Petronius 35 Flashcards
Africānus –ī m.
aquārius –(i)ī m.
a water-carrier
arietīnus –a –um
of or from a ram; shaped like a ram’s head
ariēs –etis m.
būbula –ae f.
meat from cattle, beef
caespes –itis f.
cancer cancrī m.
crab; a malignant disease, tumor
Capricornus –ī m.
Capricorn (having a goat’s horns), the sign of the zodiac which the sun enters at the winter solstice
circumferō –ferre –tulī –lātus –ferre
to bear round; pass around
clībanus –ī m.
a bread pan
corōna corōnae f.
crown, wreath
dispōnō dispōnere dispōsuī dispōsitus
to place, arrange, distribute
duodecim; duodecimus –a –um
12; 12th
excīdō –ere –cīdī –cīsus
to cut out
favus –ī m.
a honey comb
frūstum –ī n.
fīcus fīcī of fīcūs f.
a fig or fig–tree
geminus –a –um
herba herbae f.
grass, herb
laudātiō –ōnis f.
leō leōnis m.
lāserpīciārius –a –um
of or belonging to silphium (a plant)
lībra –ae f.
a unit of weight, a pound; a balance, pair of scales
lōcusta –ae f.
a lobster
marīnus –a –um
of the sea
mullus –ī m.
a kind of fish highly esteemed, the red mullet, barbel
māteria māteriae f.
mīmus –ī m.
a mimic actor, mime
novitās –ātis f.
oclopeta –ae f.
bullseye (?)
piscis piscis m.
placenta –ae f.
a cake
proprius –a –um
one’s own
pānis pānis m.
rotundus –a –um
round, circular, spherical
rēnēs or riēnēs rēnum m.
the kidneys
sagittārius –ī m.
an archer, bowman
scorpiō –ōnis or scorpius of –os –ī m.
scorpion; dart throwing engine, torture instrument
scrib(i)līta –ae f.
a kind of tart
statēra –ae f.
a balance, scales
strūctor ōris m
a builder, mason, carpenter
stēricula –ae f.
the uterus of a sow that has not yet farrowed
taeter –tra –trum
disagreeable, vile
testiculus –ī m.
a testicle
ānser ānseris m.