Petronius 61 Flashcards
affābilitās –ātis f.
courtesy, kindness
aginō agināre
to strive
angustiae –ārum f.
narrow pass
angustus –a –um
bacciballum –ī n.
pellet (?)
benemōrius –a –um
of a good disposition
convīctus –ūs m.
a living together, intimacy, social intercourse
corporālis –e
corporeal, material, pertaining to the body
dissiliō –īre –uī
to spring apart; burst asunder; be rent asunder
dēmandō –mandāre
to entrust, commend
exōrdior exōrdīrī exōrsus sum
to begin
fallō fallere fefellī falsus
to deceive
gaudimōnium –ī n.
Gavilla –ae f.
Gavilla (a name)
Melissa –ae f.
Melissa (a name)
mūtiō mūtīre
to mutter, mumble, speak in a low tone
Nīceros –ōtis m.
Niceros (a name)
ocrea –ae f.
greave; covering made of metal for the protection of the leg
pulcher pulchra pulchrum
scholasticus –ī m.
rhetoric or teacher of rhetoric
sēmis issis m
a half-unit, one half
sīnum –ī n.
a large vessel of earthenware, pot, jar
Terentius –iī m.
valētūdō valētūdinis f.
good health
venerius –a –um
of or belonging to Venus
vīcus vīcī m.