PMLS LESSON 4 Flashcards
Comes from the Latin word currere (to run)
It is the combination of instructional practices, learning experiences and students’ performance assessment that are designed to bring out and evaluate the target learning outcomes of a particular course. The statement was defined by _________ and the word is _______
University of Delaware, curriculum
“It is the continuous reconstruction, moving from the child’s
present experience out into that represented by the organized bodies of truth that we call studies” stated by whom?
John Dewey
Established on May 18,1994, what government institution?
Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
What republic Act No. established the CHED, and what does the RP No. Mean in other words?
RP No. 7722, the higher education act of 1992
Under CHED which is composed of leading academicians
and practitioners responsible for assisting the Commission in setting standards among institutions offering Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Science Program
Technical Committee for Medical Technology Education (TCMTE)
it is a Four-year degree program that belongs to the allied-health profession, consisting of general education and professional courses that students are expected to
complete within the first 3 years.
Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology
in what year is dedicated to students’ internship training in
CHED accredited laboratories affiliated with their college/department?
4th year
Policies, Standards, and guidelines for the Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/ Medical Laboratory Science Program
CHED memorandum order (CMO) No. 13, Series of 2017
One unit of lecture is equivalent to ___________
One hour of class meeting every week”
One unit of Laboratory is equivalent to “____________”
3 hours of class
Introduces students to the Contemporary World by
examining the multifaceted phenomenon and globalization.
The Contemporary World
It examines the economic, the social, the political, technological, and other transformations that have created an increasing awareness of the interconnectedness of people and places around the
globe or around the world.
The Contemporary World
ability to appreciate, analyze and critic works of art.
Art Appreciation
Involves examining a specific problem usually a clinical
Deals with the basic concepts and principles related to the
medical technology/Medical Laboratory Science Profession.
Principles of Medical Laboratory Science 1: Introduction to Medical Laboratory Science, Laboratory Safety, & Waste Management
a a major subject where it deals Clinical Laboratory Assistance and Phlebotomy.
Principles of Medical Laboratory Science 2: Clinical Laboratory Assistance and Phlebotomy
Deals with the concepts and principles of the different
assays performed in the laboratory.
CLA (Clinical Laboratory Assistance)
Deals with the basic concepts, principles, and application of the standard procedures in blood collection, transport and processing of blood
Phlebotomy (Veni-puncture)
what are the important values of a Phlebotomist?
Post Analysis
It emphasizes the promotion of community, environmental
and public health, and the immersion and interaction of
students with people in the community .
Community and Public Health for MT/MLS
“It involves in the study of foundation of
community health”
Community and Public Health for MT/MLS
Focuses on the study of the concepts and principles of
heredity and inheritance
It includes abnormalities and genetic disorders. Involving
chromosomes and DNA and RNA.
Deals with the study of the fundamentals of cells tissues
and organs with emphasis on microscopic, structures,
characteristics, differences, and functions.
Human Histology
Covers the basic concepts and principles of disease,
processes, etiology and the development of anatomic, microscopic changes brought about by the disease process.
Histopathologic Techniques with Cytology
The one that will review the slides
They will be the one to examine the slides that the
med-tech have prepared
Deals with the histopathologic techniques necessary for the preparation of tissue samples collected via surgery, biopsy and/or autopsy for macroscopic and microscopic examinations for diagnostic purposes.
Histopathologic Techniques with Cytology
Deals with the study of the physiology and morphology of
bacteria and their role in infection and immunity
Clinical Bacteriology
what are the sub-disciplines of microbiology?
bacteriology, parasitology, mycology, virology
Study of bacteria
Study of the Physiology and morphology of bacteria
and their role of infection and in immunity
Bacteriology or Clinical Bacteriology (Clinical Bacte
study of parasites
study of fungi
study of viruses
Concerned with the study of parasites in humans and their
medical significance in the country
Clinical Parasitology
collection of the parasite
study of the life cycle of the parasite
In here we will be able to know what type of parasite is
most parasite are mostly seen from the _________
Feces or stool samples
Covers the concepts of inheritance, characterization and
laboratory identification of RBC antigens and their
corresponding antibodies
Immunohematology and Blood Banking
usually identify the RBC antigens and also the
antibodies that are present in a patient’s blood or donor’s blood
Immunohematology and Blood Banking
An application for the anti-gens and anti-
bodies present
Deals with the study of fungi and viruses as agents of
diseases with emphasis on epidemiology, laboratory identification and characterization and prevention and control.
Mycology and Virology
Looks into the concepts of laboratory management which
includes planning, organizing, staffing, directing and
controlling as applied in clinical laboratory setting.
Laboratory Management
5 important words in Laboratory
o Organizing o Staffing
o Controlling
Encompasses various laws, administrative orders and other approved legal documents related to the practice of Medical Technology/ Med Lab Science in the Philippines
Medical Technology Laws and Bioethics (MTLBE)
Deals with the study of ethics as applied to health and
health care delivery and to human life in general
Deals with the study of the concepts of blood as tissue
with emphasis on formation, metabolism of cells, lab assays, correlation with pathologic conditions and special hematology evaluation,
Hematology 1
Talks about more the bone marrow
This is more about RBCs and WBCs
Hematology 1
Deals with the concepts and principles of hemostasis, and
abnormalities involving red blood cells, white blood cells
and platelets.
Hematology 2
It talks more about the platelets, and it puts emphasis on
the quantitative measurement of coagulations factors and disease correlation
Hematology 2
Deals with the formation, laboratory analyses, disease
processes, and clinical correlation of laboratory results of
urine, stool, and other body fluids (Excluding blood).
Clinical Microscopy (Analysis of Urine and Other Body Fluids (AUBF))
Deals with the concepts and principles of physiologically
active soluble substances and waste materials present in
body fluids especially in the blood
Clinical Chemistry 1
It mostly covers the study of endocrine glands and hormones and their formation, lab analyses and clinical correlation
Clinical Chemistry 2
Also includes therapeutic drug monitoring, lab analyses of drugs and substances of abuse as well as toxic substances and automation,
Clinical Chemistry 2
This course is taken during the student’s 4th year in the
program together with the internship program.
Seminar 1 and 2
This course covers the molecular mechanisms of DNA
Replication, repair, transcription, translation, protein
synthesis and gene regulation.
Molecular Biology and Diagnostics
Basic concepts and principles of research as applied in Medical Technology/Clinical Lab Science with ethical principles
Research 1: Introduction to Laboratory Science Research
Methodology of research, writing the research paper in the format prescribed by the institution and international agencies for possible publication and presentation of the
completed research.
Research 2: Research Paper Writing and Principle
Taken during the student’s 4th year in the program
Clinical Internship Training
The intern is require to render ____ hours of duty/week not
exceeding a total of ______ hours in one year. This is broken down/section as follows ____________
32 hours and a total of 1664 based on CMO 13 s. 2017
Conducted in order to identify graduates who possess the basic qualifications or the minimum conceptual skills and technical competencies to perform the tasks with minimal errors
The Medical Technologist Licensure Examination
Agency tasked to conduct licensure examinations to different professionals.
It will serve as a screen, or it qualify aspiring health professionals to practice medical technology based on the standards orated in the ______________ (_____________)
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC)
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 5527 (The Medical Technology Law)
what does the PRB composed of?
it composed of a chairperson under pathology and 2 medical technologist
give the scope of examination of the licensure examination of the Medical Technology which is under the Republic Act number?
Clinical Chemistry 20%
Microbiology and Parasitology 20%
Hematology 20%
Blood Banking and Serology 20%
Clinical Microscopy (AUBF) 10%
Histopathologic Technique 10%
Total: 100%
under the republic act no. 5527 “The medical technology act of 1969”
General Average Passing rate of the PRC
examinees who failed but with an average rating of 70-74% are considered/certified to be?
Medical Laboratory Technician
is a clinical lab practitioner
Certified Laboratory Technician
a clinical lab practitioner who, pursuant to established and approved protocols of the DOH
performslabproceduresandexaminationsincluding maintaining equipment and records and performing quality assurance activities related to examination performance, and which require the exercise of independent judgement and responsibility, as determined by the Department.
Certified Medical Technologist
A total of _________ credits is required for degree, which includes course work in medical technology, mathematics, biology, chemistry, English and the humanities.
is the one that you will be needing when you want to apply as a MT in the US, it does not require you to be an RMT
American Society for Clinical Pathology Certification (ASCP)
bility to find solutions to health problems and issues
for performing complicated laboratory procedures
patience and perseverance
Skills are not only confined to physical manipulation of lab instruments but also include analytical and thinking skills.
Graduates with high technical skills
Should be self-motivated to function productively
Graduates with motivation and determination
In conducting research methods and processes, developing techniques for preventing, diagnosing, mitigating and treating diseases, identifying and compounding the causative agents of diseases, managing lab establishments, advocating professional and ethical medical technology practices
Graduates with existing competencies
Should display exemplary conduct and behavior
Graduates with good perception of personal values
focuses on the development of efficient classroom methodologies and style, the establishment of systematic procedures of classroom observation and the promotion of integration of real life and meaningful experiences into core
curricular classes
Enhancing the repertoire of teaching styles
riority is centered on policy guiding and reshaping the
learning trends and patterns of students while doing laboratory experiments and case analysis, assigning students to an accredited training laboratory during internship training and providing quality and latest technology, wherein students are benefited.
Promoting the quality learning experience
Done by training teachers, staff, and administrators.
Developing a new teacher’s support program; and providing a reasonable time for collaboration, sharing, discussion, and professional socialization.
● Pursuing professional development
Priority is concentrated on the utilization of a wide variety of software to accommodate different research information, development of a policy on research and book review, and recognition and publication of research output in quality
Investing on research activities on projects
t is considered as the “Policies, standards and guidelines for the bachleor of science in medical technology/Medical Laboratory science Proram
CMO No. 13 S. 2017 (medical technology act of 1969)
efers to the interactions between teachers, students and the learning environment and the learning tasks. This broad term includes how teachers and students relate together as well as the instructional approaches that are implemented in the classroom.
of the teaching and learning processes is mandated in the mission and vision of every school in medical technology
Observation of taxonomy
before students earn some knowledge, they are given a problem. What process of learning?
Problem based learning
examples of problem based learning?
Case studies
students work together to learn as opposed to competing for ranks or grades. The spirit of team building is appreciated. This is observed during the course of processing.
plans are usually referred to as “facilitation plans” to help teachers remember their role as facilitators of learning
inquiry based approach
plans are usually referred to as “facilitation plans” to help teachers remember their role as facilitators of learning
oral presentations
employs a pre and post test with a discussion between the two.
Modular approach in learning
learning that uses computer networks or the web as the delivery mediation mechanism
accredited professional organization and accredited integrated professional organization
is a requirement or hiring, retention and sometimes for the renewal of professional licenses.
rofessional society duly accredited by the PRC and the respective Professional Regulatory Boards (PRB).
what function does it belong? professional society duly accredited by the PRC and the respective Professional Regulatory Boards (PRB).
it provides certification exams for professionals. what function does it belong?
Credentialing/Certifying Organizations
American Medical Technologists
American Society of Clinical Pathology
International Society for Clinical Laboratory Society
National Certifying Society for Medical Laboratory
Canadian Society for Science
Canadian Society for Science
PAMET meaning and when was it established? and where? and Who?
Sept. 15,1963 Philippine Association of Medical Technologist, Public Health Lab in Quircada St. Sta. Cruz, Manila by Mr. Crisanto Almario
Father of Pamet
Mr. Crisanto Almario
1st president - elected during its 1st national convention of PAMET
Charlemagne T. Tamandong
present president (2015 up to the present) of PAMET
Rolando E. Puno
when was the PRC approved?
June 22,1973 by PD. 223
is the only recognized Accredited Philippine Organization (APO) of registered Medical Technologists in the Philippines
Philippine association of Schools of Medical Technology and Public Health
When PASMETH established?
May 13,1970
Designated to organize and association of deans or heads of schools of medtech public health.
Dr. Serafin Juliano (FEU) and Dr. Gustavo U. Reyes (UST)
1st president of PASMETH
Dr. Gustavo U. Reyes
2nd president
Dr. Ibarra T. Panopio
Present President of the PASMETH (2012-present)
Dr. Bernard Ebuen
National organization of medtech/med lab science students under the supervision of PASMETH
Philippine Society of Medical Technology Students (PHISMETS)
1st organized in 2002 under the leadership of former PASMETH Pres. Dr. Zenaida C. Cajucom but became inactive due to inevitable reasons but was reorganized on Nov 25, 2006
Philippine Society of Medical Technology Students (PHISMETS)
Their mission is to make positive impact in healthcare through leadership that will assure excellence in the practice of laboratory medicine
American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS)
is an affiliate of the ASCP that allows membership for non physicians, including medical technologists, technicians, PhD clinical scientists and students
Associate Member Section
certifies the 7 primary designations of healthcare personnel
American Medical Technologist (AMT)
is the professional body for biomedical scientist laboratory staff which assess for medical technologist’s state.
Institute of Biomedical Science
Prepares students for entry level positions as medical technicians.
Associate of Science in Medical Technology
Qualifies graduates to perform a greater variety of tests using sophisticated lab equipment. This is more advance than that of a medical technician.
Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology
Two year master of science program. Graduate students typically select an area of specialization and conduct advanced research and analysis.
Master of Science in Medical Technology
when can a medtech use the credential of “MLS”
Medtechs who are certified by the ASCP
When can medtech use the credential “MT”?
Those certified by the Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS), the American Association of Bioanalysts, and the American Medical Technologists (AMT)