Petronius 40 Flashcards
adveniō advenīre advēnī adventus
to arrive
alitilis –is f. (plural also altilia, ium, n.)
a fattened fowl, a dish of foul
apophorētus –a –um
pertaining to presents which guests received at table, especially at the Saturnalia
Arātus –ī m.
auceps cupis m.
a bird-catcher, fowler
caryōta –ae or caryōtis –idis f.
a kind of nut-shaped date
comedō comesse or comedere comēdī comēsum
to eat up, consume
comparō comparāre comparāvī comparātus
to provide, compare
copto–placenta –ae f.
a kind of cake made of pounded materials
crūrālis –e
of or belonging to the legs, crural
culter –trī m.
plowshare; knife
dē–pendō pendere pendī pēnsum
to pay, to spend, expend, lay out, bestow
outside, beyond
fascia –ae f.
a band, fillet
glāns –glandis f.
an acorn; a leaden ball or bullet
harundō –inis f.
Hipparchus –ī m.
Hipparchus (a name)
immineō imminēre
to threaten; overhang
from there, from then
Laconicus –a –um
of Laconia, Laconian
magnitūdō magnitūdinis f.
minister ministrī m.
attendant, servant
nor yet
numerus numerī m.
number, amount
palmula –ae f.
small palm; an oar–blade
percutiō percutere percussī percussum
to strike
pilleātus –a –um
covered with the pilleus, wearing a skull-cap
polymitus –a –um
wrought with many treads
porcellus –ī m.
a little pig
porcus porcī m.
praepōnō praepōnere praeposuī praepositum
to place before
where; to what purpose
rēte rētis n.
net, trap
scrōfa –ae f.
a breeding-sow
significō significāre significāvī significātus
to indicate
silvāticus –a –um
of or belonging to a wood or to trees
well done! well said! bravo!
sportella –ae f.
a little basket, luncheon-basket
subsessor ōris m
a waylayer, lier-in-wait
suspiciō suspicere suspexī suspectus
to take up; recognize; accept
texō –ere –texuī –textus
to weave; to build cunningly; form
Thēbaica –ae f.
dried date from Egyptian Thebes
toral ālis n
a valance, couch-covering, sofa-cloth
turdus –ī m.
a thrush (bird)
volitō volitāre volitāvī volitātus
to fly around
vēnābulum –ī n.
vēnātiō –ōnis f.
vēnātōrius –a –um
of a hunter, for the chase
ālicula –ae f.
a light upper garment
ēvolō ēvolāre ēvolāvī ēvolātus
to fly away
ūber ūberis n.