Petronius 70 Flashcards
aequō aequāre aequāvī aequātus
to make level, equalize
aliquantus –a –um
of some size, moderate
Cariō –ōnis m.
Cario (a name)
circensēs –ium m. pl.
games in the Circus Maximus
condīmentum –ī n.
spice, seasoning
corolla –ae f.
garland, small wreath (dim. of corona)
cōlēpium –ī n.
a knuckle of beef or pork
dēcernō dēcernere dēcrēvī dēcrētus
to determine, decide
Ephesus –ī f.
Ephesus, a city in Asia
fāmōsus –a –um
renowned, notorious
fēteō fētēre — —
to have an ill smell, to stink
fūstis –is m.
a knobbed stick, club
gaster –teris –and –trī f.
a belly
inaudiō inaudīre inaudīvī inaudītum
to hear whispered
lacus lacūs m.
lake, reservoir
lītigō lītigāre lītigāvī lītigātum
to quarrel
Menophila –ae f.
Menophila (a name)
muria –ae f.
brine, pickle
Nōricus –a –um
ostreum –ī n.
an oyster, mussel, sea-snail
palma palmae f.
hand, palm
palumbus –ī m.
a woodpigeon, ring-dove
pecten –inis m.
comb; shell-fish, scallop
Philargyrus –ī m.
Philargyrus (a name)
prasiniānus –ī m.
leekgreen, prasinian
proelior proeliārī proeliātus sum
to battle
prōvocō prōvocāre –āvī –ātus
to summon, challenge
pēlvis –is f.
a basin
spōnsiō –ōnis f.
a solemn promise, guarantee
tragoedus –ī m.
a tragic actor, tragedian
tremulus –a –um
turtur –uris m.
a turtle-dove
tālus –ī m.
anklebone; ankle
unguō –ere (ungō –ere) –ūnxī –ūnctus
to anoint
vulva or volva –ae f.
a womb, a sow’s womb (used as food)
vīnārium –ī n.
bowl for mixing wine