Contact Dermatitis Flashcards
Jiechuxing Piyan
What is the Chinese name for Contact Dermatitis?
Jie Chu Xing Pi Yan
What is contact dermatitis?
Contact dermatitis is an inflammatory skin condition that develops after the skin or mucous membrane comes in direct contact with certain substances.
What are the two types of contact dermatitis?
The two types of contact dermatitis are primary and hypersensitive.
Which type of contact dermatitis is most common?
Most cases are of the hypersensitive type.
What is a characteristic of hypersensitive contact dermatitis?
In hypersensitive contact dermatitis, the eruption of skin or mucous membrane lesions is delayed after contact with the offending substance.
How long can the delay last in hypersensitive contact dermatitis?
The delay may last from 5 to 21 days.
Is there a delay in primary contact dermatitis?
In primary contact dermatitis, there is no delay.
Etiology of Contact Dermatitis
Weak constitutions
Weakness in Wei Qi + Cou Li (LU Qi)
What Zang are most likely affected by Contact Dermatitis?
Pathogenesis of Contact Dermatitis
Heat + Toxin invading and accumulating the skin
Zang organs are not able to detox their wastes effectively through Divergent Channels and can accumulate around neck, especially around DU-14
S/sx of Contact Dermatitis
Red, dry, itchy, burning lesions usually seen on face + hands. Can progress into severe cases showing blisters, crusting, ulcers, or necrosis
Main treatment points for Contact Dermatitis
DU-14: Releases exterior + Clears heat + Toxins from Yang channels
LU-5: Clears LU Heat
LI-11: Clears whole body’s Heat
LI-4: Releases the exterior + Expels Wind + Regulates Wei-Qi
PC-3: He-sea + Clears Heat from 4 Levels
BL-40: Cools Blood
SP-10: Cools + Nourishes Blood
SP-6: Tonifys SP + ST
What are the main points for contact dermatitis due to Wind-Heat?
Main points
SJ-5: Releases exterior
GB-31: Eliminates wind + Alleviates itching
GB-20: Eliminates wind
Main points for Contact Dermatitis due to Damp-Heat
Main points
SP-3: Yuan source + Harmonises SP + ST + Regulates Qi
SP-9: Resolves Dampness