Population Medicine Block 1 Flashcards
How does the AVMA ACAW define animal welfare?
State of the animal
What 3 things does animal welfare include according to AVMA ACAW?
Animal’s health
biological function
What is the minimum standard of care, used by animal advocacy groups and retailers?
Five freedoms
What is the international standard for animal welfare, used globally by professional organizations?
What is the scientific framework for studying and measuring animal welfare, used by scientists and veterinarians?
Three circles
What is a blend of the previous 3 frameworks?
5 domains
What is the ONLY direct measurement of an animal’s welfare?
Animal-based measurements
What is the indirect measurement of animals’ welfare?
Resource-based measurements
What type of measurements can provide information about the risk factors for animal-based measurements?
Resource-based measures
Does population welfare use individuals for measurement?
How can you assess population welfare?
One Health and Ecosystem health
What is One Health a balance between?
Human health
Animal health
Environmental health
What is a chemical or biological agent, environmental condition, external stimulus?
A stressor
What is another term for a stressor?
Ecological disturbance
What is One Welfare?
One Health + Cultural beliefs + socio-economic status + public perception
What is how many times more likely it is that an outcome will occur in the exposed group compared to the unexposed group
Relative Risk
What do you need to calculate Relative risk?
Incidence and prevalence
What type of studies do you need for relative risk to be calculated?
Cohort studies
Clinical trials
What are all existing cases in the population at risk?
Prevalence (all cases)
What is the rate of new cases in the population at risk over a specific period of time?
Incidence (new cases)
What does it mean if there is an RR of 2.04
There is 2.04 greater risk of disease in those reported to have been impacted than those who were not
Does RR have units?
What are the odds that an outcome will occur given a particular exposure, compared to the odds of the outcome occurring in the absence of that exposure?
Odds ratio
What is needed for OR to be calculated?
Not incidence or population data
What studies is OR calculated with?
Case control
Logistic regression
How are RR and OR different?
When incidence/prevalence are greater than 10% then OR will be much higher than RR
What is maintaining the Earth’s environmental quality, functionality, and services to meet the human needs of today without compromising the needs of future generations?
What are the 3 legs to the stool + the seat?
Seat: Sustainability
What is addressing the root cause of issues?
What is lowering the health consequences of climate/environmental changes?
Do pet owners think climate change is important to their pet’s health?
What percentage of medical waste comes from the operating room?
Where does waste go in the US
What percentage of expected recyclables were misplaced contaminants?
What are the 5Rs?
Whose mission statement is “responsibility to protect ecosystem health and demand action to minimize climate change”?
World veterinary association
What are the types of disaster responses?
Man Made
What are the types of man made responses?
What is FEMA
Federal emergency management agency
What were the regulations put in place after Katrina?
Expanded FEMA for all hazards
Revised National Response Framework which used incident command system
Required state and local government to develop, implement, and exercise emergency response plans
What does ICS stand for?
Incident command system
What are ICS five major management functions?
Incidence commander
What is diogenes syndrome
Compulsive hoarding of garbage
What is animal hoarding?
Acquire more than the typical number of animals
What should you avoid feeding in a refeeding program?
High carb (increases insulin)
What is another thing you should avoid feeding in refeeding program?
Only meat (low in phosphorus)
What is NAI?
Non-accidental injuries
What will a high velocity bruise show?
Blood pushed around perimeter of site of impaction
What is the tearing of tissue?
What causes a laceration?
What is the rapid and efficient destruction of a complete population of animals in response to urgent circumstances with as much consideration given to the welfare of animals as practical?
Who has statutory authority over depopulation?
Is ventilation shutdown a permitted method?
Under constrained circumstances
What is blood splash?
Blood forming in major muscles as a result of electrical stunning
What is the most expensive part of research trials?
Clinical trial
What are the 3 phases of clinical trials?
Phase 1: Healthy volunteers - safety
Phase 2: Volunteers with condition - safety and efficacy
Phase 3: Randomized control study - efficacy
What are the 3Rs?
Reduce # of animals used
Refine methods
Replace animal models with other systems
What is serial testing?
Retesting positives
What is parallel testing?
Retesting negatives
Is an animal considered an animal if it is dead?
What 3 animals aren’t considered animals in research?
Birds, rats, mice
What is the definition of an animal for public health services?
Any vertebrate
Vertebrates are covered at OSU
What does IACUC stand for?
Institutional animal care use committee
What are the members of IACUC?
Member of the community
In parallel, patient is considered negative only if _____ tests are negative
In serial, patient is considered positive only if ______ testers are positive
Which type of testing will increase sensitivity?
Parallel testing
Which type of testing will increase specificity?
Serial testing
Does parallel or series improve sensitivity?