phase 2 cardio Flashcards
ecg abnormality for 1st degree heart block
PR more than 200ms
AF rate control options
- beta blocker
- calcium channel blocker
who should u not give beta blockers to
ppl with asthma
treatment for SVT after carotid massage and valsalva manouvere
cardioversion with adenosine or CCB
DC cardioversion is last resort
common pathogens for IE
staph aureus and viridans streptococci
viridans found in oral cavity so linked to dental problems
what heart defect is common in patisnts with downs syndrome
ventricular septal defect - pansystolic murmur
definitive treatment for atrial flutter
catheter ablation
beta blockers are short term
what dysfunction does hypertrophic cardiomyopathy cause
diastolic ventricular dysfunction
blood test for hrart failure
most common cause of secondary hypertension in adults
primary hyperaldosteronism - conns syndrome
side effect of statins
muscle pain - myalgia
gold standard test for IE
transoesphageal echo
treatment for prinzmetals angina
ccb - verapamil
most common cause in the elderly of aortic stenosis?
Age related calcification
What compensatory change occurs in the structure of the heart in response to aortic stenosis
Left ventricular hypertrophy (1),
because proximal bloodflow in LV needs to generate more force to push blood through stenosed artery – therefore thickened myocardium
the pathological Korsakoff heart sound observed in a patient with aortic stenosis
shortness of breath (and must say specifically at least one of; paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea, orthopnoea),
Ankle swelling,
when do u give oxygen in MONA for ACS
O2 is only indicated if sats are <94%.
which conditions show st elevetion on ecg
prinzmetal angina
most appropriate diagnostic investigation for aortic stenosis?e
algorithm for anaphylaxis
- Check for obvious potential
diagnosis - Call for help
- Adrenaline
- Establish airway / high flow O2 / IV fluid challenge / chlorphenamine / hydrocortisone
Define atherosclerosis
Accumulation of lipids, macrophages, and smooth muscle cells in the intima of large and medium
sized arteries.
medical interventions for management of ischaemic heart
disease in a primary care setting
symptoms or signs you may find on the history or examination of STEMI
nausea/vomiting, light-headed/dizzy, short of breath, sweating/diaphoresis,
anxiety/dread, palpitations.
Signs – pallor, hypotensive, sweating/diaphoresis
define 1st degree heart block
- indicated on an ECG by a prolonged PR interval
define embolism
blocked vessel caused by a foreign body e.g. a blood clot or an air bubble
effects of raas activation
*Increased sympathetic activity
* Increased tubular reabsorption of Na and Cl. K+ excretion. H2O retention.
* Increased aldosterone secretion resulting in Na reabsorption in DCT.
* Arteriolar vasoconstriction
* ADH secretion leading to H2O reabsorption
* Overall salt and water retention and an increase in BP.