Petronius 47 Flashcards
acētum –ī n.
anathȳmiāsis –is f.
a rising vapor
aēnum –ī n.
bīmus –a –um
of two winters, of two years
capistrum –ī n.
a halter
castīgō castīgāre castīgāvī castīgātus
to chastise
commundō (1)
to clean thoroughly
crebēr crēbra crēbrum
thick, crowded, close
decuria –ae f.
a division of ten, decuria, decade
dē–somnis –e
empticius or ēmptīcius –a –um
bought, purchased
fluctus fluctūs m.
indulgentia –ae f.
indulgence, fondness
interpōnō interpōnere interposuī interposītus
to place between
Iovis –is m.
mistress, lady
iuvō iuvāre iūvī iūtus
to help; please
līberālitās līberālitātis f.
minūtālis –e
small, paltry, insignificant
mālicorium –iī n.
the rind of a pomegranate
māximus –a –um
greatest; maxime: most, especially, very much
nōmenclātor or nōmenculātor ōris m
one who calls by name, a monitor
Pansa –ae m.
Pansa (a name)
penthiacus –ī m.
beef hash
petauristārius –ī m. or petauristēs or petaurista –ae m.
a tumbler, rope-dancer
portentum –ī
an omen
prōsum prōdesse prōfuī prōfutūrus
to be useful
pudet pudēre puduit/puditum est
to makes ashamed
pōtiuncula –ae f.
a small draught or potion
quotus –a –um
of what number
quādrāginta; quādrāgesimus –a –um
40; 40th
respondeō respondēre respondī respōnsus
to answer
sex–ennis –e
of six years, six years old
thoroughly; in one piece; solidly
spatium spati(ī) n.
spērō spērāre spērāvī spērātus
to hope
stomachus –ī m.
the gullet; chest
sūs suis m. or f.
taeda taedae f.
testāmentum testāmentī n.
tintin(n)ābulum –ī n.
a bell, signalbell, call-bell
tormentum tormentī n.
trī–mus –a –um
of three winters, of three years, three years old
venter –ris m.
stomach, belly
viātor –ōris m.
traveler, wayfarer
ēlēctiō –ōnis f.
a choice, selection