phrasal verb Flashcards
throw out
- to force somebody to leave a place
Ex:You’ll be thrown out if you don’t pay the rent.
-to say something in a way that suggests you have not given it a lot of thought
Ex: to throw out a suggestion
-to produce smoke, light, heat, etc.
Ex: a small fire that threw out a lot of heat - to confuse something or make it wrong
Our calculations of the cost of our trip were thrown out by changes in the exchange rate.
thaw out
tan chảy sau khi đóng băng
chew out
nói một cách tức giận
Ex:He got chewed out by the boss for lying.
thin sth down with sth
pha loãng
wolfs sth down
ăn một cách rất nhanh, ăn ngấu nghiến
fork out
tiêu nhiều tiền vào cái gì không muốn
Ex: We’ve forked out a small fortune on their education.
pig out (on something)
to eat too much food
Ex: They pigged out on pizza.
bliss out
- đạt đến trạng thái hoàn hảo,khi bạn không cảm nhận được điều gì khác
Ex: Josh is just blissed out, always smiling.
put away
*put somebody away
Ex: to send somebody to a prison, hospital, etc. where they are made to stay
* put something away
- to put something in the place where it is kept because you have finished using it
Ex: I’m just going to put the car away (= in the garage)
-to save money to spend later
Ex: She has a few thousand dollars put away for her retirement..
- to eat or drink large quantities of something
Ex: He can put away a whole loaf of bread in one go.
go off
- to leave a place, especially in order to do something
Ex: She went off to get a drink. - to be fired; to explode ( nổ)
Ex: The gun went off by accident.
-báo thức - đồ ăn bị hỏng
polish off
*polish somebody off: giết người
* polish something off: ăn sạch đồ ăn nhanh chóng
Ex: He polished off the remains of the apple pie.
whip up
*whip somebody/something up
- to deliberately try and make people excited or feel strongly about something= rouse
Ex: The advertisements were designed to whip up public opinion.
- to quickly make a meal or something to eat
Ex: She whipped up a delicious lunch for us in 15 minutes.
set on
*set on/upon somebody
- tấn công đột ngột
Ex: I opened the gate, and was immediately set on by a large dog.
*set somebody/something on somebody
to make a person or an animal attack somebody suddenly
Ex:The farmer threatened to set his dogs on us.
stir up
- *stir somebody up
to encourage somebody to do something; to make somebody feel they must do something
*stir something up: đảo - to make people feel strong emotions
Ex: to stir up hatred - to try to cause arguments or problems
Ex: Whenever he’s around, he always manages to stir up trouble.
work up
-work something up: phát triển cái gì bằng sự nỗ lực
Ex:I can’t work up any enthusiasm for his *somebody/yourself up (into something)
- to make somebody/yourself reach a state of great excitement, anger, etc.
Ex: Don’t work yourself up into a state about it. It isn’t worth it.
sink up
- được hiểu hoặc nhận ra điều gì
Ex: He paused to allow his words to sink in. - to go down into another substance through the surface
ExThe rain sank into the dry ground.
snack on
bữa ăn nhẹ giữ các bựa chính
sneak in
di chuyển nhẹ nhàng để không bị phát hiện
dive in
ăn một cách nhiệt tình=dig in
Ex: She dives in and eats with obvious enjoyment.
overindulge (in something)
- uống quá nhiều thứ gì
- to give somebody more than is good for them
Ex:His mother overindulged him.