Petronius 79 Flashcards
imprūdentia –ae f.
lack of knowledge, ignorance; lack of foresight
obsum obesse obfuī
to be in the way
scrūpus –ī m.
a sharp stone, rock
gastra –ae f.
a large–bellied pot
ēminēns –ntis
standing out prominent, lofty
fragmentum –ī n.
cruentus –a –um
bloody, blood–stained
pīla –ae f.
pillar, column
columna –ae f.
līneāmentum –ī n.
a line, stroke, mark
ēvincō –ere –vīcī –victus
to conquer completely; overcome
notābilis –e
candor –ōris m.
dēversitor –ōris m.
lodger, inn guest
ingurgitō –āre
to pour in; drench
pernoctō pernoctāre pernoctāvī pernoctātum
to spend the night
if…not; unless
tabellārius tabellāriī m.
vehiculum vehiculī n.
haereō haerēre haesī haesus
to stick to, hang on to
transfundō transfundere transfūdī transfūsus
to transfer by pouring
labellum labellī n.
lip, small basin
grātulor gratulārī gratulātus sum
to congratulate, rejoice
inventor –ōris m.
finder; contriver
trānsferō trānsferre trānstulī trānslātus
to bring across
volūtō volūtāre volūtāvī volūtātus
to roll about; to roll back
lībere līberius līberrime
freely more freely most freely
dissimulō dissimulāre dissimulāvī dissimulātus
to conceal, dissemble
indormiō –īre –īvī –ītus
to sleep on top of, sleep over
amplexus –ūs m.
an embrace
pertractō –āre
to pass the hand over; examine in detail
gaudium gaudi(ī) n.
dubitō dubitāre dubitāvī dubitātus
to hesitate, doubt
tūtus –a –um
verber –eris n.
whip; a beating or blow with a whip
violō violāre violāvī violātus
to violate
ōcior –ius
polluō –ere –uī –ūtus
to soil
manubiae –ārum f.
prize–money; unlawful profit