Prac Test 1 Flashcards
Somatic Nervous System includes ______ nerves that carry motor signals from the CNS to the muscles
Part of the Peripheral Nervous System that regulates the body’s internal environment
Autonomous Nervous System
Three layers of protective membranes that protects the brain and spinal cord
outer meninx; also called “tough mother”
Dura mater
activated when you encounter threatening information such as a bear attackibg you; essential for the initiation of fight-or-flight response
Sympathetic nervous system
Motor nerves thar project the brain and the lower region of the spine
Parasympathetic nerves
Purely sensory berve that transfers visual information from the retina of the eye to the brain
Nerve cell that extends directly from the brain to the gut
Vagus nerve
Channel that connects the thirs and fourth ventricles in the brain
Cerebral aqueduct
This condition entails a build up fluid as result of blocked channels in the brain
Mechanism where cells of vlood vessel walls are tightly packed, forming a barrier to the passage of large proteins
Blood-brain barrier
Critical for the function of the brain and is actively transported through the vessel walls