Physio Test Pearls Flashcards
Corrected lenses for near sighted persons
Concave lenses
Normal respiratory exchange ratio
First part of the heart to repolarize
Basilar fibers near the oval window - highfreq sounds
Short and stiff
CCK receptors
CCKa for CCK
CCKb for gastrin
In blood vessels, compliance is a function of
volume and pressure
Which hormone accts for inc in temp during ovulation?
Factors that cause shift of K into the cell are the ff:
Insulin administration
Beta adrenergic stimulation
Thiazides causes metabolic alkalosis
What is the most impt controller of coronary blood flow
Sets off basic rhythms of respiration
Dorsal respiratory group
During periods of exertions, there is overflow of stimulation to the _______ such that it will cause tachypnea and set up a higher temp rhythm
The ____ is found in the pons and causes an increase in inspiratory duration and lowers the respiratory rate
Apneustic center
The ____ is found in the pons and provide signal to DRG to set off the rhythm
Pneumotaxic center
What primary segment is the primary site of magnesium reabsorption?
Ascending limb of henle
Accdg to the gate control theory, inhibition of pain signal transmission is due to what nerve fibers
A beta
Growth hormone promotes the catabolism of
Fatty acids
Threshold for drinking is reached by an increase in sodium concentration of as little as