Application of procedures, information, and devices to develop highly sophisticated solutions to medical problems or issues as the prevention of disease or the promotion and monitoring or good health.
Refers to the diagnostic or therapeutic application of science and technology to improve the management of health conditions; therefore, we can say that it combines the challenges of medicine, the basic sciences of biology and chemistry, it is an applied science as it employs scientific investigation to come up with a diagnostic finding and the clinical sciences into a very satisfying professional career.
MLS employs the basic sciences of _________ and _______. It is an applied science as it employs __________ to come up with a diagnostic finding and the clinical sciences into a very satisfying professional careers.
biology and Chemistry ; scientific investigation
MLS is an ________ as it employs scientific investigation to come up with a diagnostic findings.
Applied Science
It is an applied science as it employs scientific investigation to come up with a diagnostic finding.
Medical Laboratory Science
the work MLS do can help diagnose _______ of our patients, with different laboratory tests that we perform. Thus calling ourselves “_________”.
60-70Medical Investigators
MLS need to be ________ and ______.
Accurate and Precise
MLS are __________ for each result that is being send out.
To analyze chem reactions, examine blood and other body
fluids microscopically, and perform pre-transfusion testing on patients and donors, we need to learn ___________________.
State of the art instrumentation
Use sophisticated biomedical technologies and scientific methodologies to test patient blood or tissues and body fluids.
the clinical laboratory
what are the 6 types of clinical laboratory.
Clinical Chemistry
Clinical Microscopy
Immunology and Immunohematology
Microbiology and Molecular Biology
what type of clinical laboratory that do test and chemical analysis like determining concentration of compounds in our body such as glucose, cholesterol, vitamins, electrolytes, proteins, drugs and other analytes.
Clinical chemistry
in the clincal chemistry, it uses sophisticated biomedical technologies and scientific methodologies to test patient blood or tissues and body fluids _______, ________, _______ , _______, _______, ______ and ________. what are these bodily fluids being tested?
glucose, cholesterol, vitamins, electrolytes, proteins, drugs and other analytes
a clinical laboratory where blood microscopic examinations are conducted.
a clinical laboratory where it examines the urine and other body fluids microscopically
Clinical Microscopy
a type of clinical laboratory where antigen-antibody testing and blood products for transfusion.
Immunology and immunohematology
it is where we determine the appropriate blood products that can be transfused to.
what is processed in immunohematology?
Blood transfusions
it uses antigen or antibody testing for determination of infections
Immunology and serology
it is the clinical study of biopsy and tissues.
What is histopathology?
it is the study of biopsy and tissues
Studies the tissues obtained through biopsies on a cellular
level, testing for cancer and metastasis in your cells
these are the components of the Microbiology and molecular biology?
bacteria, parasites and viruses.
Studies the cellular and chemical components of bacteria, parasites, and viruses, etc., where we use state of the art
instrumentations to generate accurate results
Microbiology & Molecular Biology
components of bacteria, parasites, and viruses, etc
Microbiology & Molecular Biology
No clear specific date or time of its beginning; everything gradually came into shape as it is composed of a series of discoveries in the field of science and hand picking which one of these discoveries fall into MLS category.
Before __________, ________ are thought to be of _______. Treatments for these were counter spells, incantation and potions.
Modern medicines, diseases and supernatural origin
in what year or era was the rise of hippocrates?
460 B.C.
Who is the Greek physician lived in classical Greece? and he lived in the age of _______
Hippocrates ; emperor pericles
Father of medicine?
Hippocrates was the founder of ?
Founder of Hippocratic School of Medicine
What did Hippocrates contributed?
Established the basics of clinical medicine as practiced today; his group of physicians examined the patient, observed the symptoms, made diagnosis, and treat the patients.
He introduced medical terms universally used by physicians including symptoms, therapy, diagnosis, trauma, and sepsis.
He described a great number of diseases without superstition.
Determined the correlation between anatomical and chemical.
Laboratory findings and the causes of diseases and adopted the triad of regimen with the use of drugs, surgery, and bloodletting in treating diseases and infection.
Hippocratic Oath - Code of ethics for practicing physicians.
Hippocrates established the basics of clinical medicine. What are the basics of clinical medicine?
Symptoms, made diagnosis and treat the patient
What are the medical terms that Hippocrates established and is now universally used by physicians?
symptoms, therapy, diagnosis, trauma, and sepsis.
Hippocrates determined the correlation between _______ and _______.
Anatomical and Chemical
What is the triad of regimen?
Use of drugs, surgery and bloodletting.
it is the code of ethic for practicing physicians
Hippocratic oath
What did Vivian Herrick identified?
intestinal parasites such as Taenia and Ascaris
she traced the beginnings of Traced the beginnings of MLS when intestinal parasites such as taenia and ascaris were first identified.
Vivian Herick
who made a discovery and published a book by Ebers papyrus where he described the 3 stages of hookworm infection.
Vivian Herick
What is the book of Vivian Herrick? What is the content of the book?
Ebers papyrus and 3 stages of hookworm infection
What type of parasitic worm are cestodes classified to?
Nematodes are classified as a?
They are intestinal parasites that cause a variety of diseases
Cestodes and Nematodes
an arabian physician during the 1550 BC
she Proved that parasites are the etiological agent of skin
diseases, such as scabies.
When was the era of Anenzona?
1550 BC
they are the etiological agent of skin disease
Sarcoptes Scabiei
it is a skin infestation caused by human itch mite?
Sarcoptes Scabies
What is the most common symptoms of sarcoptes scabies?
Itching and Pimple-like skin rash
Believed that MedTech began from the medieval period (1096-1438); supported by the fact that urinalysis was a fad back then (urine was so central to medicine at that time, medieval doctors associated nearly every disease with urinary characteristics).
What did professor ruth williams believed?
Believed that MedTech began from the medieval period (1096-1438); supported by the fact that urinalysis was a fad back then
what book did Professor Ruth Williams published? And what did he mentioned?
An Introduction to the Profession of Medical Technology; Urinalysis was a fad
in what century did anna falgelson reigned?
14th century
She believed that MT started during the 14th century, when
Alexander Gilliani died of infection acquired from working a
task which is now equivalent to that of a medical technologist.
Anna falgelson
To whom Dr. Gilliani worked for?
Dr. Mondino de luzzi
She is an italian physician at University of Bologna
Dr. Mondino de luzzi
what did anna falgelson believed?
She believed that MT started during the 14th century, when
Alexander Gilliani died of infection acquired from working a
task which is now equivalent to that of a medical technologist.
when did antonie Van leeuwennhoek reigned?
he is The 17th-century Dutch cloth merchant who discovered the
vast realms of tiny microbes.
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek
He Didn’t set out to identify microbes. He was trying to
assess the quality of thread.
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek
He invented the 1st microscope
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek
He invented and improved the compound microscope; invention led to the rapid progress of microbiology and pathology.
Antonie Van leeuwenhoek
what did Leeuwenhoek’s microscope opened?
His microscope opened a new and largely unexpected realm of objects including organisms that are far too small to be seen by the naked eye.
what did Anton Van leeuwenhoek first observed and visualized?
He first Observed and described the appearance of an RBC’s, see protozoa and differentiate bacteria based on shapes
Visualized the Blood cells, blood flow, capillaries and sperm
all the bacteria on earth outweigh humans by more than _____ and outnumbered us by an ____________.
1,100 times and unimaginable margin
he is the father of microbiology?
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek
during the _________, medical practitioners in ________ and ________ received classical medical education.
18th century ; north africa and southern europe
William Occam is ______ and _____ ?
English Philosopher and theologian
he is an English philosopher and theologian
William occam
a person who Used laboratory findings as preliminary evidence in
diagnosing and evaluating a patient’s disease.
William Occam
What did william occam worked on?
he worked on a manuscript called “Ocam’s Razor” or the “Law of Parsimony”
what does “entities should not be multiplied without necessity” mean in simpler terms?
simpler explanations are generally better than complex ones” “simplest explanation is most likely the right one.”
He always preferred simplicity to defend the idea of divine miracles.
William Occam
He is era began on 1821-1902
when did the era of Rudolf Ludwig Virchow began?
Father of Microscopic Pathology
Father of Microscopic Pathology
what theory layed the
groundwork for cellular pathology, or the study of disease at a
cellular level.
Theory that all cells arise from preexisting cells
where did Rudolf Ludwig Virchow stole his idea from?
Robert Remak
First to utilize the microscope in examining specimens in the process of evaluating disease and infections.
Dean of Harvard Medical School.
He Showed that we must place the diagnosis of disease upon a
scientific basis; nothing was to be regarded as settled until it
is proved.
Dr. Calvin Ellis
dr. calvin ellis called diagnoses that aren’t to be respected are so called “Intuiton”, which means?
Showed that we must place the diagnosis of disease upon a
scientific basis; nothing was to be regarded as settled until it
is proved.
Dr. Calvin Ellis
A microscopist at the Massachusetts General Hospital.
Dr. Calvin Ellis
What general hospital did Dr. Calvin Ellis been working as a microscopist?
microscopist at the Massachusetts General Hospital
he implemented the apothecaries act of 1815
is equivalent to a chemist or pharmacist
Member of the parliament of the UK who made the act
to introduce compulsory apprenticeship and formal
qualifications for apothecaries.
What are the requirements to be an apothecaries?
instructions in anatomy, botany,
chemistry, material medical, and “physic” in addition to
6 months practice working experience in a hospital.
Formally used laboratory findings in the treatment of diseases
and infections throughout England and Wales.
Baron Karl Von Humboldt
BARON KARL VON HUMBOLDT Formally used laboratory findings in the treatment of diseases
and infections throughout __________
England and wales
Emergence of clinical laboratories in the US occurred in the late ________.
19th century
In _________ ,all part-time clinicians were reinforced as teachers by whole time professional units applying the new laboratory methods to medical practice and medical teaching at the ________.
1858, university college at cambrdige
science was highly developed through medical education reforms.
United STates
in what year did Harvard University introduced reforms emphasizing on “learning by doing”, followed by the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Michigan.
Harvard University introduced reforms emphasizing on “____________”, followed by the ___________ and the __________.
Learning by doing, University of Pennsylvania and University of Michigan
in what year did the opening of John Hopkins School of Medicine happen?
aschoolwhoprovided two years of instruction in the basic sciences.
John hopkins School of Medicine
In what year did William H. Welch studied at several german labs?
In what year did William H. Welch worked with julius Cohnheim and Rudolf Virchow in germany?
When did william H. Welcho returned to america?
To whom does William H. Welch worked with during 1876-1877?
Julius Cohnheim and Rudolf Virchow in Germany
During what year did William H. welch woked at bellevue Hospital Medical College
what did william H. Welch do in 1878?
Worked at Bellevue Hospital Medical College
During what year did William H. Welch become the first professor of Pathology at John Hopkins University
What did William H. Welch did in the year 1884
First professor of pathology at Johns Hopkins University
Where did William H. Welch become the first dean and in what year?
John Hopkins University School of Medicine during 1893
in what year did the William H. Welch have a research on the principal on bacterialogy
Who discovered the Clostridium perfringens and what year was it discovered?
William H. Welch and 1893
It is an organism that causes gas gangrene?
Clostridium perfringens
Insisted that students learn from seeing and talking to patients
Dr. William Osler
his year of reign began in 1880?
Dr. William Osler
He is the father of modern medicine
Dr. William Osler
Who is Dr. William Osler?
He is the father of modern medicine
What did Dr. William Osler introduced?
Microscope and blood counting machine
What are the 8% of his publications of Dr. William Osler?
Hematology, oncology and microscope
One of the greatest diagnosticians to wield a stethoscope
A few years later, first laboratory was opened – the
largest and best-equipped (chemical laboratory related
to medicine)
. What school does it belong to?
University of Michigan
Who was the first to give laboratory instructions?
Dr. Silas Douglas
__________ was established and built by Dr. Douglas with the help of Dr. Osler and Dr. George Dock
University Hospital in Philadalphia
in what year did the university hospital in Philadelphia was established?
Who established the university hospital in philadelphia?
Dr. douglas, Dr. Osler and Dr. george dock
After the universit hospital in Philadelphia, what was then established right after?
University hospital in Ann Arbor
They ordered and mandated all patients to ______________, __________ and _____________.
undergo routine laboratory examinations, including urinalysis and blood examinations.
_________ concluded the use of lab methods elucidates pathological problems.
SIr John Burdon-Sanderson
When did Sir Burdon-Sanderson concluded the use of lab methods elucidates pathological problems
what did Dr. William Osler established during 1896?
First clinical laboratory at John Hopkins Hospital
when and where did Dr. William Osler established the first clinical laboratory?
1896 at John Hopkins Hospital
the size of the room of the first clinical lab at john hopkins hospital was _______ and its equipments were equipped with a worth only _______.
12x12 size room at fifty dollars
__________ It is a clinical laboratory that had been ope ned at the university of Pennsylvania __________.
William Pepper Laboratory and 1896
where was the william pepper laboratory located?
University of Pennsylvania
what were the census of the US listed male technicians during the 1900s?
During the what year the number of male technicians increased to 3,500?
How many technicians were increased during the 1920s?
in what year when there were 3,035 hospitals that had clinical laboratories?
how many hospitals with clinical laboratories were in total during the 1922?
3035 hospitals
In what year did Dr. James C. Todd published a lab guide? And what was the title?
1908; “Manual of Clinical Diagnosis
Who was the author of “Manual Clinical Diagnsosis”?whenwasitpublished?
What did Dr. Arthur Standford published a book?
“Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory Methods”
When was the “Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory Methods” published?
Who editted the “Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory Methods”?
Davidson and Henry
This book became the reference for laboratories
“Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory Methods”
Complete revolution in the development of laboratory science was formally approved by the Insurance Act as the basis of diagnosing diseases.inwhatyearwasthisestablished?
who Complete revolution in the development of laboratory science was formally approved by the Insurance Act as the basis of diagnosing diseases. And in what year?
State Legislature of Pennsylvania ; 1915
Was an important factor in the growth of the clinical laboratory and produced great demands for technicians.
World War I
________ was practiced first before it was made into a course. People only realized its importance later during WWI.
Medical Laboratory Science
in what year did The US required a standard two-year curriculum on collegiate education with one-year actual training in the laboratory for the preparation of its practice.
The US required a standard ________ curriculum on collegiate education with ______ year actual training in the laboratory for the preparation of its practice.
two year and one year
inwhatyeardidthe education ofMedicallaboratoryscienceduring the 1940s became the bachelor of science degree
World War II, what year happened?
__________ Pearl Harbor was invaded by Japan.
December 7, 1941
where did the US bases were built and in what year?
Leyte and 1944
benefits of a closed system of blood collection?
decrease exposure to air so less chances of infections and contaminations.
theyIntroduced the medical technology practice in PH by end of WWII.
where is the first clinical laboratory in the PH located?
Quiricada Street, Sta. Cruz, Manila.
__________ provided one year training to high school graduates to work as laboratory technicians. and what year?
26th medical laboratory Feb 1944
During __________, The staff of the 26th Medical Laboratory of the 6th US Army left the facility after endorsing the newly established Clinical Laboratory to the ____________.
June 1945, National Department of Health
A Filipino doctor and bacteriologist
He is the first City Health officer of manila
Dr. Mariano C. Icosiano
What did Dr. Alfredo Pio De Roda and Dr. Mariano C. Icosiano do?
preserve the remains of the laboratory
During _______, Dr. Mariano C. Icosiano and Dr. Alfredo Pio De Roda formally ___________ the laboratory
September 1945, reorganized
What happen during october 1, 1945?
A medical laboratory (Public Health Laboratory) was formally organized and re-established by Dr. Pio de Roda with the help of Dr. Prudencio Sta. Ana
in what year did Dr. Pio De roda and Dr. Prudencio Sta. Ana formally reorganized a Public health laboratory?
October 1, 1945
They are the one who prepared a syllabus for training medical technicians
Dr. De Roda and Dr. Sta Ana
During ______, the syllabus of Dr. De roda and Dr. Sta ana have _______ month training period and a ______ was issued to successful trainees
1954, 6-month training period, certificate
Who joined later with Dr. De roda and Dr. Sta. ana?
Dr. Tirso Briones
in what year was The first 4-year B.S. Medical Technology course was offered by Philippine Union College of Baesa, Caloocan, Rizal (now located in Silang, Cavite) through its sister company Manila Sanitarium Hospital.
Who is the first student who graduated in Manila Sanitarium ?
Dr. Jesse Umali
Who offered the first 4 year BS MEDTEC course?
Philippine Union College of Baesa, Caloocan Rizal (Which is now loacted at Silang Cavite)
what is the sister company of Philippine Union College of Baesa, Caloocan Rizal
Manila Sanitarium Hospital
Who is the owner of Omega Lab?
Dr. Jesse Umali
Founder of Medical Technology education in the Philippines and he is an american medical practitioner and missionary of the Seventh Day Adventist
Dr. Willa Hilgert Hedrick
In what year did Dr. Hedrick and MRs. Antoinette McKelvey prepared the course curriculum of medtech at the Manila Sanitarium Hospital?
Who are the people behind in preparing the course curriculum at the manila sanitarium hospital. What are the subjects?
Dr. Hedrick and Mrs. Antoinette Mckelvey
Microbiology, Parasitology and histopathology
In what year did _________ and _______ of the UST pharmacy offered an elective to pharmacy graduates leading to the Medical Technology.
Dr. Antonio Gabriel and Dr. Gustavo Reyes. 1957
_____________ offered it as a course due to popularity of medical technology among pharmacy students
Rev. Fr. Lorenzo Rodriguez
Who and when officially approved the first three year academic course?
Bureau of Private Education on June 17,1959
When was internship approved?whatyear?
Who issued the approval of internship? in what year?
Central Escolar University, 1960
Who delegated the Purificacion Sunico-Suaco to work on offering the medical technology course?
Centro Escolar University
Who granted the permit for the internship? How many batch graduates were there after 2 years?
Bureau of Education, first batch of graduates after 2 years
When was B.S. Medical Technology course approved?
June 14,1961
During what year did Far Eastern University started it school of medical technology?
Velez College was incorporated under the ___________ on __________
Philippine Corporation Law on March 28,1966
he founded and was the previous chairman of the board of trustees of Cebu (velez) General Hospital School of Nursing
Dr. Jacinto Velez Sr.
When did the college started out the establishment of the Cebu (Velez) General Hospital School of Nursing in _________
S.Y. 1952-1953
how many graduates were there for the first batch of nursing? and how many years was the orignal nursing academic program?
26 graduates for its first batch with a 3 year nursing academic program
What title did the first batch of nurse recieved and in what year?
“Graduate Nurse” April 1955
The old nursing curriculum was gradually phased out.
S.Y. 1967-1968
The school opened the 5-year nursing program.
SY 1967-1968
Led to the degree of Bachelor Science in Nursing of Velez College
S.Y. 1967-1968
the 1st batch of graduates for BSN was in March 1973.
S.Y. 1967-1968
College of Liberal Arts opened its first class.
S.Y. 1966-1967
College of Medical Technology opened.
S.Y. 1967-1968
College of Nursing opened.
S.Y. 1968-1969
Velez College initially opened its Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy curricula.
S.Y. 1992-1993
when did the College of Medical Technology in Velez started?
How many were enrolled in the first batch?
104 female and 31 male students
First Dean
Dr. Ibarra T. Panopio
He is the a US trained pathologist?
Dr. Ibarra T. Panopio
What year did Rudolf Ludwig Virchow reigned?
when did the midieval period happen?