Petronius 34 Flashcards
ac–cūrō cūrāre
to give close attention to, be careful
adfīgō –ere –fīxī –fīxus
to fasten to
aequum –ī n.
that which is even; right
Aethiops –opis m.
an Ethiopian
some, several (undeclinable)
amphitheātrum –ī n.
amphora –ae f.
animadvertō animadvertere animadvertī animadversus
to turn to, give mind to
aptō aptāre aptāvī aptātus
to adapt to, prepare; fit together, join
as–signō –signāre
to mark out, assign
catēnātiō –ōnis f.
connection, jointing
clārus –a –um
clear, distinguished
colaphus –ī m.
a blow with the fist, cuff, box on the ear
cūnctus –a –um
figūra figūrae f.
form, shape
gustātōrium –ī n.
the vessels containing an appetizer
gypsō gypsāre gypsāvī gypsātus
to whiten with gypsum
yesterday or here
homunciō –ōnis m.
a little man, manikin
honestus –a –um
honorable, decent
intermittō intermittere intermīsī intermīssuss
to leave off, neglect
lectīcārius –ī m.
a litter-bearer, sedanbearer
luxō (1)
to dislocate; force out of position, displace
lārva –ae f.
a ghost, spectre, skeleton
mulsum –ī n.
honey-wine, mead, wine mixed with honey
Mārs Mārtis m.
mōbilis –e
movable, loose
nēmō nēminis m. or f.
no one
obiurgō –āre –āvī –ātum
to rebuke, scold
Opīmiānus –a –um
Opimian, the name of a celebrated Roman gens
Orcus –ī m.
paropsis idis f
a small dish for delicacies, dessert-dish
perlegō –legere –lēgī –lectum
to read through
pittacium –ī n.
a slip, a patch, a small piece
porrigō porrigere porrēxī porrēctum
to stretch forth
potestās potestātis f.
praestō praestāre praestitī praestitus
to be outstanding
pūrgāmentum –ī n.
sweepings, offscourings, filth, dirt
pūtidus –a –um
scōpa –ae f.
twigs; broom