Carbuncle Flashcards
What is a carbuncle?
A carbuncle is an acute suppurative condition of the skin involving several adjacent hair follicles and their sebaceous glands.
What does carbuncle affect?
It affects the skin, specifically several adjacent hair follicles and their sebaceous glands.
What type of condition is a carbuncle?
It is an acute suppurative condition.
The following are ________ S/sx?
Chills, fever, headache, loss of appetite
T: yellow-greasy coating
P: Surging or Wiry- Slippery
What is the etiology and pathogenesis of External Attack causing Carbunles?
Wei Qi attack by 6 Evils –> accumulating in exterior –> Qi + Blood stagnation –> transforming to toxic fire
What is the etiology and pathogenesis of Internally -injured causing Carbuncles
Internal toxic fire
Eating spicy, hot foods, alcohol –> impairing SP + ST —> causing damp-heat + fire toxin
Emotional injury –> Qi stagnation –> transforming to Fire
Excessive sexual activity depletes KI Essence —> depleted KI Water —> Yin Xu + Empty Heat
The following are S/sx of ____________ Carbuncles.
Starts as: nodules with millet-sized, pus-filled heads with pain and itching
1 week later- swelling increases in size, more pustules appear, lesions become red, burning pain, may be
accompanied by fever, chills, headache, poor appetite
T: sticky-white or yellow coating;
P: slippery-rapid, or surging-rapid
The following are S/sx of Excess Carbuncles in the ___________ Stage?
Heads of the lesions necrotize, and the affected area is honeycomb in shape, and by the third week, if pus has drained and the necrotized tissue has sloughed, the infection has stopped progressing
If the condition continues to deteriorate, the general symptoms become worse as high fever, thirst, constipation
T: yellow sticky coating
P: wiry, slippery + rapid
Suppuration stage of Carbuncle
Categorize carbuncles into _____ + _____?
Deficient (Yin Xu + Qi + Blood Xu)
Carbuncles are also categorized based on location. What are the locations?
Neck- mostly seen in children
The following are S/sx of Deficient Carbuncles due to __________?
Lesions are bluish-purple, sunken, and diffuse at the base, very painful, do not easily become purulent, secretions are thin and scanty, may be bloody, and
necrotic tissue does not easily fall off General symptoms may include high fever, dry lips and mouth, constipation, scanty and dark urine, poor appetite
T: Red w/ scanty coating
P: Rapid + Thready
Yin Xu w/ Empty Toxic Fire
The following are S/sx of Deficient Carbuncles due to __________?
Lesion site is slightly concave, gray in color, with a diffuse base, pus spreads or seeps into the surrounding tissues, and there may be pain or no pain, pus is formed slowly, necrotic tissue falls off, so the disease turns into pus slowly, pus is thin, scanty, and gray, and the lesions may ulcerate
General symptoms may include low fever, loose stool, frequent and profuse urine, thirst without desire to drink,
lusterless skin, tiredness
T: Pale or light-pink or purplish w/ sticky-white coating
P: Rapid + Weak
Blood + Qi Xu –> Blood Stasis + Toxic Heat
What body condition are most likely to be affected by Deficient Carbunles?
Elderly, patients with diabetes, or people with other severe diseases or weak constitutions
The following are S/sx of Carbuncles located on ________?
It is an acute suppurative infection occurring on the sides of the neck and mostly seen in children
At the beginning, there is swelling, hot
sensation and pain on the local area, but the skin color doesn’t change.
Lesion margins are clear and there are
accompanied by the symptoms of exterior
History of tonsillitis, mouth ulcer, etc.
What are the 3 different stages of all Carbucles?
Initial stage
Suppuration stage
After rupture
The following are S/sx of Carbuncles located on the neck in the _______stage.
On both sides of the neck, the lump is egg-sized, swollen, and burning pain, and no skin colour change
Accompanying S/sx: chills, fever, stiff neck
T: Thin-greasy coating
P: Rapid + Slippery
Initial Stage
The following are S/sx of Carbuncles located on the neck in the _______stage.
Fever for 4-5 days, skin is reddish, large swelling, more severe pain, throbbing w/ pressure pain
Accompanying S/sx: dry mouth, consitpation, dark urine
T: Yellow-greasy coating
P: Rapid + Slippery
Suppuration Stage
The following are S/sx of Carbuncles located on the neck in the _______stage.
Lesions have burst, yellow-white thick fluid oozing out, and swelling is reduced
In Xu bodies, accompanying S/sx of bright-white complexion, lassitude, fatigue
T: thin coating
P: Thready
After Rupture Stage
What are the channels that are affected by Axillary Carbuncles?
HT, SP + GB channels
Pathogenesis causing Axillary Carbucles?
Skin lesion or furuncle, boil
further infected by toxins toxins
flow along the channels
Blood heat in SP/LR, or anger
LR Qi stagnation transforms
into fire
The following are S/sx of Carbuncles located on the axillary in the ________?
Sudden swelling, burning sensation, difficulty in lifting arm, no skin discoloration
Accompanying S/sx: chills, fever, poor appetite
T: Thin coating
P: Rapid + Slippery (dampness)
Initial Stage
The following are S/sx of Carbuncles located on the axillary in the ________?
Aggravated pain, continuous chills and
fever (GB heat), after 10-14 days, center
of the swelling becomes soft, skin turns to red, and pus is formed
Suppuration Stage
The following are S/sx of Carbuncles located on the axillary in the ________?
Swelling reduces after the pus oozes
out, the wound starts to heal
After Rupture Stage
The following are S/sx of Carbuncles located on the umbilicus in the ________?
Acute suppurative infection occurring at umbilicus, Slight swelling and becomes
bigger in size, red or white skin color, pain with touch, water or urine leaking from the umbilicus before the break-out
Initial Stage
What channels are affected by the umbilicus carbuncle?
SP + ST + LI
The following are S/sx of Carbuncles located on the umbilicus in the ________.
May be accompanied by
chills and fever
Suppuration Stage
The following are S/sx of Carbuncles located on the umbilicus in the ________.
Wound with thick pus without foul
smell heals easily
Wound with feces with foul smell
heals hardly
After Rupture Stage
Pathogenesis causing Umbilicus Carbucles?
Mostly due to damp-heat in SP/HT
flows into SI (Ht connection)accumulating
at umbilicus area blood stasis
and toxin retention
History of eczema at umbilicus
What channels would be of focus for Neck carbuncles?
What channels would be of focus for Axillary carbuncles?
What channels would be of focus for Umbilicus carbuncles?
Main points for both furuncles + carbuncles?
DU-10 + DU-12 + LI-4 + BL-40
**Add PC-4 (Xi-cleft, clears HT Heat) for carbuncles
Points to treat accompany S/sx of carbuncles
Through needling DU-11 to DU-9
Clear heat + Bloodlet
First time
Cool Blood
The following are clinical manifestations of __________?
Begins with red swelling, hot, red painful areas gradually becoming large,r and developing multiple pustules. Has a honeycomb appearance. Pus may extend the entire lesion.
In the ulceration stage, portions of the surface become neurotic and rupture w/ draining discharge, leaving an open wound.