Инверсии\ Flashcards
Сделать инверсию начиная со слова Never из фразы
I had never seen anything quite like it before
Never before had I seen anything quite like it
Сделать инверсию начиная со слова No из фразы
As soon as they had finished the meal, the waiter brought the bill and asked them to leave
No sooner had they finished the meal than the waiter brought the bill and asked them to leave
Сделать инверсию начиная со слова Had из фразы
If they had bothered to check the weather forecast before they left, they might have seen that storms were predicted
Had they bothered to check the weather forecast before, they would have seen that storms were predicted
Сделать инверсию начиная со слова Not until из фразы
It was only when they reached the tiny island that they realised how basic things were.
Not until they reached the tiny island did they realised how basic things were.
Сделать инверсию начиная со слова At no из фразы
We never even considered inviting our extended family, as they don’t get on at all
At no point did we considered even to invite our extended family, as they don’t get on at all
Сделать инверсию начиная со слова Not only из фразы
Arriving late was not the only thing we did wrong; he also forgot the ring!
Not only did we arrived late; he also forgot the ring!
Инверсия для фразы
Если бы мы знали сколько это будет стоить, мы бы никогда это не выбрали!
Had we known how much it was going to cost, we would never have chosen it.
Инверсия для фразы (scarcely)
Едва они вышли из комнаты, люди начали говорить о них
Scarcely had they left the room than people started talking about them
Найти ошибку, если есть, в
Under no circumstances you should leave the office
в инверсии глагол переставляют вперед:
Under no circumstances should you leave the office
Найти ошибку, если есть, в
Had he invited us, we would have been delighted to accept
нет ошибок
Найти ошибку, если есть, в
Where they to apologised more quickly, I might have forgiven them.
Инфинитив + прошедшее выглядит странно))
Where they to have apologised more quickly, I might have forgiven them.
Найти ошибку, если есть, в
Only later she realised her mistake
Only later did she realised her mistake
переписать с “about time” фразу
She ought to stop smoking now.
It’s about time she stoped smoking.
переписать с “as though” фразу
The way they treat that girl, you’d think she was a princess
They treat that girl as though she was a princess
переписать с would rather фразу
Я за то, чтобы мы лучше пошли куда-нить в живописное место, чем сидеть тут
I’d rather we went somewhere picturesque than stay here
переписать с as though фразу
Он забивал голы как будто это простейшее дело на земле
He scores goals as though it was the easiest thing in the world
переписать с as if фразу
На митингах со мной обращаются, как будто я идиот
In meetings, I’m treated as if I was an idiot
Допустим твоя карьера пошла на спад, что будешь делать?
Supposing/suppose your career went downhill, what would you do?
Что если эта полуготовая идея станет реальностью,
What if/Suppose that half-baked idea become a reality?