Petronius 21 Flashcards
abiciō abicere abiēcī abiectum
to throw down/away
acus –ūs m.
hairpin, needle
apparātus –ūs m.
a preparing, equipment
auxilium auxilī n.
aid, help
bal(l)aenāceus –a –um
made of whalebone
bāsium bāsī(ī) n.
caedō caedere cecīdī caesus
to kill
cinaedus cinaedī m.
a catamite or passive homosexual
cingulum –ī n.
clūnis –is m./f.:
hind quarters (often plural)
complūrēs complūrium
several, a fair number, quite a number
comātorius –a –um
of or for the hair
cēnatōria –ōrum n. pl.
evening clothes, dinner clothes
discumbō –ere –cubuī –cubitus
to recline separately; recline at table
dormiō dormīre dormīvī dormītum
to sleep
exclāmō exclāmāre exclāmāvī exclāmātus
to exclaim
expōnō expōnere exposuī expositus
to abandon
Falernum –ī n.
Falernian, a kind of wine
fericulum or ferculum –ī n. or –us –ī m.
a litter, carrying frame; a dish
gausapa –ae f. or gausape –is or gausapum –ī n.
a shaggy garment
genius –iī m.
the birth–spirit; a tutelar deity
gustātio –ōnis f.
the first light dish of a Roman meal, an appetizer
horribilis horribile
from there
initiō initiāre initiāvī initiātus
to initiate
inquinō inquināre inquināvī inquinātus
to befoul, stain
inundō inundāre inundāvī inundātus
to overflow
invocō invocāre invocāvī invocātus
to call upon; invoke
iūrō iūrāre iūrāvī iūrātus
to swear, take an oath
lassitūdō lassitūdinis f.
lautitia –ae f.
elegance, splendor, magnificence, luxury
lābor labī lapsus sum
to glide, slip
lēgitimus or lēgitumus –a –um
lawful, legitimate; genuine, real
missiō –ōnis f.
a sending, despatching
myrteus –a –um
of myrtle
māla –ae f.
mīrificus –a –um
oleum –ī n.
olive oil
olidus –a –um
opprimō opprimere oppressī oppressus
to press on
palaestrīta –ae m.
manager of a wrestling-school
perfundō –ere –fūdī –fūsus
to pour over or along; wash
pervigilium –ī n.
a vigil through the night
puella puellae f.
pungō pungere pupugī pūnctum
to prick, puncture
pēnicillus –ī m. or –um n.
Quirīs Quirītis m.
reficiō reficere refēcī refectus
to repair
religiōsus –a –um
reverent, superstitious
repetō repetere repetīvī repetītus
to demand back
somnus somnī m.
splendidus –a –um
shining, clear, brilliant, splendid
sternō sternere strāvī strātus
to spread
sub–ōrnō ōrnāre
to fit out, furnish, provide, supply, equip
superveniō –īre –vēnī –ventu
to come over or upon; come unexpectedly; fall upon
sēcrētum –ī n.
anything apart; a solitary place; secret
tingō tingere tinxī tinctum
to wet, moisten; dye, color
utcumque or utcunque or utquomque orut cumque)
in whatever way, however; according as, whenever; at any event, at any rate
virga virgae f.
īnfēlīx īnfēlīcis
unfortunate, unhappy