Plant Cells Flashcards
Are made up of
- Cell walls
- Cell membrane
- Cell nucleus
- Cytoskeleton
- Plastids
- Chloroplasts
- Leucoplasts
- rough/smooth endoplasmic reticulum
- nucleolus
- golgi apparatus
- mitochondria
- chromatin network
- vesicles
- Vacuole
- Ribosome
The cel wall
- only non living part of the plant cell
- helps protect and strengthens the cell
Cell membrane
- the membrane around the outside of the cell (bound by either a single double or no membrane at all)
- provides protection
- and also allows what comes in and out
Cell nucleus
- it contains the DNA of the cell
- has at least one nucleus
- can easily be seen under a light microscope
- a network of filaments and tubules that exerts through your the cell through the cytoplasms
responsible for the structural strength
actin filaments
responsible for contraction (like muscles)
are relatively large organelle that are surrounded by a double membrane and contain their own circular DNA And are able to replace themselves
3 main types of plastids are developed from small colourless organelles the are protoplastids before they decide what the want to be
- contains a double membrane
- filled with stroma
- most common type of plastic
- located in the cytoplasmic ground
- contain green pigments (chlorophyll) which trap light energy fro photosynthesis
- contains a variety of orangey pigments also knows as cartenoids
- bounded by 2 membranes
- Are colourless plastids found in the storage organs of plants
- if they are exposed to light they can evolve into chloroplasts
Amyloplasts (from leucoplasts)
- store starch and are found in potatoes flour wheat corn and rice etc
protoplasts (leucoplasts)
- store proteins and are found in beans nuts peas etc
Elaioplasts (leucoplasts)
- store fat/lipids and are found in avocado olives citrus fruits etc
- located in the cytoplasmic matrix
- they lack chlorophyll which makes them red orange and yellow in colour (carotenoid pigments)
- chromoplasts may develop into chromosomes
- the powerhouse of the cell (uses cellular respiration to from energy)
- has two membranes (outer (relatively smooth) inner (folded to form cisternae)
- Cristae is the inner fold of the inner membrane which is where energy is produced and stored in the form of ATP
- the space between the cristae is the matrix which containes ribosomes and DNA
Endoplasmic reticulum (either smooth or rough)
- rough has ribosomes
- smooth doesnt
- is the network of membranes running through the cytoplasm of every eukaryotic cell
- cannot be seen under a compound light microscope
- consists of flattened membrane called cisternae
Golgi apparatus
- made up it numerous sets of flat curved membrane bound sacks called cisternae
- never covered with ribosomes
plant cell vacuoles
- fluid filled membrane bound sacs in the cytoplasm as vacuoles
- can fill up 90% of the cell
- only true vacuoles are found in plant cells