Breast Disease Flashcards
Ru Pi
In males, which Zang-Fu organ are the breasts associated with?
In females, breasts are associated with which Zang-Fu organ?
Nipple- Liver
Channels related with breasts and milk?
The milk ducts are an extension of the _______ while the nipple is associated with the _______ Zang
Breast collaterals
Milk is made of Food Qi + _________.
The ______ Vessel is the Sea of Blood
The _______ Vessel is the Conception Channel
The Blood in the Chong Vessel goes upwards to create _______?
The Blood in the REN Vessels goes down to create _________ blood?
The following are patterns of ___________?
LR Qi Stagnation + ST Heat
Disharmony of LR + SP
LR + KI Xu
LU + KI Yin Xu
Breast Disease
The following pattern of Breast Disease causes Acute Mastitis
LR Qi Stagnation + ST Heat
The following pattern of Breast Disease causes Breast Lumps + Breast Cancer
Disharmony of LR + SP
The following are S/sx of Acute Mastitis due to ________?
Local: swelling, burning pain, yellow-thick discharge
Accompanied by chills, fever, thirst and prefers to drink, scanty and dark urine
T: White or yellow coating
P: Floating + Rapid or Rapid + Wiry
LR Qi Stagnation + ST Heat
Qi stagnation & ST heat Qi/Blood/Milk obstructing breast collaterals is the pathogenesis of which pattern causing Acute Mastitis
LR Qi Stagnation + ST Heat
The following 2 pathogenesis of Breast Lumps or Cancer due to _______?
Emotions __> LR Qi stagnation –> Qi & Blood stagnation = Lump
SP T& T dysfunction–> Phlegm-dampness =Lump
Disharmony of LR + SP
The following are S/sx of Breast Lump or Breast Cancer due to ___________?
Local: Lump as big as a plum, hard to touch, smooth surface, mobile
Accompanied by stuffy chest, irritability, irregular menstruation, and distending pain in the breasts before period
T: thin-white coating
P: Wiry + Slippery
LR + SP Disharmony
The following are S/sx of Breast Disease due to ________?
Local: development and growth of the lump is associated with period ( emotions) and pregnancy
Accompanied by dizziness, tinnitus, irregular period
T: Thin, white coating
P: Thin + Wiry
LR + KI Xu
What is the pathogenesis of Breast Disease due to LR + KI Xu?
Prenatal or postnatal factors LR & KD –> deficiency disorder of Chong & Ren, Blood deficiency –> LR fire flaming up –>
consuming fluid –> phlegm and blood stasis =Lump
What is the pathogenesis of breast disease due to LU + KI Yin Xu?
Deficient heat consuming fluid –> phlegm-fire accumulating in the breast
The following are S/sx of Breast Disease due to ________?
Local: no discoloration of skin, slight pain, slow suppuration, clear discharge after rupture
Accompanied by tidal fever, night sweat, five-center heat, emaciation, decreased appetite
T: Red w/ scanty coating
P: Rapid + Thready
LU + KI Yin Xu