der
Consistently elevated blood pressure (BP) that is higher than 119/79 mm Hg, causing damage to blood vessels and, ultimately, heart
Congenital defect, in which male urethra opens on undersurface of penis instead of tip
Deficiency of oxygen in blood, usually a sign of respirat/y impairment; AKA: low blood oxygen; Blood O2 measured - blood from artery.
Deficiency of O2 in body tissues, usually a sign of respirat/y impairment; General hypoxia in healthy people - high altitudes (AKA: altitude sickness) - potentially fatal complications.
IBD - Crohn disease
Chronic IBD. Usually affects ileum. May affect any p/tion of intestinal tract; (regional enteritis). Distinguished from related bowel dis/ders by inflammat/y pattern (patchy / segmented).
IBD - ulcerative colitis
Chronic IBD of colon characterized by episodes of diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and pain
Bacterial skin infection characterized by isolated pustules that become crusted and rupture
Inability of a man to achieve / maintain a penile erection; commonly called erectile dysfunction (ED)
Protective response of body tissues to irritation, infection, / allergy; Signs of inflammation include redness, swelling, heat, and pain, commonly accompanied by loss of function.
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
Ulceration of colon mucosa. Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis are f/ms of IBD.
Acute, contagious respirat/y infection characterized by sudden onset of fever, chills, headache, and muscle pain
interstitial nephritis
Condition associated w/pathological changes in renal interstitial tissue that may be primary / caused by a toxic agent, such as a drug / chemical, which results in destruction of nephrons and severe impairment in renal function
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Condition characterized by gastrointestinal signs and symptoms, including constipation, diarrhea, gas, and bloating, all in absence of /ganic pathology; AKA: spastic colon Contributing fact/s of IBS include stress and tension. Treatment consists of dietary modifications, such as avoiding irritating foods / a high-fiber diet, and taking laxatives if constipation is a symptom. It also includes antidiarrheal and antispasmodic drugs, as well as alleviation of anxiety and stress.
Deficiency of blood flow to /gan / tissue , result of circulat/y obstruction. Causes - arterial embolism, arosclerosis, thrombosis, vasoconstriction.
Kaposi sarcoma
Malignancy of connective tissue, including bone, fat, muscle, fibrous tissue; AKA: malignant neoplasm of soft tissue. Closely associated w/ AIDS, Commonly fatal as tum/s readily metastasize to various /gans
↑d curvature of th/acic region of vertebral column, leading to a humpback posture; AKA: hunchback. Kyphosis may be caused by po/ posture, arthritis, / osteomalacia. (See Figure 10-16.)
lesion - secondary lesion
Skin lesion that evolves from a primary lesion / that is caused by external f/ces, such as infection, scratching, trauma, / healing process
lesions - primary lesion
Skin lesion caused directly by a disease process; initial reaction to pathologically altered tissue; flat/elevated
White discharge from vagina. A greater than usual amount of leuk/rhea is n/mal in pregnancy, and a ↓ is to be expected after delivery, during lactation, and after menopause. Leuk/rhea is most common reason women seek gynecological care.
F/ward curvature of lumbar region of vertebral column, leading to swayback posture. May be caused by ↑d weight in abdomen, (EX: pregnancy).
lung cancer
Pulmonary malignancy commonly attributed to cigarette smoking and inhalation of particles that lodge in lung; malignant neoplasms in trachea, bronchi, Alveoli. Survival rates low - rapid metastasis/late detection.
Any malignant tum/ of lymph nodes / / lymph tissue
lymphoma - Hodgkin
Lymphoma characterized by painless, progressive enlargement of lymphoid tissue (usually first evident in cervical lymph nodes), splenomegaly, and presence of unique Reed-Sternberg cells in lymph nodes; AKA: classic Hodgkin lymphoma
lymphoma - non-Hodgkin
Lymphoma that /iginates in lymphatic system, develops from lymphocytes. Occur older adults, do not show Reed-Sternberg cells.
macular degeneration (MD)
Breakdown of tissues in macula, resulting in loss of central vision. Macular degeneration is most common cause of visual impairment in persons over age 50 years. When MD is related to aging, it is referred to as age-related macular degeneration (ARMD, AMD). (See Figure 11-12.)
Ménière disease
Rare dis/der of unknown etiology within labyrinth of inner ear that can lead to a progressive loss of hearing; AKA: endolymphatic/labyrinthine hydrops. Symptoms include vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus, and a sensation of pressure in ear.
mitral valve prolapse (MVP)
Condition in which leaflets of mitral valve prolapse into LA during systole, resulting in incomplete closure and regurgitation (backflow) of blood
Acute infection caused by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and characterized by a s/e throat, fever, fatigue, and enlarged lymph nodes
multiple sclerosis (MS)
Progressive degenerative disease of CNS characterized by inflammation, hardening, and loss of myelin throughout spinal c/d and brain, which produces weakness and / muscle symptoms
muscular dystrophy
Group of hereditary diseases characterized by gradual atrophy and weakness of muscle tissue; AKA: muscular dystrophy Duchenne type. re is no cure f/ muscular dystrophy. Duchenne dystrophy is most common f/m, and patients w/this disease f/m have an average life span of 20 years.
myasthenia gravis (MG)
Autoimmune neuromuscular dis/der characterized by severe muscular weakness and progressive fatigue
myocardial infarction (MI)
Necrosis p/tion of cardiac muscle caused by partial/complete occlusion of one / m/e c/onary arteries; AKA: heart attack
Malignant tum/ composed principally of cells resembling neuroblasts. Neuroblastoma occurs most commonly in infants and children.
hearing loss - noise-induced
Hearing loss that results from exposure to very loud sounds. W/king w/noisy machinery; listening to loud music; / discharging rifles, guns, / explosives may cause noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL).
Person accumulates amount of fat that exceeds body’s skeletal/physical standards, usually an ↑ of 20% / greater than ideal body weight
obesity - morbid
Severe obesity in which a person has a body mass index (BMI) of 40 / greater, which is generally 100 / m/e pounds m/e than ideal body weight. M/bid obesity is a disease w/serious medical, psychological, and social ramifications.
otitis externa
Infection of external audit/y canal. Otitis externa can develop when water remains in outer ear canal, most commonly after swimming (swimmer’s ear). / causes include allergies, eczema, and a f/eign object lodged in ear.
otitis media (OM)
Inflammation of middle ear, commonly result of upper respiratory infection (URI)
Paget disease
Skeletal disease that affects older people and causes chronic inflammation of bones, resulting in thickening and softening of bones and bowing of long bones; AKA: osteitis def/mans
Partial / complete loss of mot/ function
palsy - Bell palsy
Facial paralysis on one side; due to inflammation of facial nerve (cranial nerve VII), most likely cause - viral infection; AKA: facial nerve palsy. Commonly results in grotesque facial disfigurement/facial spasms. Tx: - c/ticosteroid drugs - ↓ nerve swelling. Condition lasts a month and resolves by itself.
palsy - cerebral palsy (CP)
Bilateral, symmetrical, nonprogressive mot/ dysfunction and partial paralysis, which is usually caused by damage to cerebrum during gestation / by birth trauma, but can also be hereditary
Inflammation of pancreas that occurs when pancreatic enzymes that digest food are activated in pancreas instead of duodenum and attack pancreatic tissue, causing damage to gland. Pancreatitis can also be caused by chronic alcoholism, gallstone obstruction, drug toxicity, and viral infections. Treatment includes pain medication and pancreatic enzymes, choledocholithotomy, and subtotal pancreatectomy, if necessary.
Total pituitary impairment - brings about progressive/general loss of hormone activity
Loss of voluntary motion caused by inability to contract one / m/e muscles. Paralysis may be caused by a variety of problems, such as head trauma, spinal c/d injury, and stroke. Paralysis may be classified acc/ding to cause, muscle tone, distribution, / body part affected
paralysis - paraplegia
Paralysis of lower potion of body/both legs. Results in loss of sensory and motor control below level of injury. Problems occurring w/spinal cord injury to lumbar and thoracic regions include: loss of bladder/bowel/sexual control.
paralysis - quadriplegia
Paralysis of all four extremities and, usually, trunk. Quadriplegia generally results in loss of mot/ and sens/y functions below level of injury. Paralysis includes trunk, legs, and pelvic /gans, w/partial / total paralysis in upper extremities. higher trauma, m/e debilitating are mot/ and sens/y impairments.
Parkinson disease
Progressive, degenerative neurological dis/der affecting p/tion of brain responsible f/ controlling movement; AKA: paralysis agitans. unnecessary skeletal muscle movements of Parkinson disease commonly interfere w/voluntary movement—f/ example, causing hand to shake (called “trem/”), most common symptom of Parkinson disease.
patent ductus arteriosus
Failure of ductus arteriosus to close after birth, resulting in an abn/mal opening between pulmonary artery and aorta
Bacterial / fungal infection of peritoneum that can result from any rupture (perf/ation) in abdomen / as a complication of / medical conditions. Treatment includes antibiotics and, in some cases, surgery. If left untreated, peritonitis can lead to severe, potentially life-threatening infection throughout body.
Acute infectious cough w/a sound like a “whoop”; AKA: whooping cough; Immunization of infants ( diphria, pertussis, tetanus (DPT) vaccine.
Rare adrenal gland tum/ that causes excessive release of epinephrine (adrenaline) and n/epinephrine (h/mones that regulate heart rate and blood pressure) and induces severe blood pressure elevation
Stenosis/narrowness of preputial orifice; foreskin cannot be pushed back over glans penis
Unusual intolerance and sensitivity to light. Photophobia occurs in such dis/ders as meningitis, eye inflammation, measles, and rubella.
pleural effusion
Abn/mal presence of fluid in pleural cavity; Fluid may contain blood (hemoth/ax), serum (hydroth/ax), pus (pyoth/ax). Tx: - surgical puncture of chest w/ hollow-b/e needle (th/acentesis, th/acocentesis) to remove fluid.
pleural mesothelioma
Aggressive, rare, develops in pleura (mesolium layer) caused primarily by inhalation of microscopic asbestos fibers.
pleural rub
Grating sound of pleural linings rubbing against each / that is heard on auscultation; AKA: friction rub; diagnose pleurisy, pneumonia, condition occurs when pleural layers are inflamed , and lost lubrication.
Collection of air in pleural cavity, causing complete / partial collapse of a lung; Can occur w/ pulmonary disease (emphysema, lung CA, / TB) when pulmonary lesions rupture near pleural surface, / from open chest wound / perf/ation of chest wall - permits entrance air.
Disease in which gray matter of spinal c/d is destroyed by a slow-acting virus, eventually leading to paralysis and muscular atrophy. Vaccines have made poliomyelitis, commonly known as polio, relatively uncommon in United States. Neverless, postpolio syndrome is a complication that develops in some patients, usually 30 or mor years after first infected. Muscles that were already weak may get weaker. Weakness may also develop in muscles that were not affected before.
Small, stalklike growth that resembles a mushroom and protrudes upward / outward from a mucous membrane surface. Polyps detected during colonoscopy are excised (polypectomy) and biopsy specimen sent to lab/at/y f/ microscopic tissue examination. This test is used to screen f/ CA / abn/mal cells.
Impairment of hearing that results from aging process
Autoimmune disease characterized by itchy red patches covered w/silvery scales. genetically determined/lifelong condition. TX: control symptoms, include- topical treatments (lubricants/retinoids/c/ticosteroids/saltwater immersions); systemic treatments (UV light rapy/excimer light rapy).
Fine, crackling / bubbling sounds, heard during inspiration - fluid in alveoli; AKA: crackles; EXs bronchitis/pneumonia/heart failure (HF). Rales not clear after cough may indicate pulmonary edema/fluid in alveoli caused by HF / ARDS.
Raynaud disease
Vascular disorder - fingers/toes become cold/numb/painful - result of temporary constriction of blood vessels in skin. Trigg’d by cold temperatures/emotional stress.
retinal detachment
Separation of retina from ch/oid, which disrupts vision and results in blindness if not repaired. Retinal detachment may follow trauma, ch/oidal hem/rhages, / tum/s and may be associated w/diabetes mellitus.
rheumatic heart disease
Streptococcal infection that causes damage to heart valves and heart muscle, most commonly in children and young adults
rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
Chronic, systemic, inflammat/y disease affecting synovial membranes of multiple joints, eventually resulting in crippling def/mities (See Figure 10-14.). As RA develops, congestion and edema of synovial membrane and joint occur, causing f/mation of a thick layer of granulation tissue. This tissue invades cartilage, destroying joint and bone. Eventually, a fibrous immobility of joints (ankylosis) occurs, causing visible def/mities and total immobility.
Sn/ing, rumbling sounds heard upon auscultation of chest during respiration; Indicate inflammation / congestion of bronchi caused by inflammation, mucus, f/eign body that partially obstructs bronchi.
rotator cuff injury
Trauma to capsule of shoulder joint, which is reinf/ced by muscles and tendons; AKA: musculotendinous rotat/ cuff injury. Rotat/ cuff injuries that occur in sp/ts and in which re is a complete abduction of shoulder, followed by a rapid and f/ceful rotation and flexion of shoulder. This type of injury occurs most commonly in baseball when player throws ball.
Contagious skin disease transmitted by itch mite
Severe pain in leg along course of sciatic nerve (travels from hip to foot)
Abn/mal sideward curvature of spine to left / right. Scoliosis eventually causes back pain, disk disease, / arthritis. It is commonly a congenital disease but may result from po/ posture. (See Figure 10-16.)
Abn/mal, uncontrolled discharge of electrical activity in brain, which is commonly a symptom of underlying brain pathology; AKA: convulsion. Chronic, recurrent seizures are a characteristic symptom of epilepsy.
Seizure - absence (petit mal)
Seizure - few seconds/sudden/loss of consciousness. May be many during day
Seizure - tonic-clonic (grand mal)
Seizure characterized by unconsciousness w/excessive mot/ activity and body alternating between excessive muscle tone w/rigidity (tonic) and involuntary muscular contractions (clonic) in extremities. Tonic-clonic seizures last about 1 to 2 minutes. / symptoms include tongue biting, difficulty breathing, and incontinence. recovery after a seizure is known as postictal period.
hearing loss - sensorineural
Caused by permanent/temporary damage to sensory cells/nerve fibers of inner ear
Systemic disease caused by infection w/micro/ganisms and ir toxins in circulating blood; AKA: sepsis and blood poisoning. If a patient becomes “septic,” he / she will likely have low blood pressure leading to po/ circulation. Septicemia can develop as a result of body’s own defense system / from toxic substances made by infecting agent (e.g., a bacterium, virus, / fungus).
Fragment of a necrosed bone that has become separated from surrounding tissue
otis media (OM) - serous
Noninfectious inflammation of middle ear w/accumulation of serum (clear fluid). Treatment f/ serous OM may include myringotomy to aspirate fluid and surgical insertion of pressure-equalizing (PE) tubes. (See Figure 11-7.)
sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
Any disease that may be acquired as result of sexual intercourse / intimate contact w/an infected individual; affects male / female reproductive systems
Eruption of acute, inflammat/y, herpetic vesicles on trunk of body along a peripheral nerve that is caused by herpes zoster virus. Shingles is a viral infection that causes a painful rash and is same virus that causes chickenpox.
skin lesion
Area of pathologically altered tissue caused by disease, injury, / a wound caused by external fact/s / internal disease; Evaluation helps establish diagnosis of skin dis/ders. Described as primary/secondary.
spina bifida
Congenital neural tube defect characterized by incomplete closure of spinal canal; spinal c/d and meninges may / may not protrude through defect. Spina bifida usually occurs in lumbosacral area and has several f/ms. (See Figure 9-16.)
spina bifida cystica
More severe type - involves protrusion of meninges (meningocele), spinal cord (myelocele), / both (meningomyelocele). severity of neurological dysfunction directly related to degree of nerve involvement.
spina bifida occulta
Most common / least severe form w/out protrusion of spinal cord / meninges
Partial f/ward dislocation of one vertebra over one below it, most commonly 5th lumbar vertebra over 1st sacral vertebra; AKA: spinal c/d compression
Trauma to joint causes injury to surrounding ligament, accompanied by pain/disability
Inability of a woman to become pregnant / f/ a man to impregnate a woman
STI - chlamydia
Sexually transmitted bacterial infection -causes cervicitis - women, urethritis/epididymitis in men. Chlamydial infection - highly prevalent, among most potentially damaging of all STIs. Antibiotics - cure nfection. Left untreated, leads to PID/infertility in women.
STI - gonorrhea
Sexually transmitted bacterial infection of mucous membrane of genital tract in men and women. Gon/rheal infection results from anal, vaginal, / /al sex w/an infected partner. It can also be passed on from an infected m/ to her infant during birth process (as baby passes through vaginal canal). Gon/rhea and chlamydia commonly occur toger. Both partners are treated f/ se infections w/antibiotics.
STI - herpes genitalis
Highly contagious viral infection of male and female genitalia that is transmitted by direct contact w/infected body secretions (usually through sexual intercourse) and differs from / STIs in that it can recur spontaneously once virus has been acquired; AKA: venereal herpes. Herpes genitalis is most commonly caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 2. Treatment is symptomatic, which means that meds are given to ↓ symptoms of swelling and pain. re is no cure f/ genital herpes. A particularly life-threatening f/m of disease can occur in infants infected by virus during vaginal birth.
STI - human papillomavirus (HPV)
Infection of genital areas of men and women, including penis, vulva, and anus, as well as rectal, cervical, and vaginal linings. re are over 40 types of HPV infections. One type, genital warts, causes CA of cervix in females and penile cancer in males. A vaccine that protects against four types of HPV is available f/ young males and females at age 11 years.
STI - syphilis
Infectious, chronic STI characterized initially by skin lesions (chancres), typically on genitals, rectum, / mouth. Syphilis may exist w/out symptoms f/ years- cause long-term complications, including death, if not tx’d. - can be transmitted from mother to fetus, causing multiple, severe health problems f/ baby. Penicillin, intramuscularly / IV, is antibiotic of choice f/ tx. of all stages of syphilis.
STI - trichomoniasis
Infection of vagina / male genital tract - commonly causes vaginitis/urethritis/cystitis. Most common asymptomatic STI. Tx: single /al dose of combined antibacterial/antiprotozoal medication.
Muscular eye dis/der - eyes turn from n/mal position (deviate in different directions). F/ms of strabismus referred to as tropias - direction being indicated by appropriate prefix, EXS: esotropia/exotropia.
Trauma to a muscle from overuse / excessive f/cible stretch in which great toe is angled laterally toward / toes.
High-pitched, musical breathing sound made on inspiration and caused by obstruction in pharynx / larynx, commonly heard w/out use of a stethoscope; characteristic of croup. Also caused by allergic reaction, airway injury, throat abscess, laryngitis.
Partial / complete dislocation
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
Completely unexpected and unexplained death of an apparently healthy infant; AKA: crib death; SIDS is most common cause of death occurring between second week and first year of life.
otis media (OM) - suppurative
Inflammation of middle ear w/pus f/mation. Suppurative OM is a common affliction in infants and young children caused by h/izontal /ientation and small diameter of eustachian tube in such patients, which predisposes m to infection. If left untreated, complications include ruptured tympanic membrane, mastoiditis, labyrinthitis, hearing loss, and meningitis.
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
Chronic inflammat/y autoimmune disease , unusual antibodies in blood target tissues, butterfly rash on face. Sensitivity to sunlight, fatigue, joint pain. Tx: anti-inflammat/ies, immuno↓ives, c/ticosteroids. Rash gets w/se -exposed sunlight.
talipes equinovarus
Congenital def/mity of foot; AKA: clubfoot (See Figure 10-15.). In talipes, heel never rests on ground. Treatment consists of applying casts to progressively straighten foot and surgical c/rection f/ severe cases.
Fungal infection whose name commonly indicates body part affected; AKA: ringw/m; Exs: barbae (beard)/tinea c/p/is (body)/tinea pedis (athlete’s foot)/tinea versicol/ (skin)?and tinea cruris (jock itch).
Ringing / tinkling noise heard constantly / intermittently in one / both ears, even in a quiet environment. Tinnitus may be a sign of injury to ear, some disease process, / toxic levels of some meds (e.g., aspirin).
Spasmodic contraction of neck muscles, causing stiffness and twisting of neck; AKA: wryneck. T/ticollis may be congenital / acquired.
toxic shock syndrome (TSS)
Rare and sometimes fatal Staphylococcus infection that generally occurs in menstruating women, most of whom use vaginal tampons f/ menstrual protection. In TSS, n/mally harmless vaginal bacterium Staphylococcus aureus multiplies in old blood in tampon and releases toxins. tampon itself creates small tears in vaginal wall that allow toxins to enter bloodstream.
transient ischemic attack (TIA)
Sh/t episodes neurological dysfunction caused by temp/ary interference w/blood supply to brain, lasting few minutes - few hours; AKA: ministroke TIAs may recur, each TIA ↑s risk of stroke. Neurological symptoms vary, depending on amount of ischemia and location of vessels involved. TIA does not destroy brain cells / cause permanent disability.
Lesion of skin / mucous membranes marked by inflammation, necrosis, and sloughing of damaged tissues; Causes - trauma/caustic chemicals/ intense heat/ cold, arterial/ venous stasis/cancers /drugs/ infectious agents
ulcer - pressure ulcer
Skin ulceration caused by prolonged pressure, usually in a person who is bedridden; also known as decubitus ulcer / beds/e; skin overlying bony projection (hip/ ankle/ heel/ shoulder/ elbow.
Allergic reaction of skin characterized by eruption of pale red elevated patches that are intensely itchy; AKA: wheals / hives
Rounded epidermal growths caused by a virus; AKA: wart; Exs: plantar warts/ juvenile warts/ venereal warts. Tx: cryosurgery/ electrocautery/ acids; may regrow if virus remains in skin.
Sensation of moving around in space / a feeling of spinning / dizziness. Vertigo - results from damage - inner ear structure - associated w/balance and equilibrium.
Localized loss of skin pigmentation characterized by milk-white patches; AKA: leukoderma
Twisting of bowel on itself, causing obstruction. Volvulus usually requires surgery to untwist loop of bowel.
Continuous, high-pitched whistling sounds, usually heard during expiration and caused by narrowing of an airway; Occur in asthma, croup, hay fever, emphysema.
Wilms tumor
Malignant neoplasm of kidney that occurs in young children, usually bef/e age 5 years; AKA: nephroblastoma. most common early signs of Wilms tum/ are hypertension, a palpable mass, pain, and hematuria.
Obstetric procedure that involves surgical puncture of amniotic sac under ultrasound guidance to remove amniotic fluid. In amniocentesis, cells of fetus found in fluid are cultured and studied to detect genetic abn/malities and maternal–fetal blood incompatibility.
arterial blood gas (ABG)
Measurement of O2 and CO2 content of arterial blood by using various methods; Used to assess adequacy of ventilation / oxygenation and acid–base status of body.
Puncture of a joint space w/a needle to remove fluid. Arthrocentesis is perf/med to obtain samples of synovial fluid f/ diagnostic purposes. It may also be used to instill meds and remove accumulated fluid from joints to ↓ pain.
Test that measures hearing acuity at various sound frequencies. In audiometry, an instrument called an audiometer delivers acoustic stimuli at different frequencies, and results are plotted on a graph called an audiogram.
barium enema (BE)
Radiographic examination of rectum and colon after administration of barium (radiopaque contrast medium) into rectum; AKA: lower GI series. BE is used f/ diagnosis of obstructions, tum/s, and / abn/malities of colon. (See Figure 6-16.)
barium swallow
Radiographic examination of esophagus, stomach, and small intestine after /al administration of barium (radiopaque contrast medium); AKA: upper GI series. Barium swallow is commonly perf/med in patients experiencing dysphagia. Structural abn/malities of esophagus, stomach, and small intestine may also be diagnosed by using this technique.
biopsy (Bx, bx)
Removal of a small piece of living tissue from an /gan / / part of body f/ microscopic examination to confirm / establish a diagnosis, estimate prognosis, / follow course of a disease; Types of biopsy - aspiration biopsy/ needle biopsy/ punch biopsy/ shave biopsy/ frozen-section biopsy.
blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
Lab/at/y test that measures amount of urea (nitrogenous waste product) in blood and demonstrates kidneys’ ability to filter urea from blood f/ excretion in urine. An ↑ in BUN level may indicate impaired kidney function.
bone density test (bone densitometry)
Low energy x-ray abs/ption of wrist, pelvis, and spinal column to measure bone density f/ purposes of diagnosis and management of osteop/osis; AKA: dual-energy x-ray abs/ptiometry (DEXA)
bone marrow aspiration biopsy
Removal of living bone marrow tissue, usually taken from sternum / iliac crest. Bone marrow aspiration biopsy evaluates hematopoiesis- reveals number, shape, size of RBCs, WBCs, platelet precurs/s
bone scan
Nuclear medicine procedure that visualizes bone(s) after intravenous injection of a radiopharmaceutical. A special scanning device detects areas of ↑d uptake of radiopharamaceutical to indicate abn/malities of bone, such as infection, inflammation, fractures, and tum/s.
Visual exam of interi/ bronchi using bronchoscope (flexible fiber-optic instrument w/ light, can be inserted through nose / mouth ;may be perf/med - remove obstructions, obtain biopsy specimen, observe f/ pathological changes.
cardiac catheterization (CC)
Insertion of cater into heart through vein/artery (usually arm (brachial approach) / leg (fem/al approach) . May inject contrast medium, take radiographs (angiography).Used mainly in diagnosing/evaluating congenital, rheumatic, c/onary arterial lesions, including MI.
cardiac enzyme studies
Measure levels of enzymes/proteins in blood; levels ↑ w/ injury to heart muscle (Ex: heart attack). Determine angina, sh/tness of breath, abn/mal electrocardiography indicate a heart attack / imminent heart attack.
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis
Lab/at/y test in which CSF obtained through a lumbar puncture is evaluated macroscopically f/ clarity and col/, microscopically f/ cells, and chemically f/ proteins and / substances. CSF analysis helps detect bacteria, viruses, and tum/ cells. analysis also helps diagnose tum/s, infection, / multiple sclerosis (MS).
Examination of vagina and cervix w/an optical magnifying instrument (colposcope). Colposcopy is commonly perf/med after a Pap test to obtain biopsy specimens of cervix and identify abn/mal cervical tissue.
computed tomography (CT)
Tomography - narrow beam of x-ray rotates in full arc around patient to acquire multiple views of body, computer interprets to produce cross-sectional images of internal /gan / tissue; AKA: computerized axial tomography (CAT) scanning. CT detects kidney stones, obstructions, renal masses, urinary dis/ders, lesions in lungs / th/ax, blood clots, pulmonary embolism. CT may be perf/med w/ / w/out contrast medium.
Surgical procedure that creates an opening in skull to gain access to brain during neurosurgical procedures. A craniotomy is also perf/med to ↓ intracranial pressure, control bleeding, / remove a tum/.
creatinine clearance
Lab/at/y test that measures rate at which creatinine is cleared from blood by kidney. Creatinine clearance is most common, most precise test that uses blood and urine samples to assess kidney function.
culture and sensitivity (C&S)
Lab/at/y test of a body fluid placed on a culture medium to identify cause of an infection (usually a bacterium) and a sensitivity test that determines which antibiotic drug will w/k best to treat infection. A C&S test may be done on many different body fluids, such as urine, mucus, blood, pus, saliva, spinal fluid, / discharge from vagina / penis.
digital rectal examination (DRE)
Examination of prostate gland by finger palpation through anal canal and rectum. DRE is usually perf/med during physical examination to detect prostate enlargement. It is also used to check f/ problems w//gans / / structures in pelvis and lower abdomen. (See Figure 8-21.)
Uses ultrasound to evaluate heart / great vessels - diagnose cardiovascular lesions
electrocardiography (ECG, EKG)
Creation/study of graphic rec/ds (electrocardiograms) produced by electric activity of heart muscle; AKA: cardiography. Valuable in diagnosing abn/mal heart rhythm / myocardial damage
electroencephalography (EEG)
Diagnostic procedure in which electrodes on scalp rec/d patterns of electrical activity within brain. EEG helps evaluate seizure dis/ders, periods of unconsciousness, and sleep dis/ders; monit/s brain during brain surgery; and determines if a person is in a coma / is brain dead. (See Figure 9-17.)
Visual examination of nteri/ of /gans/cavities w/ specialized lighted instrument (endoscope). /gan, cavity, / canal being examined dictates name of endoscopic procedure. A camera and video rec/der are commonly used during procedure to provide a permanent rec/d. Endoscopy can also help obtain tissue samples f/ biopsy, perf/m surgery, and monit/ course of a disease, as in assessment of healing of gastric ulcers. cavity / /gan examined dictates name of endoscopic procedure, such as gastroscopy and bronchoscopy. Use of a camera and video rec/der is common to provide a permanent rec/d.
endoscopy - lower GI
Endoscopy of colon (colonoscopy), sigmoid colon (sigmoidoscopy), and rectum and anal canal (proctoscopy). Endoscopy of lower GI tract is used to identify pathological conditions in colon. It may also be used to remove polyps. When polyps are discovered in colon, y are removed and tested f/ CA.
endoscopy - upper GI
Endoscopy of esophagus (esophagoscopy), stomach (gastroscopy), and duodenum (duodenoscopy). Endoscopy of upper GI tract is perf/med to identify tum/s, esophagitis, gastroesophageal varices, peptic ulcers, and source of upper GI bleeding. It is also used to confirm presence and extent of varices in lower esophagus and stomach in patients w/liver disease.
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
Blood test - detects antibodies in blood, including screening f/ antibody to HIV. Positive result- probable virus exposure. Confirmed w/ Western blot test, which is m/e specific
fasting blood glucose (FBG)
Measures glucose levels in blood after PT fasting (not eaten) (8 hours); AKA: fasting blood sugar (FBS). Helps determine if pancreas secreting normal amount of insulin and diagnose / pancreatic dis/ders (diabetes/hypoglycemia)
fluoroscopy - radiographic procedure
Uses fluorescent screen instead of photographic plate to produce visual image from x-rays that pass through patient, resulting in continuous imaging of motion of internal structures and immediate serial images. It permits radiographer to observe /gans (digestive tract/heart) in motion. Also used during intrauterine fetal transfusion/biopsy/nasogastric tube placement/cardiac caterization.
glucose tolerance test (GTT)
Screening test - patient fasts f/ 8 - 12 HRS., ingests glucose, and n undergoes blood draws determine how quickly glucose is cleared from blood; AKA: /al glucose tolerance test (OGTT). GTT helps diagnose diabetes w/higher accuracy compared w// blood glucose tests. It also helps diagnose gestational diabetes / rarer dis/ders of carbohydrate metabolism.
Holter monitor
Device w/n - records prolonged electrocardiograph readings (24 hours) on portable tape rec/der of normal daily activities. Record of cardiac arrhythmia otherwise not discovered with an ECG of only a few minutes’ duration. PT keeps an activity diary to compare daily events w/ electrocardiographic tracings.
insulin pump therapy
A small, computerized device continuously delivering precise doses of insulin through a cater placed under skin. pump replaces need f/ frequent injections by delivering precise doses of insulin 24 hours per day to match body’s needs closely. A health care professional determines programmed rate. (See Figure 9-19.)
intravenous fluorescein angiography (IVFA)
Imaging technique used to study retinal blood vessels and circulation of blood in retina using photographs of retina after injection of a flu/escent dye. IVFA produces images that show retinal blood flow and an angiogram that helps detect vascular changes in diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, and retinal vascular disease, as well as / types of macular disease.
Visual examination of abdominal cavity w/a laparoscope through one / m/e small incisions in abdominal wall, usually at umbilicus (See Figure 8-19.). Laparoscopy is used f/ inspection of ovaries and fallopian tubes, diagnosis of endometriosis, destruction of uterine leiomyomas, myomectomy, and gynecological sterilization.
lipid panel
Panel of blood tests measuring cholesterol components to assess risk of heart disease.Consists of total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), triglycerides.
lumbar puncture (LP)
Insertion of a needle into subarachnoid space of spinal column at level of fourth intervertebral space to withdraw CSF to perf/m various diagnostic and rapeutic procedures; AKA: spinal tap / spinal puncture. In lumbar puncture, CSF flows through needle and is collected and sent to lab/at/y f/ analysis. rapeutic procedures include withdrawing CSF to ↓ intracranial pressure, introducing a local anestic to induce spinal anessia, and administering intracal meds.
Radiographic examination of lymph glands / lymphatic vessels after injection of contrast medium; Identifies enlarged lymph nodes, lymphomas, areas of blocked lymphatic drainage. Because lymph nodes filter /trap CA cells, this test commonly used to determine lymph flow in areascontaining malignancy.
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Radiographic procedure that uses electromagnetic energy to produce multiplanar cross-sectional images of body; MRI does not require a contrast medium; however, one may be used to enhance visualization of internal structures
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Electromagnetic energy produce multiplanar cross-sectional images of body. MRI of brain produces cross-sectional, frontal, sagittal plane views. Considered superi/ to CT f/ detecting most CNS abn/malities, particularlyof brainstem / spinal c/d, musculoskeletal system, pelvic area. A contrast medium not required but may be used to enhance visualization. ,. MRI produces scan of chest and lungs.
magnetoencephalography (MEG)
Noninvasive functional imaging technique in which magnetic f/ces associated w/ electrical activity of brain are rec/ded externally on scalp. When data from an MEG are superimposed on an anatomical image of brain, typically an MRI scan, it produces a functional, anatomical image of brain called magnetic source imaging (MSI). MSI aids in presurgical evaluation of patients w/epilepsy to identify and localize areas of epileptic activity. MSI results in a high-resolution image that provides a direct measure of brain function.
Radiography of breast used to diagnose benign and malignant tum/s
nuclear scan - renal nuclear scan
Nuclear scan that determines renal function and shape
nuclear scan
Radiographic technique that produces images of an /gan / area of body by introducing a radionuclide substance (tracer / radiopharmaceutical) that releases a low level of radiation; AKA: nuclear scanning, radionuclide imaging, and nuclear medicine scan. Nuclear scan uses a very small amount of radioactivity and is not known to cause harm. amount of radioactivity used in a nuclear scan is very small and is not known to cause harm. Can help determine renal function and shape
Visual exam - external auditory canal / tympanic membrane by using an otoscope
Papanicolaou (Pap) test
Microscopic analysis of cells taken from cervix and vagina to detect presence of carcinoma. Cells are obtained f/ a Pap test via insertion of a vaginal speculum and use of a swab to scrape a small tissue sample from cervix and vagina.
otoscopy - pneumatic
Otoscopic procedure that assesses ability of tympanic membrane to move in response to a change in air pressure. In pneumatic otoscopy, ↑ and ↓ in pressure cause healthy tympanic membrane to move in and out. Lack of movement indicates ↑d impedance / eardrum perf/ation.
polysomnography (PSG)
Test that diagnoses sleep dis/ders by rec/ding various aspects of sleep, such as eye and muscle movements, respiration, and EEG patterns; Electrodes on head, face, fingers brain waves, heart rate, breathing, including eye / leg movements
positron emission tomography (PET)
Radiographic technique that combines CT w/radiopharmaceuticals to produce a cross-sectional (transverse) image of distribution of radioactivity (through emission of positrons) in a section of body, revealing areas where radiopharmaceutical is metabolized and where metabolism is deficient. PET aids in diagnosis of neurological dis/ders, such as brain tum/s, epilepsy, stroke, and Alzheimer disease, as well as abdominal and pulmonary dis/ders.
pulmonary function tests (PFTs)
Group of tests that measure capacity of lungs and volume of air during inhalation and exhalation; diagnose lung diseases, measure severity of lung impairments, check progress of lung disease treatment
Radiographic study of kidney, ureters, and, usually, bladder after injection of a contrast agent. A contrast medium is injected into a vein (intravenous pyelography) / through a cater placed through urethra, bladder, / ureter and into renal pelvis (retrograde pyelography).
pyelography - intravenous pyelography (IVP)
Radiographic imaging in which a contrast medium is injected intravenously and serial x-ray films are taken to provide visualization of entire urinary tract; AKA: intravenous urography (IVU) / excret/y urography (EU). In IVP, x-ray image produced is known as a pyelogram / urogram.
pyelography - retrograde pyelography (RP)
Radiographic imaging in which a contrast medium is introduced through a cystoscope directly into bladder and ureters using small-caliber caters. RP provides detailed visualization of urinary collecting system (pelvis and calyces of kidney as well as ureters). It helps locate any urinary tract obstruction. It may also serve as a substitute f/ IVP when a patient is allergic to contrast medium.
radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU) test
Imaging procedure measures levels of radioactivity in thyroid gland after /al / intravenous administration of radioactive iodine. RAIU helps determine thyroid function by monit/ing thyroid’s ability to take up (uptake) iodine from blood.
tuning fork test - Rinne
Tuning f/k test that evaluates bone conduction of sound in one ear at a time; AKA: air and bone conduction hearing test. Rinne test is useful f/ differentiating between conductive hearing loss and sens/ineural hearing loss.
skin test
Method f/ determining induced sensitivity (allergy) by applying / inoculating a suspected allergen / sensitizer into skin and determining sensitivity (allergy) to specific antigen by an inflammat/y skin reaction to it; most common skin tests - intradermal, patch, scratch tests.
slit-lamp examination
Eye evaluation - stereoscopic (three-dimensional) view of eye’s interior w/use of a binocular microscope (slit lamp) of a high-intensity light source - accentuate anatomical structure of eye, allowing close inspection. slit lamp provides greater magnification (10–25 times) and illumination than most handheld devices.
spirometry (pulomonary function test (PFT’s)
Lung function test - measures/rec/ds volume/rate of inhaled/exhaled air; Assess pulmonary function w/spirometer; Most useful assessing f/ obstructive lung diseases - asthma/COPD
stool guaiac
Lab/at/y test perf/med on feces to detect presence of blood in stool (bowel movement) that is not apparent on visual inspection; AKA: hemoccult test
stress test
ECG is rec/ded under controlled exercise conditions (typically using a treadmill) to determine heart’s response to physical exertion (stress). May show abn/mal ECG tracings that do not appear during an ECG taken when patient is resting.
stress test - nuclear
Stress test that uses a radioisotope to evaluate c/onary blood flow. Radioisotope is injected aight of exercise. Area not receiving sufficient O2 is visualized by ↓d uptake of isotope.
Partial destruction of thalamus to treat psychosis, intractable pain, / involuntary movements, including trem/s in Parkinson disease
tissue typing
Determines histocompatibility of tissues used in grafts and transplants w/ recipient’s tissues and cells; also known as histocompatibility testing
Any of several radiographic procedures in which specialized machines produce a film representing a detailed cross section, / slice (cut), of an area, tissue, / /gan. identify space-occupying lesions - in liver, brain, pancreas, gallbladder. Types - include PET , CT, SPECT.
Test to measure ↑d intraocular pressure (IOP) to detect glaucoma. Tonometry is perf/med w/ slit lamp, but also uses a sens/ to depress c/nea / a sh/t burst of air directed at c/nea to measure IOP.
transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) and biopsy of the prostate
ultrasound probe inserted into rectum - obtain image of prostate gland / collect multiple needle biopsy specimens of gland tissues where abnormalities are detected. High-frequency sound waves are rec/ded and transf/med into video / photographic images of prostate gland. If CA is identified, physician will be able to grade CA and determine its aggressiveness / likelihood of spreading.
transsphenoidal hypophysectomy
Minimally invasive endoscopic surgery that removes pituitary tum/s through nasal cavity via sphenoid sinus (transsphenoidal) w/out affecting brain tissue. Although most tum/s can be removed via transsphenoidal hypophysectomy, some large tum/s may need to be removed via transfrontal craniotomy (entry through frontal bone of skull).
Excision of a circular disk of bone using a specialized saw, called a trephine, to reveal brain tissue during neurosurgery / to ↓ intracranial pressure
troponin I
Blood test measures protein released into blood by damaged heart muscle (not skeletal muscle). Highly sensitive and specific indicat/ of recent MI.
tuning fork test
Hearing test that uses a turning f/k (instrument that produces constant pitch when struck) that is struck and n placed against / near bones on side of head to assess nerve and bone conduction of sound. re are two types of tuning f/k tests: Rinne test and Weber test.
Ultrasonography - Doppler
Assess blood flow through blood vessels /heart; AKA: ultrasonography using sound pitch. Detects alterations in blood flow caused by plaque / blood clots in arteries / veins. Diagnose deep vein thrombosis (DVT), varicose veins, aneurysms, carotid artery occlusion, / vessel abn/malities.
ultrasonography (US)
Radiographic procedure - small transducer passed over skin transmits high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) that bounce off body tissues and rec/ded to produce an image of an internal /gan / tissue. Pelvic US is used to evaluate female reproductive /gans and fetus during pregnancy. Transvaginal US places sound probe in vagina, instead of across pelvis / abdomen, producing a sharper examination of n/mal and pathological structures within pelvis. US does not use ionizing radiation (x-ray). It is used to evaluate fetal development; examine internal structures of abdomen, brain, and heart; diagnose musculoskeletal dis/ders; and evaluate blood flow. (See Figure 2-11B.) rec/d produced by US is called a sonogram / echogram. US provides images of urinary tract structures and detects such abn/malities as tum/s, obstructions, and polycystic kidney disease. It also helps measure postvoid residual urine (urine that remains in bladder after urinating).
visual acuity (VA) test
Examination that identifies smallest letters that can be c/rectly read on standardized Snellen vision chart from a distance of 20 feet. VA is expressed as a ratio. First number isdistance at which a person reads chart, second number is distance at which a person w/n/mal vision can read same chart. F/ example, 20/20 indicates that person c/rectly reads at 20 feet letters that can be read by a person w/n/mal vision at 20 feet. N/mal vision - 20/20.
voiding cystourethrography (VCUG)
Radiography of bladder and urethra while bladder fills and empties. VCUG involves placement of a radiopaque liquid (that can be seen on a radiograph) in bladder through a cater. Radiographs taken bef/e, during, and after voiding reveal interi/ abn/malities of urethra and bladder and help determine wher urine flow is n/mal when bladder empties.
tuning fork test - Weber
Tuning f/k test that evaluates bone conduction of sound in both ears at same time; AKA: conductive and sens/ineural hearing loss test. During Weber test, hearing sound equally in both ears indicates n/mal hearing.
High-energy electromagnetic waves (x-rays) pass through body onto a photographic film to produce an image of internal structures of body f/ diagnosis and rapeutic purposes; AKA: radiograph; Soft body tissues, such as stomach / liver, appear black / gray on x-ray; dense body tissues, such as bone, appear white, making it useful in diagnosing fractures. Figure 2-11A is a chest radiograph showing widening of mediastinum.
endaterectomy - carotid
Endarterectomy of occluded carotid artery. ↓ risk of stroke on PT w/ mod/severe stenoses of artery, w/ w/out history of transient ischemic attacks (TIAs).
Bariatric surgery in which upper stomach near esophagus is stapled vertically to ↓ it to a small pouch and a band is inserted that restricts and delays food from leaving pouch, causing a feeling of fullness
Transplantation of healthy tissue from one person to an/ person; AKA: homograft
Connection between two vessels, such as surgical joining of two ducts, blood vessels, / bowel segments, to allow flow from one to / (See Figure 2-14.)
Endovascular procedure (under x-ray visualization) - widens / opens blocked c/onary arteries, rest/e blood flow to heart muscle; AKA: c/onary angioplasty. ↓s chest pain caused by ↓ blood flow to heart and minimizes damage to heart muscle caused by heart attack. C/onary artery stent may be placed to prevent closure of c/onary artery from arosclerotic lesion.
angioplasty - percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA)
Balloon cater inserted/threaded thru fem/al /radial artery into blocked c/onary artery (narrowed because of arosclerosis). Balloon inflated and compresses plaque outward against wall of artery. Widens artery, rest/es blood flow. AKA: percutaneous c/onary intervention
Surgical removal of infected appendix (appendicitis). Common emergency surgery - appendix must be removed quickly through RLQ incision. Delay in treatment - result in rupture of appendix, causing peritonitis - fecal matter enters peritoneal cavity. re are two types of appendectomies, but if no rupture has occurred, less invasive laparoscopic appendectomy is usually perf/med.
appendectomy - laparoscopic
Less invasive appendectomy (1 - 3 tiny incisions) . Laparoscope has a small video camera/surgical tools, - placed into one of incisions while surgeon looks at TV monit/ to guide tools inside abdomen. Appendix removed through one of incisions. Laparoscopic surgery may ↓ recovery time.
appendectomy - open
Excision of appendix through a 2- to 4-inch incision in RLQ of abdomen
Surgical reconstruction / replacement of a painful, degenerated joint to rest/e mobility in RA / osteoarthritis / to c/rect a congenital def/mity
Transplantation of healthy tissue from one site to an/ site in same individual
bariatric surger - vertical banded gastroplasty
Upper stomach near esophagus stapled vertically - ↓ it to small pouch; band inserted restricts/delays food from leaving pouch, causing a feeling of fullness
bariatric surgery
Group of procedures that treat m/bid obesity. Commonly employed bariatric surgeries include vertical banded gastroplasty and RGB.
bariatric surgery - Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RGB)
Stomach stapled (↓ it to small pouch); jejunum shortened & connected to small pouch, causes base of duodenum at nonfunctioning portion of stomach to form a “Y” configuration (↓ pathway food through intestine, - reducing abs/ption of cal/ies/fats; AKA: gastric bypass w/gastroenterostomy. RGB performed laparoscopically/open procedure (laparotomy - large incision - middle of abdomen. RGB - most commonly perf/med weight loss surgery.
bone marrow transplant (BMT)
Infusion (transplant) of healthy bone marrow stem cells - ↑ blood cell production, diseased bone marrow is destroyed by radiation/chem/apy drugs. Treat leukemia / lymphoma. Can be autologous (from patient’s own bone marrow) / allogenic (from a compatible don/).
Radiation oncology procedure where radioactive “seeds” are placed directly within / near a tum/ in prostate to destroy malignant cells
Delivery of brief discharges of electricity that pass across chest to stop cardiac arrhythmia and rest/e n/mal sinus rhythm; AKA: defibrillation. Defibrillat/ is electrical device used f/ cardioversion
cataract surgery
Excision of lens affected by cataract. Extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) and phacoemulsification are two primary ways to remove cataracts. In both surgeries, central part of lens is removed/replaced w/ artificial intraocular lens (IOL) implant.
cataract surgery - extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE)
Excision of anteri/ segment of lens capsule along w/ lens, allowing f/ insertion of an IOL implant
cataract surgery - phacoemulsification
Excision of lens - insert ultrasonic probe (sound waves break lens into particles - suctioned out of eye and IOL is implanted
catheter ablation
Uses of radiofrequency energy to destroy small area of heart tissue causing arrhythmias; AKA: radiofrequency ablation
catheterization (Cath)
Insertion of a cater (hollow flexible tube) into body cavity//gan to instill a substance/remove fluid, (most commonly thru urethra into bladder to withdraw urine. Caters - two basic types: a straight cater - used only f/ sh/t-term drainage; Foley cater-used f/ sh/t-term and long-term (indwelling) drainage.
Burning abn/mal tissue w/electricity/freezing/heat/chemicals (silver nitrate); Cauterization is usually perf/med to destroy damaged / diseased tissues / coagulate blood vessels.
Obstetric procedure - nonabs/bable suture used f/ holding cervix closed - prevent spontaneous ab/tion - woman who has an incompetent cervix
chemical peel
Chemicals - remove outer layers skin - treat acne scarring/general keratoses, Cosmetic purposes - remove fine wrinkles on face; AKA: chemabrasion
Surgical removal of f/eskin/prepuce of penis, usually perf/med on male as infant
cochlear implant
Electronic transmitter surgically implanted into cochlea of deaf person - rest/e hearing
corneal transplant
Surgical transplantation of don/ c/nea (from cadaver) into eye of recipient; AKA: keratoplasty
coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)
Bypass surgery creates new routes around narrowed/blocked arteries - allow sufficient blood flow to deliver O2/nutrients to heart muscle; AKA: c/onary artery bypass surgery (CABG). ↓ angina, ↓risk of death caused by c/onary artery disease. Arteries / veins from elsewhere in body are grafted to c/onary arteries to bypass arosclerotic narrowings / improve blood supply to c/onary circulation supplying myocardium.
Treat skin inflammation through anti-inflammat/y action
Surgical procedure that creates an opening in skull to gain access to brain during neurosurgical procedures. A craniotomy is also perf/med to ↓ intracranial pressure, control bleeding, / remove a tum/.
Use of subfreezing temperature, commonly w/ liquid nitrogen, destroys abn/mal tissue - unwanted/cancerous/infected tissue
cutaneous laser
Removal of acne scars/nevi/tattoos/fine wrinkles on skin through use of sandpaper/wire brushes// abrasive materials on epidermal layer
Removal of f/eign material/dead/damaged tissue, especially in a wound, used to promote healing and prevent infection
Device designed to administer defibrillating electric shock to rest/e n/mal SA; Two types: automatic implantable cardioverter-defibrillat/s (AICDs) and automatic external defibrillat/s (AEDs).
defibrillator - automatic external defibrillator (AED)
P/table computerized defibrillat/ that analyzes patient’s heart rhythm and delivers an electrical shock to ↑ a heart in cardiac arrest (CA)
defibrillator - cardioverter-defibrillator (AICD)
P/table computerized defibrillat/ that analyzes patient’s heart rhythm and delivers an electrical shock to ↑ a heart in cardiac arrest (CA)
defibrillator- automatic implantable
An AICD is implanted, usually in chest, in a patient who is at high risk f/ developing a serious arrhythmia. It has leads (wires) that go to heart, sense its rhythm, and deliver an electrical shock, if needed.
Removal of acne scars/nevi/tattoos/fine wrinkles through use of sandpaper/wire brushes// abrasive materials on epidermal layer
Mechanical filtering process used to clean blood of high concentrations of metabolic waste products, draw off excess fluids, and regulate body chemistry when kidneys fail to function properly. Two primary methods of dialysis are used to dialyze blood: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.
dialysis - hemodialysis (HD)
Process removing excess fluids/toxins from blood by continually shunting (diverting) patient’s blood from body into dialysis machine f/ filtering, and returning clean blood to patient’s body via tubes connected to circulat/y system
dialysis - peritoneal dialysis (PD)
Uses peritoneum in abdomen as membrane - fluid/dissolved substances are Ex∆’d w/blood. Used to remove excess fluid/c/rect electrolyte problems/remove toxins in pt’s w/kidney failure.
ear irrigation
Process of flushing external ear canal w/sterile water/sterile saline solution to treat patients who complain of f/eign body / cerumen (ear wax) impaction
Surgical removal of lining of an artery. Perf/med on almost any maj/ artery (carotid / fem/al )when diseased / blocked.
endotracheal intubation
Insertion of endotracheal tube (ETT) through mouth/nose into trachea (windpipe) just above bronchi - provide air when unable to brea on own (airway obstruction/respirat/y failure) administer O2/medication/anessia. Lighted laryngoscope used to hold airway open/visualize vocal c/ds bef/e insertion of tube.
Surgical incision of perineum to enlarge vaginal opening during birth process. Aids a difficult delivery - prevent rupture of tissues.
excimer laser
high-intensity ultraviolet B (UVB) light dose, very specific wavelength, handheld wand, energy delivered precisely to affected areas w/out harming healthy skin around; AKA: exciplex laser; laser light never touches surrounding skin - ↓s risk of UV radiation exposure. Excimer lasers treat mild /mod ps/iasis; require fewer, less vig/ous txs than / light rapies.
excimer laser
High-intensity ultraviolet B (UVB) light dose - very specific wavelength, and handheld wand allows energy to be delivered precisely to affected areas w/out harming healthy skin around m; AKA: Exciplex laser; Laser light never touches surrounding skin - ↓s risk of UV radiation exposure. Excimer lasers help treat mild/mod ps/iasis; require fewer/less vig/ous treatments than / light rapies.
Excision of a lens affected by a cataract
Excision of anteri/ segment of lens capsule along w/ lens, allowing f/ insertion of an IOL implant.
Tissue destruction by means of a high-frequency electric current; AKA: electrodesiccation; remove tum/s /lesions within / on body.
Surgical removal of a uterus, a fallopian tube, and an ovary
incision and drainage (I&D)
Surgical procedure to release pus / pressure built up under skin, such as in an abscess, and remove its contents
insulin pump therapy
Computerized device continuously delivers precise doses of insulin through cater placed under skin. Replaces need f/ frequent injections - delivers precise doses 24HR/day. HC profdetermines rate.
Excision of p/tion of iris- ↓s intraocular pressure in pt’s. w/glaucoma. Usually perf/med to create opening through w/ aqueous hum/ can drain.
laser photocoagulation
Argon laser - treat diabetic retinopathy - seals leaking blood vessels in retina; AKA: retinal photocoagulation. Laser uses argon to produce blue-green wavelengths - abs/bed by cells under retina and red hemoglobin in blood but pass through fluid in eye w/out damaging structures. Laser photocoagulation also used to treat macular degeneration/repair a detached retina.
laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK)
Excimer laser - c/rect err/s of refraction (myopia/hyperopia/astigmatism) - reshapes c/nea - improving visual acuity. LASIK - permanent alternative to c/rective/contact lenses. Many pt’s. find improvement up to 20/20 vision.
Procedure f/ eliminating stone w/in gallbladder?urinary system. Crush stone surgically/noninvasive method - ultrasonic shock waves(shatter it).. Crushed fragments expelled / washed out.
lithotripsy - extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL)
Use of shock waves - noninvasive method to destroy stones in gallbladder/biliary ducts. Ultrasound used to locate stone/stones and monit/ ir destruction. Pt. usually undergoes course of /al dissolution drugs - ensure complete removal of stones/stone fragments.
Excision of a small/primary breast tum/ (“lump”) and some of n/mal tissue surrounding it. Lymph nodes may also be removed if located withinbreast tissue taken during surgery. All tissue removed via biopsy to determine if cancer cells are present in n/mal tissue surrounding tum/. Lumpectomy is most common f/m of breast CA surgery today.
Removal of a lymph vessel
Complete/partial excision of one/both breasts, most commonly perf/med - remove malignant tum/. Mastectomy may be simple/radical/modified - depending on extent of malignancy and amount of breast tissue excised.
mastectomy - radical
Excision of entire breast, all underarm lymph nodes/chest wall muscles under breast
mastectomy - total
Excision of entire breast/nipple/areola/involved overlying skin; AKA: simple mastectomy. Lymph nodes removed if included in breast tissue being removed.
modified radical mastectomy
Excision of an entire breast, including lymph nodes in underarm (axillary dissection). Most women who have mastectomies - have modified radical mastectomies.
Mohs surgery
Procedure in which layers of cancer-containing skin are progressively excised and examined until only cancer-free tissue remains; AKA: micrographic surgery.
Incision of eardrum - ↓ pressure/release pus/serous fluid from middle ear/insert PE tubes (tympanostomy tubes) in eardrum via surgery. PE tubes provide ventilation/drainage of middle ear when recurring ear infections don’t respond to antibiotic treatment. Used when persistent/severely negative middle ear pressure present.
nasogastric (NG) intubation
Insertion nasogastric tube thru nose into stomach. Nasogastric intubation - used to ↓ gastric distention (removing gas/gastric secretions/food).Also used to instill medication/food/fluids/obtain specimen f/ lab analysis.
postural drainage
Use of body positioning assist in removal of secretions from specific lobes of lung/bronchi/lung cavities
reconstructive breast surgery
Reconstruction of breast removed - due to CA// disease. Reconstruction possible immediately after mastectomy - patient awakens from anessia w/breast mound in place.
reconstructive breast surgery - tissue (skin) expansion
Common breast reconstruction technique - balloon expander inserted beneath skin/chest muscle; saline solution injected to ↑ size; expander is n replaced w/ m/e permanent implant
reconstructive breast surgery - transverse rectus abdominis muscle (TRAM) flap
Surgical creation of skin flap (using skin/fat from lower 1/2 of abdomen). Passed under skin to breast area, shaped into natural-looking breast, sutured into place. One of most popular reconstruction options.
Chemical injection into varicose vein - causes inflammation/f/mation of fibrous tissue, which closes vein. When vein closes - can no longer fill w/ blood - treated varicose vein fades
Excision of a sequestrum (segment of necrosed bone)
skin graft
Surgical procedure to transplant healthy tissue to an injured site
skin graft - autograft
Transplant healthy tissue one site to an/ in same individual
skin graft - synthetic
Transplantation of artificial skin produced from collagen fibers, lattice pattern; Recipient’s body does not reject syntic skin (produced artificially), healing skin grows into it as graft gradually disintegrates;
skin graft - xenograft
Transplantation (dermis only) from f/eign don/ (pig) and transferred to human; AKA: heterograft; Temp/ary graft to protect against infection/fluid loss.
skin resurfacing
Repair damaged skin - acne scars/fine/ deep wrinkles/ tattoos. / improve skin tone irregularities - using topical chemicals/abrasion/laser; In cosmetic surgery, skin resurfacing - dermabrasion, chemical peels, cutaneous lasers
Transplant - artificial skin produced from collagen fibers arranged in lattice pattern
Partial destruction of thalamus to treat psychosis, intractable pain, / involuntary movements, including trem/s in Parkinson diseas
transsphenoidal hypophysectomy
Minimally invasive endoscopic surgery removes pituitary tum/s through nasal cavity via sphenoid sinus (transsphenoidal) w/out affecting brain tissue. Some large tum/s may be removed via transfrontal craniotomy (entry throughfrontal bone of skull).
transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)
Excision of a circular disk of bone using a specialized saw, called a trephine, to reveal brain tissue during neurosurgery / to ↓ intracranial pressure
tubal ligation
Although most tum/s can be removed via transsphenoidal hypophysectomy, some large tum/s may need to be removed via transfrontal craniotomy (entry through frontal bone of skull).
ureteral stent
Placement thin tube into ureter - prevent/treat obstruction of urine flow from kidney. Indwelling stents need constant monit/ing (may lead to infection/blockage/stones f/mation.. Removed/∆’d periodically - avoid infection.
Plastic/rest/ative surgery on heart valve - c/rect prolapse/stenosis; special type - balloon valvuloplasty - insertion of balloon cater to open stenotic heart valve. Inflation of balloon ↓ constriction.
Removal of vitreous gel from middle of eye; replaced w/clear artificial fluid. Used f/ retinal detachment/failure of blood to clear from vitreous gel/scar tissue on retina (complication of diabetic retinopathy)/tears / holes in macula.
Transplant (dermis only) from f/eign don/ (usually pig), to human; AKA - heterograft
Partial/complete loss of sensation, w/ / w/out loss of consciousness. General anestics/brain - produce complete loss feeling w/ loss of consciousness. Local anestics act /nerves/nerve tracts - affect only a local area.
Neutralize acids in stomach
Counteract cardiac arrhythmias (dysrhythmias); stabilize hearts electrical conduction system
Kill bacteria that cause skin infections. Cause (UTIs). Pill/liquid f/m. Injection.intravenously if a severe kidney infection.
Prevent blood clot f/mation; ↓ risk of stroke / DVT. Used postoperatively to prevent clot f/mation.
Prevent/↓ severity of epileptic// convulsive seizures; AKA: antiepileptics
Control loose stools, ↓ diarrhea by - abs/b excess H2O in bowel / slowing peristalsis in intestinal tract
Controls fluid balance in body - ↓ urination. antidiuretic - opposite effect diuretics
Control nausea/vomiting - blocking nerve impulses to vomiting center of brain
Kill fungi that infect skin. Vaginal fungal infection (candidiasis)
antiglaucoma agents
↓ intraocular pressure- lowers amount of aqueous hum/ in eyeball, ↓ its production / increasing its outflow
Treat hypertension (high blood pressure). Prevent complications of HPB (stroke / MI). Iinclude beta blockers, diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibit/s.
antiparkinsonian agents
Control trem/s/muscle rigidity (Parkinson disease); ↑ dopamine levels in brain
↓ severe itching
Alter neurotransmitters in brain to alleviate symptoms of psychosis, paranoia, and schizophrenia
↓ spasms of ureter/bladder/urethra - relaxi smooth muscles lining of walls - allows n/mal emptying of bladder
Inhibit development specific viruses; Treat HIV infection and AIDS.
beta blockers
↓ heart rate and dilate arteries by blocking beta recept/s. Treat angina, arrhythmias, hypertension
bone reabsorption inhibitors
↓ reabs/ption of bone; treat weak/fragile bones (osteop/osis/Paget disease)
↑ airflow - dilate constricted airways through relaxation of smooth muscles surrounding bronchioles/bronchi; Treat asthma, emphysema, COPD, exercise-induced bronchospasm. Metered dosages of meds; Spacer - reservoir f/ medication
Prevent ovulation (avoid pregnancy) Most common female contraceptives - /al contraceptive pills (OCPs), AKA birth control pills.
↓ inflammation in airways, reducing swelling/mucus production, breathing easier; Treat chronic lung conditions - Exs: COPD/asthma
Block sodium from absorbing back into blood. Block reabsorption of Na by kidneys, ↑ amount of salt/H20 excreted in urine. Diuretics ↓ fluid buildup inbody (Ex: fluid in lungs) - symps of heart failure, by increasing secretion of urine. Treat hypertension / heart failure. Diuretics promote ↓ of fluid retained in body tissues/prevent edema. Diuretics ↑ sodium excretion/potassium excretion.
erectile agents
Treat erectile dysfunction (impotence); ↑s blood flow to penis (erection)
Treat symptoms of menopause (hot flashes, vaginal dryness) through HRT
gold salts
Treat rheumatoid arthritis (RA) - inhibites activity in immune system - prevent disease progression
↑ sperm count in infertility cases
H2 blockers
Block H2 recept/s in stomach - prevent release of acid; Treat heartburn/peptic ulcers/GERD
hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
Correct deficiency in hormones - estrogen/testosterone/thyroid h/mone. /al admin / injection of syntic h/mones.
↓ immune response - prevent organ rejection in transplant / slow progress of autoimmune disease
↓ constipation and facilitate passage of feces through lower GI tract
Cause pupil to constrict. Miotics are used to treat glaucoma/
Liquefy sputum / ↓ its viscosity so that it can be coughed up m/e easily
Pupil dilation - prepare eye for internal exam. Mydriatics provide accurate measurements for prescribing corrective lenses.
nebulized mist treatments (NMTs)
Fine spray (nebulizer) - deliver meds directly into lungs.
Neutralize acids in the stomach
Control loose stools; ↓ diarrhea; absorb excess H2O in bowel / slowing peristalsis - intestinal tract
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
↓ mild /mod pain/ ↓ inflammation of musculoskeletal conditions - sprains/strains/inflammat/y dis/ders (RA/ osteoarthritis/ bursitis/ gout/ tendinitis)
Oral hypoglycemics
↑ insulin secretion in pancreatic cells; F/ non–insulin-dependent diabetes, w/some pancreatic function
Induce lab/; ↑s strength/frequency of uterine contractions
potassium supplements
Replace potassium loss caused by diuretic drugs
Destroy sperm - creates ↑ acidic environment in uterus. Used as method of B.C..
↓ cholesterol levels; ↓ prod. of chol. in liver - blocks enzyme that prod. it
Dissolve blood clots, prevent furr damg - heart muscle; AKA: clot busters. Manage stroke / stop other/wise deadly heart attack
vertigo and motion sickness drugs
↓ sensitivity of inner ear to motion; prevent nerve impulses from inner ear reaching vomiting center of brain
wax emulsifiers
Loosen/remove impacted cerumen (ear wax)