phrasal verbs 'up', 'out' and 'off' Flashcards
sweep up
Then I had to sweep up the rubbish
прибираться (раскаладывать вещи по местам)
clear up
I spent all morning yesterday clearing up my study.
tidy up
I tried to tidy up my bedroom
sort out
I sorted out my room on Sunday.
перемешанный, перепутаный (в беспорядке)
jumbled up
(from the verb ‘jumble up’)
There were dirty clothes all jumbled up in a pile on the floor.
вешать (на вешалку или крючок)
hang up
I had to hang up four jackets.
забита (вещами или мусором)
clogged up
The washbasin was clogged up in the bathroom.
выдыхаться (когда кончился какой-то ресурс)
used up
I’d used up all my energy
закончить что-то (используется для усиления)
Eat up your vegetables, children!
Drink up your juice!
Paul’s used up all the milk.
появляться (про того, кого ждали)
show up
My sister Val showed up at last.
turn up
She turned up yesterday evening.
открываться (про бизнес или магазин)
open up
She’s just opened up a restaurant.
оживлять (делать более интересным)
live sth. up
It’ll certainly liven Dunston up a bit.
устновка, настройка (то как все организовано)
set up
(from the verb ‘set up’)
So, what’s the set up?
divide up
They divide up the work.
нарезать (овощи в салат)
chop up
She spends half the day chopping up food.
исключить что-то или кого-то
leave out sth or
leave sth out
For homework do exercise 8 but leave out number 10.
вырезать (из бумаги или газеты)
cut out sth or
cut sth out
She cut some interesting articles out of the newspaper for us.
показать выход
show out sb or
show sb out
Let me show you out - it’s quite hard to find the exit from here.
проводить до выхода
see out sb or
see sb out
Don’t worry, I can see myself out.
выпускать (из здания или комнаты)
let out sb/sth or
let sb/sth out
The door will be locked but the receptionist will let you out.
запереть (на ключ)
lock out sb or
lock sb out
I forgot my keys and was locked out of my own house!
I’ve locked myself out so often that I’ve hidden a spare key in the garden now.
прибрать (убрать ненужные вещи)
clear out
I cleared out all my wardrobes.
патасканный (про вещь)
worn out (from ‘wear out’)
I threw away all my worn out shoes.
оставаться без чего-то (потому что закончилось)
run out
I’d run out of furniture polish
раскладывать (на столе)
spread out
He spread out the photos on the table so everyone could see them.
выходить в продажу
come out
The band has a new album coming out next month.
попробовать (протестировать)
try out
Madam, would you like to try out the bike before deciding whether to buy it?
помогать (ресурсом или cделать какую-то работу)
help out
My husband’s business is so busy at the moment that I’m helping out in the office.
быть (чувствовать себя) обделенным
lost out
I always feel I lost out because I never learnt a musical instrument as a child.
lift off
The space shuttle will lift off an 09.00 hours
отправляться (в путешествие)
head off
We should head off at about six tomorrow.
отправлять (письмо или документы) почтой
sent off
I’ve sent off that letter you wrote to the newspaper.
slip off
Let’s try and slip off before the meeting finishes and go for a drink.
смыться, убраться (от куда-то)
clear off / run off
Why did he just clear off without saying goodbye?
Clear off! This is private property.
see smb off
I’ll come and see you off at the airport tomorrow.
sell off
My cousin has sold off his share of the Internet company he started with a friend.
doze off
After lunch Grandpa dozed off on the sofa.
внезапно прервать (на полуслове)
brake off
Mr Prosser suddenly looked very pale and broke off in the middle of his lecture.
быстро писать текст
run off
She’s so claver. She can run off a 1000-word essay in an hour.
отворачивать (от идеи)
put smb off
What he said has put me off the idea of going to Blandville for a holiday altogether!
крайне непривлекательно (про что-то услышанное)
His description of the hotel was very off-putting.
притормозить (отложить что-то на потом)
hold off
Maybe we should hold off and go to Paris or somewhere in the spring?
turn smb off
I think I’ve managed to turn him off the idea of building a model railway track in the back garden.
смеяться над чем-то неприятным, переводить в шутку
laugh /lɑːf/ smth off
She didn’t get offended by the comment; she just laughed it off.