it makes me feel I’m the person I always meant to be
I always meant to be
like a suit that doesn’t quite fit properly
properly должным образом, как следует
to invent or to be the first to use a new word or expression
бежать вприпрыжку, прыгать через скакалку, пропускать( I think I’ll skip lunch today), пропускать, не читая, не затрагивая.
to develop, эволюционировать
раскладывать, давать рассрочку(the payments will be spread over two years), распространять, разносить(the virus is spread by rats), намазывать( toast spread with strawberry jam), распространяться(news of his death spread quickly)
искренний, настоящий, подлинный
привлекать внимание, нанимать
the appropriate form
подходящий Is this film appropriate for young children?
придавать значение, подчеркивать
in the sense that
в том смысле
in a geographic sense
the phrase shows which particular meaning we are using
in terms of
we explain how we are thinking about or measuring something. the event was successful in terms of visitor numbers but we didn’t make a lot of money
to be at an event or go to a place
passionate adj
full of emotion: a passionate speech
nurture /ˈnɜr·tʃər/ (nurture creative potential)
to feed and care for a child, or to help someone or something develop by encouraging that person or thing:
She wants to stay at home and nurture her children.
to help a plan or a person to develop and be successful: As a record company executive, his job is to nurture young talent.
we develop projects that engage, inspire and entertain.
engage - to interest someone in something and keep them thinking about it, привлекать внимание, занимать; to employ someone, нанимать
disadvantaged groups
Disadvantaged people are poor and do not have many opportunities. неблагополучный, неимущий
disadvantaged children
record balcony sessions for up and coming bands
up and coming bands
have workshops in many creative activities
workshops IN activities
be/get involved (in/with sth)
to do things and be part of an activity or event быть занятым чем-либо/начинать заниматься чем-либо
How did you get involved in acting?
a substance made of other substances that have been combined
в остальном; как-либо иначе, по-другому
TO otherwise?
when you have the right or opportunity to use or see something; доступ I don’t have access to that kind of information.
access /ˈækses/
давать позитивный настрой
it gives them a really positive focus.
- Can I have a go?
- Yeah, go for it!
We do all sorts of stuff here
it’s an opportunity for people to write music, get involved in a project that we’ve got running, or people can do recording or performance
it’s really making a difference
ust by having this space here and allowing people to come and get involved in something that’s creative
it’s really making a difference (Matt believes the project can change people’s lives)
just by having this space here and allowing people to come and get involved in something that’s creative
a group of words containing a subject and a verb, that is usually only part of a sentence
предложение (часть сложного предложения)
We use who and whom for people, and which for things. We use that for people or things.
They had four children, three of whom played football for England.
three of whom
very great, large, or special and making you feel respect and sometimes fear
повергающий в трепет