liên từ trong toeic Flashcards
by the same token
bằng những bằng chứng tương tự như thế
ex: I don’t think that prices will go up but, by the same token, I don’t see them going down either.
in like manner
theo cách tương tự
In like manner, counselors may subtly manipulate others into giving things to them.
in the same way
theo cách tương tự
in similar fashion
theo cách giống như thế
tương tự
in brief
nói chung
- in closing
- in conclusion
- on the whole
- to conclude
- to summarize
tóm lại,nói tóm lại
- for instance
- specifically
- thus
- to illustrate
ví dụ
Ex: In the electronics industry, for instance, 5,000 jobs are being lost.
thực sự là
Ex: The new pill will be used alongside existing medicines.
ngay phía dưới
Ex: Jaime hid the letter beneath a pile of papers.
farther along
xa hơn dọc theo
in simpler terms
nói theo một cách đơn giản hơn
to put it differently
nói cách khác thì
về sau
Ex: Afterward I was sorry I’d been so hasty.
trước đó
in the meantime
Trong khi chờ đợi
– Generally speaking,
– Overall,
– On the whole,: On the whole,I think it is a good idea but I would still like to study it further.
- All things considered,
nói chung
– To be more precise
chi tiết cụ thể
– In my opinion,
– Personally,
– From my point of view,
– From my perspective,
– It seems to me that…
– I believe that…
– It appears to me that …
nêu lên í kiến của mình
– Besides,
– What’s more,
– Apart from…,
– Also,
– Additionally,
thêm í kiến vài đó
– Undoubtedly,
– Obviously,
– It is obvious/clear that…
– Definitely
thể hiện sự chắc chắn về điều đó