Petronius 75 Flashcards
amāsiuncula –ae f.
a fond lover
arcisellium –ī n.
clāvus –ī m.
nail, purple stripe on the tunic
concoquō concoquere concōxī concoctus
to digest; cook thoroughly
corcillum –ī n.
a little heart
frūgālis –e
fulcipedia –ae f.
propfoot, of a drunken woman, who needs support
fulmen fulminis n.
lightening, thunderbolt
fēlīcitās –ātis f.
fertility, happiness
fēmina fēminae f.
woman, wife
quattuordecim quārtus –a –um decimus –a –um
14, 14th
quisquiliae –ārum f. or quisquilia –ōrum n
odds and ends, offscourings, rubbish
ringor ringī —
to open the mouth wide, be vexed, chafe, snarl
rōstrum rōstrī n.
beak, prow, speaker’s platform
sterteia –ae f.
a woman who snores
tabulārium –ī n.
depository of records
Thraecium –iī n.
a Thracian-style gladiator’s armor
trulla –ae f.
a small ladle, dipper, or scoop
beyond (adv. and prep. +acc.)
īnspuō –spuere –spuī –spūtum
to spit into or upon