PMLS LESSON 2 PART 4 Flashcards
principle or primary rule in which something is based. It forms a necessary basis, and it is of central importance
“All the parts of the human body, as parts, are meant to exist and function for the good of the whole body.”
Principles of Totality
Matters should be handled by the smallest, lowest, or least centralized competent authority
Principle of Subsidiarity
Act that is directly intended and the other, evil is unintended
Principle of Indirect Voluntary Act
An act is done with two effects, one is good and the other is evil
Principle Of Double Effect
Binds and urges everyone to do what is good as a moral obligation
Principle of Beneficence
Provides that good must be done either to oneself or to others
Principle of Beneficence
all decisions in medical ethics must prioritize the good of the entire person, including physical, psychological, and spiritual factors
Principles of Totality
Refers to the execution of responsibility of the health care practitioners to look after, provide necessary health care services, and promote the health and life of those entrusted to their care
Principle of Stewardship
An act that is directly intended with an evil effect that is not directly intended though foreseen or foreseeable
Principle of Indirect Voluntary Act
Act that is directly intended and the other, evil is unintended
Principle of Indirect Voluntary Act
Provides that evil or harm should not be inflicted either on oneself or on others
Principle of Non-Maleficence
An act is done with two effects, one is good and the other is evil
Principle Of Double Effect
Basis of the trust relationship established between a patient
and a health care provider
Principle of Veracity
The ethics of telling the truth
Principle of Veracity
failure to act and use reasonable care
a more specific term that pertains to both the standard of care and professional status of healthcare provider
lost earning capacity, medical expenses
loss of vision, organ, and limbs
severe pain, emotional distress
Fundamental rule of moral law containing certain truth form which knowledge of a definite moral action (relating to right and wrong) for performance proceeds along with the provision of solution to specific moral problems or issues