Petronius 74 Flashcards
Agathō –ōnis m.
Agatho (a name)
ambūbaia –ae f.
singing-girl, courtesan
ascia –ae f.
an axe for hewing wood, a carpenter’s axe
aveō avēre
to desire
aēnus –a –um
of bronze, brazen
bonātus –a –um
benign, naturally good
būcinus –ī m.
a trumpeter
caligārius –a –um
of or pertaining to the soldier’s boot
caudex or (later) cōdex –icis m.
a trunk of a tree, book
coctus –a –um
coniectus –ūs m.
a throwing, casting
corōllārium –ī n.
a garland, money paid for a garland; a gift, present
cōnfundō cōnfundere cōnfūdī cōnfūsum
to pour together
dupondārius –a –um
worth two asses, worth a dupondius
dēdecus dēdecōris n.
shame, disgrace
fervēns –entis
fīrmus –a –um
firm, strong
Gallus –a –um
gemō gemere gemuī
to groan, sigh
index indicis m.
informer; witness
intereō interīre interīvī/interiī interitūrus
to perish
merum –ī n.
wine; wine unmixed with water
māchina māchinae f.
officiōsus –a –um
complaisant, obliging
paulum paulī n.
small amount
pergula –ae f.
porch, shed (used for sales or business)
praedicō praedicāre praedicāvī praedicātus
to proclaim
sestertius –a –um
a sesterce, a small silver coin, originally equal to two and a half asses
somniō somniāre
to dream
spuō spuere spuī spūtum
to spew
subeō subīre subīvī/subiī subitus
to go under
urceolus –ī m.
a little pitcher, small water-pot
vīcīnia –ae f.
ābītō ābītere
to go away, depart
īnspeciōsus –a –um
unshapely, ugly