Phlegm/Sputum Retention Flashcards
What is Tan Yin?
Phlegm Fluid in ST + Intestines due to SP Yang Xu
What is Xuan Yin?
Phlegm Fluid in Fluid in Hypochondrium + Chest
What is Yi Yin?
Phlegm Fluid in Limbs + Muscles
What is Zhi Yin?
Phlegm Fluid in the Lungs + Chest
Differentiation of Tan Yin?
Fluid in Stomach & Intestines → Borborygmus, nausea, bloating
Yang Xu —> cold limbs, vomiting after drinking, loose stools
Differentiation of Xuan Yin?
Fluid in Hypochondrium & Chest → Chest pain, cough, difficulty breathing
Differentiation of Yi Yin?
Fluid in Limbs & Muscles → Heavy/swollen limbs, aversion to cold
Differentiationof Zhi Yin?
Fluid in Lungs → Cough, wheezing, white foamy sputum
3 Etiologies of Phelgm-Fluid Retention?
External cold damp
Improper diet
Pathogenesis of External Cold Damp in Phelgm-Fluid Retention?
Cold-Damp impairs Yang Qi affecting Qi transformation resulting in fluid accumulation
Pathogenesis of improper diet in Phelgm-Fluid Retention?
Improper diet impairs SP’s T+T function resulting in fluid accumulation
Pathogenesis of Overstrain in Phelgm-Fluid Retention?
Overstrain, overthinking, over-sexual activity, etc. impair SP + KI Yang, resulting in SP+ KI dysfunction of water metabolism creating excessive fluid accumulation
An important point for water metabolism dysfunction?
REN-10: Harmonizes ST + Regulates ST Qi
Main points to treat Tan Yin Phlegm-Fluid Retention due to SP Yang Xu?
ST-36: Fortifies SP + Resolves dampness
REN-6: Boost KI Yang (moxa)
SP-6: Tonifys SP + ST
ST-40: Expel Phlegm
REN-10: Harmonizes ST + Regulates ST Qi + Regulates water metabolism
Main point to treat Tan Yin Phlegm-Fluid Retention due to SP Yang Xu in ST + Intestines
Four Gates
ST-40: expel phlegm
REN-10: fluid dysfunction
ST-44: clear heat
REN-10: Water metabolism
Main points to treat Xuan Yin in Chest + LU
LU-5: clear LU Heat
LI-11: clear body heat
ST-44: clear ST Heat
ST-40: phlegm
ST-41, ST-43: Harmonize ST/GB
SJ-2 clears ShaoYang Heat
ST-36: Tonify SP + ST
Main points to treat Xuan Yin due to Yin Xu
KI-6: Nourish KI Yin
HT-6: Nourish HT Yin
SP-6: Nourish SP & LR
BL-23: Back-shu of KI
SJ-2 or LI-11: Ying-spring pts, clears Heat
Main points to treat Yi Yin due to SP Qi Xu
ST-40: Expels phlegm
SP-9: Resolve dampness
LU-5: Clears LU phlegm
ST-25: Regulates ST + SP
REN-17: Unbinds chest
GB-20: expels wind
REN-4: Warm SP (moxa)
Main points to treat Xuan Yin in Chest + Hypochondriac
4 Gates
LU-5: Expel LU phlegm
ST-40: Expel phlegm
Treatment points for Zhi Yin due to Cold Fluid in LU
LU-9: warm and help flow LU Qi
LI-4 + LU-7: expel cold from exterior
REN-4: Moxa
ST-36: Moxa
4 Gates
Treatment points for Zhi Yin due to SP + KI Yang Xu
ST-36: warm both SP + ST Yang
KI-3: warms KI Yang
Moxa REN-4, DU-4
ST-40, LU-5
SP-9: Resolves dampness
Differentiation between SP Yang Xu and SP Yang Xu in ST + Intestines?
Feeling hardness and fullness in ST
Main points to treat Phlegm-Fluid Retention in ST + Intestines due to SP Yang Xu?
4 Gates: Move Qi
ST-40: Expel phlegm
REN-10: Harmonizes ST + Regulates ST Qi + regulates water metabolism
The following are patterns of _______?
Tan Yin
SP Yang Xu + In ST + Intestines
Xuan Yin
In chest + LU + chest + hypochondriac + Yin Xu
Yi Yin
SP Qi Xu in limbs + muscles
Zhi Yin
Cold Fluid in LU + SP + KD Yang Xu
Phlegm-Fluid Retention